Why is Tariq Ramadan demonised in France?

Edit Al Jazeera 07 Apr 2016
The question of Islam ... And at a time when the question of Islam and Muslims in France - and Europe - is at the centre of heated debates, Ramadan, a specialist scholar of Islam and Muslim affairs, is not even granted airtime to express his views ... Diatribes stigmatising France's Muslims and Islam have become almost a daily occurrence in the media and among state officials ... In his book Islamic Ethics....

How Can Islamic Spirituality Help Us Find Our Dream-Job?

Edit Huffington Post 30 Mar 2016
Hosein in his "Dreams in Islam ... Last but not least, we have an ethical responsibility and we must personally and individually provide ourselves and others an ethical safeguard for our behavior. we should commence any and all of our inspired action tested against and in accordance with our Islamic ethics contained in the Shariah....

How Awqaf combats extremism in the UAE

Edit The National 06 Mar 2016
ABU DHABI // The UAE's Islamic authority has been holding its own initiatives to fight extremism by lecturing prisoners on nationalism and deradicalisation. Inmates are also taught about Islamic ethics, good conduct and moderate Islam, said Taleb Al Shehhi, head of preaching at the Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments (Awqaf) ... The goal, Mr Al Shehhi said, was "to spread moderate thought and the message of peace across society"....

Aga Khan says: Africa’s moment has come (Aga Khan Development Network)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Feb 2016
(Source. Aga Khan Development Network). Aga Khan says. Africa's moment has come ... And that message is, quite simply, that Africa's Moment has come,' he declared ... It means committing ourselves to an Ethic of Pluralism.' ... NOTES ... In Islam's ethical tradition, religious leaders not only interpret the faith but also have a responsibility to help improve the quality of life in their community and in the societies amongst which they live ... (noodl....

Somali plane bomber was known as religious but not extremist

Edit Springfield News-Sun 16 Feb 2016
He was a teacher at an Islamic school, known in his hometown in northwestern Somalia as a talkative, religious man with a sense of humor ... On Saturday, al-Shabab, Somalia's Islamic extremist rebels, claimed responsibility for the attempt to destroy the plane with 81 passengers and crew aboard ... The flight on Feb ... Borleh taught the Quran and Islamic ethics to local children but acquaintances said he didn't discuss politics ... ___ ... ....

Transcript: Irshad Manji on Islamophobia

Edit Al Jazeera 09 Feb 2016
"Islam is a religion of peace". But Islam has an image problem, critics see Muslim women as oppressed, Sharia law is considered barbaric, sectarian conflict dominates the headlines - and then there is terrorism ... We are the trouble with Islam today ... I'm asking about specifically coming up with laws, understanding versus of the Quran, understanding traditions of Islam, understanding what, you know, ethics, Islamic ethics are....

All branches join hands in making the best use of the post-JCPOA atmosphere/Underlining a competitive ...

Edit Public Technologies 01 Feb 2016
(Source. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of IR of Iran). The session of the heads of the three branches was held preceding the 37th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution ... 'All of what we have, are due to the Islamic Revolution, the Ten-Day Fajr event, and endeavours by the Iranian nation, led by Imam Khomeini (RA), which brought us in Dignity, freedom, independence, Islamic ethics and the Islamic Republic' ... Original Document ... (noodl....

Censorship on the campus... from the daft to the disturbing

Edit Belfast Telegraph 22 Jan 2016
Readers may remember the Belfast Telegraph reporting last year how Queen's University had managed to get itself into a bit of a twist over free speech ... Share Go To ... The irony of the ban was not lost on campaigners and participants ... QUB isn't alone, of course ... The survey shows that most cases of censorship involved serious subjects including Israel, transgender issues, lad culture, radical Islam and the ethical investment movement....

Real battle to defeat IS now begins in Indonesia

Edit Jakarta Post 20 Jan 2016
Indonesian reality is not well-known in the Middle East, and in general in the world, being almost an “invisible country” in the international community, but it is a rare example of a secular Muslim democracy in which the Islamic ethic perfectly coexists with a modern society ... ethical values without necessarily having Islamism ruling the country....

Islamic ethics

Edit Press TV 16 Jan 2016
As a comprehensive way of life, Islam encompasses a complete moral system that is an important aspect of its worldview ... Islam’s moral system is striking in that it not ......

Taliban release of Colin Rutherford could be linked to peace talks

Edit CBC 13 Jan 2016
The Taliban says it released Canadian Colin Rutherford because of their "sublime Islamic ethics," but Middle East experts suggest Rutherford is being used by the hardline group to curry favour with Western powers ... ....

Toronto man held by Taliban recovering after ordeal, Trudeau says

Edit Toronto Sun 13 Jan 2016
TORONTO -- An Ontario man freed by the Taliban after being held hostage for five years has yet to return to Canada but is recovering from his ordeal, the prime minister said Wednesday ... "We are continuing to monitor his recovery," Trudeau told reporters while visiting city hall in Toronto ... The Taliban has said it freed Rutherford on Monday "on grounds of humanitarian sympathy and sublime Islamic ethics." ...   ....

Canadian Hostage Freed By The Taliban After 5 Years In Captivity

Edit National Public Radio 13 Jan 2016
12.09 PM ET. Merrit Kennedy. Colin Rutherford was visiting Afghanistan as a tourist when he was abducted by the Taliban. Five years later, the Canadian government says he's been freed ... "We look forward to Mr ... The Taliban had accused Rutherford of spying. Now, as Dan Karpenchuk tells our Newscast unit, it claims he was freed "on grounds of humanitarian sympathy and sublime Islamic ethics." Karpenchuk adds ... Old buildings, shrines." ... Comment ... ....