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Opinion & Analysis

President Nicolas Maduro addresses the nation from Miraflores in Caracas (Reuters)

Three Years of Maduro: Venezuelan Power Plays or Popular Power?

Chris Gilbert critiques the notion that Maduro has failed to act in the face of recent challenges since taking up the presidency in 2013.

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HRW's Latest Report on Venezuela Needs to be Taken With a Grain of Salt
Venezuela's Political Killings: A Sign of the Repression to Come?
The War on Democracy in Latin America: Interview with John Pilger
The Other Explanation for Venezuela’s Economic Crisis
In Venezuela, Dismantling a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Venezuela in images

Forming a Communal Council in Photos - Popular Organisation in El Manicomio, Caracas - A VA image gallery of the process of forming a communal council in Venezuela, taken from the experience of El Manicomio in Caracas.