User account

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Currently all new accounts need to be reviewed by our moderators.
This could take up to a week. If you don't hear from us by then, please get in touch my using our contact form.

Account information
Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, and underscores.
A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.
Personal Information
Fill this out if you would like other users to know your real name. (and not just your username)
Fill this out if you would like other users to know how you gender identify.
Fill this out if you would like other users to know your occupation.
Put each item on a separate line or separate them by commas. No HTML allowed.
Fill this out if you would like other users to know your twitter feed information.
Fill this out if you would like other users to be able to see your public email address. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly.
Please take a moment to explain why you would like an account at This helps us to reduce spam on the website. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly.
Terms and Conditions of Use

Age Verification:

Please scroll to the bottom of this form and indicate if you are 13 years of age or older as of today.

Privacy Information

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) is intended to protect the privacy of children using the Internet. As of April 21, 2000, many Web sites are required to obtain parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children under 13.

COPPA News Release | Full Text of Federal Register Notice [PDF 270K]

Permission Form

A parent or guardian must mail or fax a signed permission form to the administrators of this forum before a user under age 13 can complete the registration.

Permission Form

Questions? Email Privacy policy is committed to protecting the privacy of its members who visit and participate in the Website and other users of the Website. This Privacy Policy describes the practices of in respect to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of information. This Privacy Policy can also be found online at


If you are a Member or User your use of the Site constitutes your consent to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to any of the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, your sole remedy is to stop using the Site and/or return the legal plan to within the thirty-day grace period. may amend portions of this Privacy Policy at any time without your consent or authorization. will notify you of any such changes, additions or deletions by posting notice of such changes on the Site and encourages you to periodically check the Site to ensure that you are always informed of the then current terms of the Privacy Policy to which you are bound. Your continued use of the Site or of any services of following notice of such changes constitutes your consent to the terms of the Privacy Policy as amended.


Collection of Information From Prospective Plan Members All prospective Members will be required to complete an application form (each, an “Application Form”) and submit the completed Application Form to The information which will collect from each prospective Member as part of the Application Form will include, without limitation, the following (collectively, “Personal Information”):

- name, e-mail address, and some demographic information; and
- other personal or business information that may require.

Collection of Additional Information

From time to time may request additional information from Members in connection with the provision of its services to Members. In addition, from time to time Members or other Users may elect to provide information to through the Site or otherwise. All such information collected will constitute “Personal Information” and will be governed by the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Traffic Data

When you visit, our systems collect basic information about your computer, including: IP address (your computer’s unique signature), operating system (e.g., Windows 95), browser software (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape), Internet Service Provider (e.g., AOL). We also collect information about what you view on the site. This information reflects the user population as a whole and is used to help us better understand the community. This information helps us identify popular features and content on our site.

Use of Cookies to Collect Information from Users monitors traffic on its Site using “cookies”. “Cookies” are small information packets that a website creates which are stored on the hard drive of a user’s computer by the user’s browser. uses cookies to track and collect information relating to a User’s use of the Site, including, without limitation, the pages visited by Users, any special formation requested by Users and any other User preferences (collectively, “User Information”). If a User does not want to collect such User Information, a User may reset his or her browser so that it does not accept cookies. Disabling cookies may limit a User’s ability to access some of the information or services available on the Site.


Processing of Application Forms uses the Personal Information it collects as part of the Application Form to process the applications of Members. In addition, will use Personal Information and Plan Usage Information as required by it to provide continued service to its Members. will also collect and store Personal Information collected from Members for back-up, archival and other record keeping purposes.

Improvement of Site and User Customization uses User Information collected in order to learn which areas of the Site are popular and which are not so that it can improve and update the Site and the information available on the Site. also uses User Information to customize the delivery of information, services and advertisements to best meet a User’s preferences.

E-Mail Notices

After signing up online to receive an e-mail notice, users will start receiving an e-mail notice and other occasional announcements from In order to distribute our newsletters, we collect subscribers’ e-mail addresses. We do not share addresses with other companies or partners. Users can choose to unsubscribe from e-mail list at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions found in the initial e-mail message sent to subscribers, visiting the newsletter sign-up page or sending e-mail to offers a service which allows our users to inform friends about an article they might be interested in reading. In order for this feature to function, we ask for e-mail addresses from the sender and for the recipient. We do not store or save these addresses and you will not receive any communication from as a result of having used this feature.

babble makes the babble discussion boards available to its Users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes publicly available and you should therefore exercise caution when disclosing Personal Information. You are responsible for the content of the messages that you post to babble. does not assume any responsibility for the content that you or any other members post to babble. In order to post to babble, a user must become a member of rabble. Therefore the same policies apply. The information will be stored in a database and you will have the option to be automatically notified of messages related to your posts. You will not receive any additional communication from as a result of having used this feature. However, all members may be contacted from time to time with general rabble communications. If you have any concerns about the message boards, send an e-mail to


Disclosure Required by Law will not disclose Personal Information unless as required by law. Circumstances may arise in which is compelled by law, court order, regulation, subpoena or other legal compulsion to disclose Personal Information to a third party or government authority. will comply with all such legal obligations. In addition, may disclose Personal Information if, in the good faith opinion of, such disclosure is necessary or appropriate to:
- conform to or comply with any law, regulation or court order;
- protect and defend the rights or property of or any of its suppliers or licensors, whether or not required to do so by law; or
- protect the personal safety of Users or the public. also reserves the right to disclose Personal Information to appropriate authorities at its discretion when it appears that activities which are illegal or in violation of any terms and conditions governing its services

STORAGE OF INFORMATION employs reasonable security safeguards in order to protect against the loss, misuse or interception by third parties of information under the control of However, complete confidentiality and security is not yet possible over the Internet. assumes no liability for any damages Users may suffer as a result of interception, alteration or misuse of information (including Personal Information) transmitted over the Internet. CONTACTING

Any questions with respect to this Privacy Policy, or any request to access or change Personal Information, should be directed to


The Privacy Policy will be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable in Ontario. The User agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ontario for any suit, action or other proceeding arising in connection with this Privacy Policy.

babble policy is a public, independent, progressive news and information source. As part of, this message board (babble) was created to ensure that readers/participants could explore any issues of interest and concern. In defining itself as "progressive", embraces a pro-human rights, pro-feminist, anti-racist and pro-labour stance. Discussion which develops and expands progressive thought is encouraged and welcome.

babble is NOT intended as a place where the basic and essential values of human rights, feminism, anti-racism, and labour rights are to be debated or refought. Members that join babble who indicate intentions to challenge these rights and principles may be seen as disruptive to the nature of the forum. Such members may be warned, have their accounts suspended, or banned altogether. Repeated attempts to provoke conflict, bait or taunt will not be tolerated. Continued participation on these boards is at the sole discretion of the moderators and staff of this site.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this discussion board to post any material that is knowingly false and/or defamatory. You agree to avoid personal insults, attacks and mischievous antagonism (otherwise known as "trolling"). You will not post material that is inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, obscene, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy or otherwise violative of any law. You understand that racist, sexist, homophobic, classist (e.g. poor-bashing) and other excluding language is not appropriate on babble. This policy applies to both public and private messages.

You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold and its staff harmless with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s).

You agree not to post any copyrighted work unless you own the right to the material. Short quotes, accompanied by both links and references to such material are acceptable.

Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to do the following:

* e-mail; * in the body of the e-mail, include the title of the thread where the post is found, the URL for the thread, and a copy of the post you are complaining about.

While we do have the ability to remove offensive messages, we will only do so in the most extreme cases. In those cases where the removal of posts is deemed necessary, it will happen within a reasonable amount of time. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove particular messages immediately.

Considering the real-time nature of this message board, it is impossible for's staff to review messages or confirm the validity of information posted. Although we do not - and cannot - review all of the messages posted, and are not responsible for any of the content of any of these messages, we reserve the right to delete any message or thread for any reason whatsoever.

We are not obliged to remove any posts created before suspension, unless we deem it necessary. This material will not be used for commercial gain by

We reserve the right to suspend posters who have provided false information for their profile. We reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by you. We reserve the right to read private messages when necessary to investigate complaints about inappropriate or abusive messages.

We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author, not necessarily the views of or any entity associated with rabble.

The moderators of this board routinely close threads for the following reasons:

* The thread duplicates topics that are already active; * The thread's length has become cumbersome (usually around 100 posts) * The thread has become off-topic, abusive, or argumentative to the point that civil discussion cannot be resumed; * The thread's subject matter explicitly targets and/or attacks another participant on babble.

A thread may be moved by the moderators from one forum to another that is more appropriate for the subject matter.

We reserve the right to revise this policy at any time in the future. Participants of this discussion board will be notified when changes occur.

If you agree to abide by our rules above, please select the "join the rabble" button. This will enable you to register for participation in babble.

If you do not agree to these terms, select the cancel button.

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