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Give respect Get respect



You heard the man; Give respect... Get respect.

Let's begin with the Labour Party's respect for guidelines regarding the expenditure of taxpayer's money on party-political campaigns. Why, even the logo is painted in Official New Labour Red:

what you give is what you get

You may also note that the cyclic nature of the clever strapline (complete with a lower-case 'R' for 'respect') is echoed in the logo.

When you give respect, you get respect.

And when you seek to lecture us on respect, you would do well, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, to show us some respect yourself.

Show us enough respect to not manipulate the terrorist threat when you claim to be fighting it.

Show us enough respect to not wrongfully claim that another country threatens us with WMD, ignore all advice to the contrary, and then - after you have been proved wrong - tut-tut-tut at us about 'the benefit of hindsight'.

Show us enough respect to not seek the use of intelligence obtained by torture and then loudly proclaim that it is wrong to do so.

Show us enough respect to not revel in our right to protest while introducing new laws designed specifically to curtail that right.

Show us at least enough respect to not claim the moral high ground by climbing over the bodies of the dead and the dying.

Politicians are - by and large - shameless in their assertions and economical with the truth. We know this. We accept this. But you, Tony Blair, take the fucking biscuit.

We will not and cannot rest until you are called to account for your many crimes.

We simply have too much respect for ourselves and for others.

As for your good self, the level of respect we feel for you can best be summed up with the following statement:

We wouldn't cross the road to piss on you if you were on fire, you lying, duplicitous, torturing, murdering douche-bag.


If you agree with the above:



Thank you.

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