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Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link Are We Getting a Fair Deal? Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:44 | Michael Taft

offsite link The April Issue of Socialist Voice Out Now Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:33 | Communist Party of Ireland

offsite link Its All About Living Standards Wed Mar 16, 2016 15:44 | Michael Taft

offsite link #Jacobin1916 Launch Tour Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:39 | Rónán Burtenshaw

offsite link Where are the Barricades? Thu Mar 10, 2016 23:35 | Raymond Deane

Irish Left Review >>

Spirit of Contradiction

offsite link Wailings about Left Unity Sat Feb 13, 2016 01:13 | James O'Brien

offsite link The Bern Manifesto: Why I am Voting for Bernie Sanders Wed Jan 27, 2016 23:59 | Jerome Nikolai Warren

offsite link Kautsky – The crisis of capitalism and the shortening of working time Mon Nov 09, 2015 22:34 | James O'Brien

offsite link How to do better things with words Fri Oct 23, 2015 07:38 | modulus

offsite link Syriza and Israel: Syriza’s response Thu Aug 20, 2015 18:10 | yeksmesh

Spirit of Contradiction >>

Dublin Opinion
Life should be full of strangeness, like a rich painting

offsite link Notes for a Book on Money and the Irish State - The Marshall Aid Program 15:10 Sat Apr 02, 2016

offsite link The Financial Crisis:What Have We Learnt? 19:58 Sat Aug 29, 2015

offsite link Money in 35,000 Words or Less 21:34 Sat Aug 22, 2015


offsite link ALWAYS THE ARTISTS: WEEK THREE OF THE BANK INQUIRY 23:11 Thu Jan 22, 2015

Dublin Opinion >>

NAMA Wine Lake

offsite link Farewell from NWL Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Happy 70th Birthday, Michael Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Of the Week? Sat May 18, 2013 00:02 | namawinelake

offsite link Noonan denies IBRC legal fees loan approval to Paddy McKillen was in breach of E... Fri May 17, 2013 14:23 | namawinelake

offsite link Gayle Killilea Dunne asks to be added as notice party in Sean Dunne?s bankruptcy Fri May 17, 2013 12:30 | namawinelake

NAMA Wine Lake >>

national / history and heritage Sunday March 27, 2016 01:23 by T
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The 1916 Proclamation

On the centenary anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising it is worth reflecting on what has happened since then and the aspirations of the proclamation to guarantee equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens and cherishing all of the children of the nation equally.

The Rising itself was doomed to failure from the start but as with life itself often the most unpredictable and unexpected things happen because despite the lack of initial public support, after the executions sympathies swung the other way and as they say the rest was history and the ripples spread out, because it has been said the fight for independence of India was inspired by the Irish Rising.

national / elections / politics Wednesday February 24, 2016 18:26 by T
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Parties for a Left Dail

The election cycle has come around yet again it is time to take a look at some of the issues being discussed and more importantly those not discussed and have a quick look at the economy.

For this election there are more independents going up than ever before, although people should be warned that a certain fraction of them are closet FFers and FGers so if it is change you are looking for, they may not be the candidates to vote for. Sometimes people seemed to assume Independents tend to be more to the Left. There is no inherent reason this should be the case and statistically one would expect them to evenly spread to the Left and Right. So if voting for an Independent then be sure you have checked what they really stand for and their previous record if any.

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TTIP is the greatest single threat to our
democracy. Both FG and FF support it.
It is a EU-US wide corporate power grab.
Find out more before you vote !!
national / economics and finance Tuesday February 02, 2016 23:11 by T
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Trajectory of Irish Banks

Forget the official Banking Inquiry report because Joe Higgins has written a much more better one and it asks the rights questions and gets to the heart of the matter by putting the whole saga in its proper context -something which the official report couldn't thing as it would mean asking fundamental questions. Indeed the inquriy itself and official report have been steeped in controversary with allegations of coverup because of numerous reports of key officials and whistleblowers in the regulator office and central bank were ignored and their evidence never making into the inquiry. The whistleblower made a formal complaint under the Protected Disclosures Act and (Village Magazine) "outlining a range of detailed concerns about how the Central Bank and some of its legal representatives were omitting huge swathes of vital documents, redacting many of the most crucial pieces of evidence, and delaying release of vital material until it was too late to use them in briefings for public hearings – in at least one case handing them over 24 hours before a scheduled interview about them."

dublin / history and heritage Thursday January 28, 2016 20:38 by 1 of Indymedia
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#SaveMooreStreetfromDemolition This is an important call to you to take part in this crucial show of support of the 1916 Moore Street Markets Battlefield site, on this Saturday. We are asking people to come in 1916 uniform or clothes, to bear one of the flags of the 1916 Easter Rising, to tell and bring your friends and comrades. #SaveMooreStreet Please share this post.

The march assembles at Liberty Hall at 1pm on Sat 30th and then proceeds to Moore Street.

international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday December 13, 2015 23:43 by T
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The three routes used by ISIS to transport stolen oil to Turkey

For the past year, there have been numerous reports that ISIS have been transporting the oil they have stolen from Iraq and Syria, to Turkey and this has been greatly facilitated by the Turkish state at the highest levels. It is widely known the oil was being sold and exported by BMZ Ltd owned by Bilal Erdogan, President Erodgan's son. It is extremely unlikely that they are doing this for nothing and tens of millions have probably been siphoned off by the Erdogan family and other key officials and the Turkish economy has no doubt benefitted from an injection of cheap stolen oil sold below world market rates. The Russian Defense Ministry on Dec 2nd revealed the vast scale of the oil smuggling operation which somehow was missed by the NATO/US in the past 2 years.

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videoVID (5 mins) - Speaking out against U.S./U.K. NATO warships docked in Dublin 11:23 Thu 07 Apr by Plowshares 0 comments

100 years after reducing downtown Dublin to rubble the British Navy returned during last week's
Easter 1916 commemorations. Accompanied by U.S. warships, they docked in Dublin as part of the NATO
fleet presently waging wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East.

woodburn_forest_exploration_area.jpg imageWoodburn Forest exploratory drilling update - Shale Gas Bulletin Issue No. 76 Update 23:21 Tue 15 Mar by shale 0 comments

Work is proceeding in Woodburn Forest, near Carrickfergus (NI), to construct a drill site for an exploratory well.
The Stop the Drill campaign opposes the drilling, which will take place 380 m uphill from a major drinking water reservoir serving 130,000 people, arguing that it places drinking water at risk of contamination. The site is owned by NI Water, Northern Ireland’s only water utility, which has given permission for the drilling by Infrastrata to go ahead, on the condition that hydraulic fracturing is not used.

textIRELAND: 8OO YEAR POLITICAL STRUGGLE 05:16 Tue 15 Mar by Michael Donahue Steinberg 0 comments

Ireland is celebrating the 100 year anniversary of its Revolution that partially freed it from British rule. But the nation is still one of many around the globe that has yet to complete its “Unfinished Revolution,” because that phase of the struggle ended with its northeastern region partitioned in the 1920s into a new entity, “Northern Ireland,” so that places like Strabane still remain under British domination and occupation to this day.

textChicago Youth Shut down Trump's Racist mouth. Chicago Resident. As a Chicago resident I am happy and... 18:53 Sun 13 Mar by Sean Throne 2 comments

Trump started back when Obama came to power. Questioning his birthplace. I have no time for Obama but this was racism. Then he refuses to condemn the KKK. His father was arrested as part of a KKK mob in New York City in 1927. Google Trumps farther and the KKK. Then he calls immigrants from Mexico and Central America, criminals and rapists. Then he calls for all Muslims to be kept out of the US. then he attacks women in the most vicious and degrading way. He is trying to build a white racist movement of mainly low paid workers and workers who have not benefited from the economic policies, globalization etc, of the past decades. Policies of the system that the racist Trump is a leader. in Chicago the youth came out and shut his racist divide and rule mouth. As Chicago resident i am proud. I thank the youth who took the lead. Sean O'Torain. (Throne.)

2016berniesanders.png imageWalden Bello: Sanders as US President good for US, Philippines, and Asia 06:52 Wed 02 Mar by InterAksyon 0 comments

MANILA - “Bernie Sanders would be good not only for the United States but for the Philippines and Asia,” Walden Bello told the US media after he chatted briefly with the candidate for Democratic Party presidential nomination in Waterloo, Iowa on Sunday, 13 December 2015.

indaverfiree1456529508159.jpg imagevideoHuge Explosion rocks Indaver flagship Belgian plant 02:22 Sat 27 Feb by CHASE 0 comments

The Dutch company Indaver operates an incinerator in Duleek, Co. Meath and have lodged planning permission for another incinerator in Cork Harbour. In light of this the explosion of their plant in Netherlands today has significance for us here.

60 firefighters rushed to control an explosion at Indaver’s flagship Antwerp facility today (26 Feb 2016) in what was described by local fire services as a ‘municipal disaster’ as they shut down the nearby road tunnel and requested residents close doors and windows.

textPuerto Rico House Approves Public Utility Reform Bill 20:03 Tue 16 Feb by Greg 0 comments

Puerto Rico's House of Representatives approved legislation to reform its highly indebted public utility company "PREPA."

textCo. Clare TTIP Free Zone! 22:52 Thu 11 Feb by No to TTIP 0 comments

Victory Clare County Council voted to reject the TTIP( Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) on Mon 8 feb.
It’s official – Clare is now Ireland’s first TTIP Free Zone!

Monday night was a milestone moment in our fight to stop the toxic deal TTIP. Following a campaign led by Uplift members, Clare County Council passed a motion to declare the county a TTIP Free Zone.

irish_panda_wheelie_bin_wikicommons_derivative_image.jpg imageFG & Labour announce Householders to Pay for Recycling 22:44 Mon 01 Feb by T 1 comments

If there was ever a way to discourage recycling it is to charge for it. But there is more to this story. Way back during the Bin Tax campaign it was said that the original plan was to charge for recycling and all along the plan was to send most of the recycling material like paper, cardboard and plastic to feed the huge incinerator then planned for Dublin.

This €600 million incinerator is now being built after it was forced on the people of Dublin by the former chairman of Dublin City Council John Tierney in the most undemocratic and secretive way and completely against all the councillors. This incinerator needs to be fed huge amounts of burnable material to keep it 'profitable'. It was sized for 600,000 tonnes which is more than all waste from Dublin. Tierney of course signed a lucrative deal with the incinerator operators Covanta whereby the council will make up the gap financially if they don't get enough material to feed into the monster. Now the dots have joined up and we can be sure that this announcement to start charging for recycling in July 2016 is very much connected with this since the incinerator will start operating early in 2017.

textOpen Letter to US Ambassador in Dublin 18:21 Thu 21 Jan by Justin Morahan 10 comments

Mary-Anne Grady Flores a grandmother from upper State New York was jailed for six months and started her sentence on Tuesday last for taking pictures of an anti-drone protest. The letter below has been sent to the US Ambassador along with the Democracy Now account of the jailing

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textOberlin College Comes Under Hostile Attack from Israeli-Firster Websites Apr 11 by Will Be Gnome 0 comments

Recently David Gerstman of the Tower Blog (actually called “The Israel Project’s The Tower blog”) attacked the entire liberal arts Oberlin campus in Ohio as being lax on anti-Semitism because he doesn’t like what “one” of the college’s assistant professors wrote on her own personal face book page. Ironically Joy Karega, the alleged anti-Semite, was not really criticizing Jews in general, per se, but mostly what can be defined as some dirty politics of the State of Israel that is terrorist in nature. But conflating criticism of Zionists as supposed to mean anti-Semitism in general is what many propagandists are deliberately trying to d0—confuse various forms of debate in order to create a freeze on any negative criticism of the Zionist project in Israel as State for Jews or their Zionist influence here in America.

textDormit in Pace Apr 05 by Aran 1 comments

Dormit in Pace

Sitting in the cells beneath one of our country’s circuit courts, my travel-weary eyes settle briefly on my hands. Their stillness and my stoic-like composure belie my internal turmoil.

I cast a cold eye over my surroundings - stale urine and solid waste regurgitated from a steel toilet lays siege to the senses. Cigarette butts litter the floor; confetti of condemned men. Crude misspelt graffiti bears mute testimony to the length of their sentences and the shortness of their education. A reasonable inference using the inverse square law - my maths teacher would be proud.

textRemembering the Irish Easter Uprising of 1916 against the British Empire? Mar 31 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin 0 comments

It has been one hundred years since the heroic Easter uprising of the IRB (Irish Republican Brotherhood) and the ICA (Irish Citizen Army) against the might of the British Empire in 1916. The planning of the 2016 commemoration was thrust into the hands of the conservative Fine Gael/Labour government who would have been at least a bit uneasy about the potential for increasing the political support base for the more politically radical Sinn Féin. However, the problem of artistic representation of the events was at least partially resolved by the well-worn techniques used by successive conservative Irish governments over the years since the Easter Rising: mythologisation, diversion and counternarrative.

textWas 1916 premature Mar 31 by john throne 1 comments

1916 was premature. read of the July days in Russia.

textThe Dáil Reform Will Not Be Radical Mar 19 by Paddy Hackett 0 comments

There is a good chance that FF will bring about a new general election in the not too distant future. This is because it is confident that there is a progressive electoral shift towards it. It is also in a buoyant mood because of its inchoate election recovery. It more than likely has the resources to fight another election. Both FF and FG expressly indicated that they would not form “a grand coalition”. The GE16 result means, in a sense, that the electorate don't want such a coalition. On the other hand SF, through Gerry Adams, indicated before the GE16 that it is prepared to form a coalition with SF. This means that the electorate may want a coalition with FF, SF and others.

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imagePress notice 6th April 2016 - Robin Hood presents €1.8bn at Leinster House Apr 07 Claiming Our Future 0 comments

Today campaigners of the Robin Hood Tax Campaign presented a cheque for €1.8bn at Leinster House in Dublin. It represents the amount of revenue a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) could raise over the 5 year lifespan of the next Government. Also called the Robin Hood Tax, its implementation would oblige financial institutions to pay a tiny tax on trading in bonds, shares and derivatives.

imageRushed Pleanala Oral Hearing confirmed for 19 April to meet July decision deadline Apr 07 Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment 0 comments

Bord Pleanala have refused a request by CHASE for an extension to the Oral Hearing date for Indavers Ringaskiddy incinerator application and confirmed that the Oral Hearing will start on 19 April at Carrigaline Court Hotel at 10.30am, citing 12 July 2016 as deadline date under Strategic Infrastructure Process.

CHASE wrote to An Bord Pleanala following receipt of registered letters on 31 March/1st April advising of the hearing date, leaving just 12 working days preparation for the hearing. Previous hearings lasted 3 weeks.

Bord Pleanala received over 220 submissions objecting to the proposal, each of which was accompanied by a payment of 50Euro. Objections were made by all 4 TD’s for the South Central area, including Defence Minister Simon Coveney, Fine Fail Party Leader Micheal Martin, Michael McGrath (FF) and newly elected Sinn Fein TD Donnchadh O’Laoghaire.

textBureau of Investigative Journalism report is Deeply Worrying Mar 29 0 comments

This report was originally filed on 8th Mar by ShannonWatch. A recent report by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism entitled CIA tactics in Pakistan include targeting rescuers and funerals is deeply worrying. Not only are civilians being killed in the initial so-called "targeted attacks" but it now appears to be US Government/CIA policy under the President Obama administration to send in secondary drone bombing attacks on the rescuer's who go in to drag survivors from the burning buildings. Even worse, there have been several incidents whereby the subsequent funerals of the victims of earlier drone attacks have been attacked by CIA drone bombings causing huge casualties among the mourners.

imageStudents Against Fees TCD - Statement -Easter Sunday Banner Drop 2016 Mar 29 Students Against Fees 0 comments

Students Against Fees today organised a banner drop during the Easter Sunday Parade. This was an attempt on the part of our campaign to challenge the hypocrisy surrounding the official 1916 commemorations.

text100th Easter Commemoration Report Mar 28 Republican Sinn Féin Poblachtach - Cork 0 comments

The 100th Easter 1916 Commemoration took place in St. Finbarrs Cemetery on Sunday 27th March.

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