The Last Hasmonean Kings - #20
Hasmonean Kings were a mix of pious, moral people as well as violent, agressive people.
The greatest in terms of power was
Alexander Jannaeus (Yannai). He expanded the
Jewish state until borders that included much of today's
Syria, Transjordan,
He served as the
High Priest and as the
King. The Rabbis objected to this concentration of power in one person, but
Alexander did not listen. This instigated a
Civil War.
At the same time, the Sadducees- a group of
Jews who were assimilated and objected the authority of Rabbis and Oral Law. Alexander took the side of the Saduccees as a political counterweight.
At the end of his life, however, Alexander realized his mistake and changed paths. He famously said on his deathbed: "Be not frightened of the Rabb...