- published: 29 Jun 2015
- views: 2684
Linji may refer to:
Zen master is a somewhat vague English term that arose in the first half of the 20th century, sometimes used to refer to an individual who teaches Zen Buddhist meditation and practices, usually implying longtime study and subsequent authorization to teach and transmit the tradition themselves.
Until the Tang Dynasty, the term "Chánshī" (禅师; Dhyana Master) was regularly used for a monk who was a master of chan, or meditation, versus those who specialized in Dharma (scriptural teachings) and Vinaya (discipline and moral precepts). This included several important figures who were later not considered to be part of the "Chán school" per se, such as Tiantai Master Zhiyi.
In contemporary China, the term "Chán" (禪), being simply one of many terms for forms of meditation, is not limited to the Chán school alone. Neither the majority of monastics nor lay people are formally tied to a given "school" of Buddhist practice, which is different from the situation in Japan. It is only those senior and experienced practitioners who receive such transmission into the Chán school. Most temples belong to the Chán school in name, but also embrace other teachings including those of Tiantai, Pure Land, Huayan, and Yogacara schools, often under the umbrella term "Chinese Buddhism" (中國佛教). This has been the norm for the past 1000 years, since the Song Dynasty.
A tulku (Tibetan: སྤྲུལ་སྐུ, Wylie: sprul sku, ZYPY: Zhügu , also tülku, trulku) is a custodian of a specific lineage of teachings in Tibetan Buddhism who is given empowerments and trained from a young age by students of his predecessor.
High-profile examples of tulkus include the Khyentses, the Kongtruls, the Dalai Lamas and the Karmapas.
The word སྤྲུལ or 'sprul' (Modern Lhasa Tibetan [ʈʉl]) was a verb in Old Tibetan literature and was used to describe the བཙན་པོ་ btsanpo ('emperor'/天子) taking a human form on earth. So the 'sprul' idea of taking a corporeal form is a local religious idea alien to Indian Buddhism and other forms of Buddhism (e.g. Theravadin or Zen). Over time, indigenous religious ideas became assimilated by the new Buddhism; e.g. 'sprul' became part of a compound noun, སྤྲུལ་སྐུ་'sprul.sku' ("incarnation body" or 'tülku', and 'btsan', the term for the imperial ruler of the Tibetan Empire, became a kind of mountain deity). The term tülku became associated with the translation of the Sanskrit philosophical term nirmanakaya. According to the philosophical system of trikaya or three bodies of Buddha, nirmanakaya is the Buddha's "body" in the sense of the bodymind (Sanskrit: nāmarūpa). Thus, the person of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, is an example of nirmanakaya. In the context of Tibetan Buddhism, tülku is used to refer to the corporeal existence of enlightened Buddhist masters in general.
Zen (Chinese: 禪; pinyin: Chán, Middle Chinese: dʑjen) is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang dynasty as Chán. It was strongly influenced by Taoism, and developed as a distinguished Chinese style of Buddhism. From China, Chán spread south to Vietnam, northeast to Korea and east to Japan, where it became known as Japanese Zen.
Zen emphasizes rigorous meditation-practice, insight into Buddha-nature, and the personal expression of this insight in daily life, especially for the benefit of others. As such, it de-emphasizes mere knowledge of sutras and doctrine and favors direct understanding through zazen and interaction with an accomplished teacher.
The teachings of Zen include various sources of Mahāyāna thought, especially Yogācāra, the Tathāgatagarbha Sutras and Huayan, with their emphasis on Buddha-nature, totality, and the Bodhisattva-ideal. The Prajñāpāramitā literature and, to a lesser extent, Madhyamaka have also been influential in the shaping of the "paradoxical language" of the Zen-tradition.
Linji Yixuan (simplified Chinese: 临济义玄; traditional Chinese: 臨濟義玄; pinyin: Línjì Yìxuán; Wade–Giles: Lin-chi I-hsüan; Japanese: 臨済義玄 Rinzai Gigen; died 866 CE) was the founder of the Linji school of Chán Buddhism during Tang Dynasty China.
Information on Linji is based on the Línjì yǔlù (臨濟語錄; Japanese: Rinzai-goroku), the Record of Linji. The standard form of these sayings was not completed until 250 years after Linji's death and likely reflect the teaching of Chán in the Linji school at the beginning of the Song Dynasty rather than those of Linji's in particular.
This contains stories of his interactions with teachers, contemporaries, and students. The recorded lectures are a mixture of the conventional and the iconoclastic. Despite the iconoclasm, the Línjì yǔlù reflects a thorough knowledge of the sutras. Linji's teaching-style, as recorded in the Línjì yǔlù, was exemplary of the development Chán took in the Hongzhou school (洪州宗) of Mazu and his successors, such as Huangbo, Linji's master.
Teachings of Zen Master Linji
Living Buddha Dechan Jueren, Part 1 of 5 Linji Chan/Zen Buddhism Lineage.wmv
Linji Yixuan
Teaching of Zen Master Linji (2)
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Dharma teacher Fred Eppsteiner shares teachings from Zen Master Linji Yixuan at a Day of Mindfulness for the Florida Community of Mindfulness on June 27, 2015.
1 of 5, The ceremony to pass on the Lineage-Holdership of Zen Buddhism. Never before recorded. Grandmaster Fozhi passes the lineage to Living Buddha Dechan Jueren, Master Huijue.
Linji Yixuan was the founder of the Linji school of Chán Buddhism during Tang Dynasty China. ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- About the author(s): 曾我蛇足 Soga Jasoku (fl. c. 1300) License: Public domain ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video
In this continuation of talks on the teachings of Zen Master Linji, Dharma teacher Fred Eppsteiner explains that the Buddha mind is no other than our own mind. As well, we have a choice to cease our endless "fretting" by cultivating a spiritual path of understanding, wisdom, patience, acceptance, openness, generosity and compassion.
W niedziele 30.07. NA lotniskubw luton było przepelnienie ludzi linię lotnicze wizzar startowały jeden po drugim pasy startowe były oblegane przez firmę (wizzar)
부산댄스학원 이지댄스서면점 린지T 힙합 창작 안무입니다^^ 곡명은 Kid Zooted - Bad Girl Go 이며 매주 월수금 8시30분에 진행되고 있는 클래스로 관심있거나 문의사항이 있으신 분들은 051-808-9908로 전화주세요^^
월수금 8:30분에 진행되고 있는 부산이지댄스 서면점 전문반 영상입니다 곡명은 Nelly - Get Like Me ft. Nicki Minaj, Pharrell Williams이며 린지쌤의 안무로 진행되었습니다. 입시 또는 전문적으로 춤을 배우고 싶으신 분들은 월수금 전문반으로 문의주세요
ONE.COM.MT • Mhux l-ewwel darba li minghalik tkun qieghed fi triq ghax tara tabella u ma tkunx dik it-triq li qed tfittex. Dan issa se jkun infurzat permezz tal-impenn tal-kumitat tat-tismijiet tat-torq li hareg luinji gwida b’senseila ta’ bidliet li minnhom se jgawdu ir-residenti u dawk kollha li jaghtu servizz fit-triq. F’konferenza tal-ahbarijiet intqal li se jsiru bidleit anke fin-numru ta’ karattri tat-toroq, b’dawn se jkun limitati ghal-erbghin ittra.
ONE.COM.MT • L-awtorità tal-ippjanar qed tipproponi politika ġdida li għandha sservi bħala gwida għall-izvilupp tac-childcare centres f’pajjizna. Dwar dan ingħata bidu għall-proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni li se jibqa’ għaddej sas-sitta ta’ Diċembru
Wäre er nicht buddhistischer Mönch geworden, so sicherlich Räuberhauptmann - behaupteten seine Biographen über Abt Linji, den originellsten Denker und bis heute populärsten Meister des chinesischen Buddhismus. Hörbuch (mit 3 CDs), Sprache: Deutsch, Sprecher: Roland Duckarm, Spieldauer ca. 240 Minuten Bacopa Verlag, ISBN: 9783902735195
Fir-rapport tiegħu dwar kif tmexxa l-fond għal kawżi ġusti qabel l-elezzjoni generali, l-awditur ġenerali jelenka drabi meta l-fondi kienu jigu approvati mill-ministru Tonio Fenech qabel ikunu approvati minn bord apposta. L-awditur jgħid li ma kienux jiġu rispettati l-linji gwida ta' kif għandhom jitqassmu fl-fondi.
부산댄스학원 이지댄스서면점 스트릿반 영상입니다 LinJi쌤의 창작안무로서 곡명은 Iggy Azalea - Team 입니다^^
2 of 5, The ceremony to pass on the Lineage-Holdership of Zen Buddhism. Never before recorded. Grandmaster Fozhi passes the lineage to Living Buddha Dechan Jueren, Master Huijue.
♡Widoki były cudne tylko kamera tego nie uchwycił ♥
ONE.COM.MT • Dawk li għandhom negozju fis-settur tal-ikel, dalwaqt se jkunu jistgħu jaċċessaw sett ta’ linji gwidi onlajn biex ikunu jafu r-rekwiżiti f’kuntest ta’ saħħa u sigurtà tal-ikel. F’intervista mad-Direttur tad-Direttorat tas-Saħħa Ambjentali tkellimna dwar dan, b’mod speċifiku għal dawk li jarmaw bit-trakkijiet tal-ħaxix u l-frott fit-toroq.
Dharma teacher Fred Eppsteiner shares teachings from Zen Master Linji Yixuan at a Day of Mindfulness for the Florida Community of Mindfulness on June 27, 2015.
In this continuation of talks on the teachings of Zen Master Linji, Dharma teacher Fred Eppsteiner explains that the Buddha mind is no other than our own mind. As well, we have a choice to cease our endless "fretting" by cultivating a spiritual path of understanding, wisdom, patience, acceptance, openness, generosity and compassion.
Das Teisho wird von Harry Mishō Teske gehalten. Harry Mishō Teske ist Zen-Meister und leitet den Zen-Kreis-Kiel mit dem Kai-An-Zen-Kutsu Tempel. Seit 1983 beschäftigt er sich mit Koans. http://www.zenkreiskiel.de http://ostsee-zen.de http://shop.komplett-media.de/faszinationfitness/de_warum-scheissen-die-voegel-auf-buddhas-kopf_112621.html
𝒥𝒾𝒶 # 1-20170228 𝒟ℴ𝒾𝓃ℊ ℱ𝒶𝒸ℯ ℛℯ𝒸ℴ𝓇𝒹ℯ𝒹-𝒥ℯ ℒ𝒾𝓃𝒿𝒾 ℐ𝓃𝓈𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓂ℯ𝓃𝓉 𝒯ℯ𝒶𝒸𝒽ℯ𝓇 - 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓋𝒾𝓃𝒸ℯ'𝓈 𝒯ℯ𝒸𝒽𝓃𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒯ℯ𝒶𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓃 Thank you for je painless zits assist Since July 30, 2017 Taipei Mie save formally closed completely Need to do face service friends, you could consult with the subsequent student store. Friends who want to study era are welcome to join Facebook [Beautician gas station ~ technical teaching] je salon care merchandise ↓ ↓ ↓ Make an appointment Consult with the face service / order hook acne clip ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Taitung Heart Beauty Museum 089-330366 Lin Jianye teacher je / Lin Kai Chen trainer solar / Chen Siyin trainer Miaoli Yan Yan splendor Museum 0980-705380 Xiaolin Taipei and the static Yan Beauty Museum 0955 a hundred and twenty 851 static to Taichung Tanzi precise coronary heart Qin ...
Ninja Kids 1 / Film Français complet Classique des années 1990 ! Pardonnez moi pour la qualité passable...
🙏🏼볼륨을 작게 설정해 주세요!🙏🏼 카페에서 스도쿠하고 계획짜기 , 순간 저도모르게 집중이 너무 잘되어서 함께 이 공간을 공유할게요 :) 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다. 오늘도 그대에게 행운이 있기를 ! (30분 영상) study with me- You can concentrate more easily with this white noise asmr. I wanna share this place with you :) thank you for be with me. I wish your luck! (no talking 30min)
https://www.facebook.com/maximlein My second channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-WPNjZD5WsV2hjh-mrnuqQ Patrick Baker - Gone (Berger & Shaqiri Remix) Matvey Emerson & Stephen Ridley - I Know You Care (Original Mix) Anthony El Mejor, DJ Nil feat. Violin Valenti - Tchaikovsky (Original Mix) Anton Ishutin - Summerfeeling (Original mix) Carlos Silva feat. Nelson Freitas - Mystery (Deepjack & Mr.Nu Remix) Roisin Murphy - Unputdownable (Tom Demac Remix) Thalstroem, AKA AKA, Chasing Kurt - True (Original Mix) Nathan Sykes - Over And Over Again (Cahill Remix) Lindberg, Laura Ingalls - Sinji Linji (Original Mix) Monoplan - They And Us (Oriiginal Mix)
웅성거리는 노토킹 카페 백색소음 asmr 집중력 공부 카페 영상 30분짜리 30분 공부 영상 책보는 중 책넘기는 소리 머신소리 기계소리 감사합니다. --- no talking cafe sounds thank you! 30min. study with me.
nice keyboard typing asmr study with me 20min. mouse click sounds
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) is an influential global spiritual leader of the century. He was also nominated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for the Nobel Peace Prize. The production team visited Plum Village near Bordeaux in France and interviewed Thay. Why Thay, a native Vietnamese, opposed the Vietnam War? Why was he exiled from his homeland? How did he start the teaching of mindfulness and meditation? How does his teachings influence the world? Learn more about Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village: http://www.plumvillage.org http://www.facebook.com/thichnhathanh http://www.facebook.com/plumvillage --- This is an original production of Hong Kong Television Network (HKTV). For more details about this programme, please visit: http://tv.hktvmall.com/gone-with-the-... Help us caption & t...
소설 수정중이에요. 마우스 클릭, 키보드 타이핑 asmr 입니다. 조금 시끄러운 백색 소음이 들어간 영상이네요. 함께 집중해서 25분간 발전해봐요 ♥ 감사합니다. -- I was editing my novel. (keyboard typing and mouse sounds) This video include a little louder white noise. Study with me :) Thank you !
"You say that the Buddha has the six supernatural powers and they are miraculous." Commentary on the above sermon of Master Rinzai: from The Record of Rinzai tr. Irmgard Schloegl
- Chan GongAn (jp Zen koan) stories: Bodhidharma and Huike - Bodhidharma is about to leave, he has done his work. - before going he tests his students - of the top four Huike is the best, has attained the marrow - the five schools of Chan - Chan gongan (koan): Master HuangBo enlightens Master Linji with three beatings, - why do master's beat their disciples? Are they angry? - why did Huangbo beat up Linji? 1:05 - needs to teach the lesson right at that moment - not out of anger, but to trigger sudden enlightenment - Linji uses physical beatings, vs WeiYang uses more subtle non physical beatings - after he died, Bodhidharma sighted with one shoe, his grave opened, only one shoe inside - Huike: after Bodhidharma left, went into hiding, Buddhists were persecuted, he had to pretend insanity ...
临济宗一休宗纯大师 Venerable Master Ikkyu Sojun (1394–1481) of the Linji school.
For all the ladies out there
I never meant to
Give you mushrooms girl
I never meant to
Bring you to my world
And now you're lyin'
In the corner, cryin'
{Yea, woo, yea, woo
No idea
Yea, woo, yea