- published: 10 May 2015
- views: 2271
A Faqīh (plural Fuqahā') (Arabic: فقيه, pl. فقهاء) is an expert in fiqh, or, Islamic jurisprudence.
A faqih is an expert in Islamic Law, and, as such, the word Faqih can literally be generally translated as Jurist.
To understand the Faqih, one must have a base understanding of Fiqh..
Fiqh linguistically means "understanding". As a technical term it is defined as "Knowledge of legislative rulings, pertaining to the actions of man, as derived from their detailed evidences."
"Legislative rulings..." here excluded rulings that are purely theoretical in nature, such as those found in the science of Usul Al Fiqh, as well as those theological in nature, generally discussed in the books of Aqidah or Kalam.
" ...as derived from their detailed evidences." here connotates two things:
Methods of derivation are laid out in the books of Usul Al Fiqh, and those evidences which are deemed valid for deriving rulings from are many in number; Four of them are agreed upon by the vast Majority of Jurists, they are:
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