A county council-owned farm in Cumbria has been sold for a record price on the open market. At just under 100 acres, East Park Farm in Crofton would have been ideal for a new farmer. But on the market it sold for £1.7 million – a   price per acre 80 per cent higher than the national average and well beyond the reach of new entrants.

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Welcome to Graham Harvey’s Quest for Real Food

Their emissions are said to threaten the planet. The foods they produce are claimed to endanger health. But have we got it wrong about cattle? Far from damaging health, grassland and grazing animals may be the key to a better environment and a secure supply of healthy, nutritious food. Read more…

Not once in all the furore over the proposed mega dairy in Lincolnshire do I recall any debate about the health implications for us consumers. Though nutritionists don’t know it, the nutrients in milk are partly determined by what the cow’s fed on. That’s why if good health is high on your family’s agenda, you’ll want to make sure the milk, butter and cheese they eat comes from cows grazing fresh green pasture. Not from cows fed on grain in sheds. Read more…

Meet Dr Hans Herren, one of the world’s top scientists on food and development. While based in Benin he developed a biological pest control system that secured the African cassava crop and saved an estimated 20 million people from starvation. So why is the report he co-chaired on world hunger being sidelined by the scientific and farming establishment? I met him in London to find out. Read More…

For years we’ve been told that fatty foods are bad for us. Even foods like beef and butter that humans have been eating for centuries. We’re advised to eat more starchy foods and low-fat products. In effect this means we all eat more processed foods than we used to. Now the official line is coming under attack. A small but growing band of experts say it’s processed carbohydrates and low-fat foods that are killing us. The new “healthy options” are traditional animal foods, particularly when they’re from animals reared on pasture. Read more…

If you eat dairy foods or red meat, there’s only one thing you need to know. And it’s the one thing the supermarkets don’t tell you. Click here to discover the question you need to ask. Read more…

Should supermarket food come with a Government health warning? Two-thirds of the foods on sale are processed, making them, in the view of experts, a cause of ill health. Most of the fresh foods are from chemically-damaged soils or from animals crowded into factories and fed the wrong diet. Foods like this aren’t likely to make you feel good. Fortunately there’s a better, more modern way to shop – especially if you live anywhere near Stevenage. Read more…


Graham Harvey Quest for Real Food

Pasture Promise TV

Graham is co-founder of Pasture Promise TV, an internet site dedicated to healthier food, sustainable farming, biodiversity and a vibrant, prosperous countryside. Catch up on our latest film at www.pasturepromise.tv


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A new British Empire?

My blood ran cold the moment I glimpsed the Telegraph headline: Farming group seeks pastures new in Romania. Though I’ve never b....
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Proud to be a GM Luddite

Farmers Weekly’s veteran columnist David Richardson has launched a stinging attack on opponents of GM crops (cripes – he must ....
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