Iframe and Ajax
Ajax Pagination script
FF1+ IE5.5+ Opera8+
This script lets you include content from multiple pages and display them on
demand, using Ajax. Pagination links are automatically created, with each
page downloaded only when requested.
Basic Ajax Routine
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
Regardless of what you do using Ajax, they all rely on the same basic
functions. This is a very small Ajax routine (less than 3 Kb) that enables
you to easily use Ajax on your site to send "GET" or "POST" requests
Ajax Includes script
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
This script uses Ajax (DHTML interacting with the server) to let you
dynamically include the contents of an external page onto the current
document. It's similar in function to the
Iframe SSI script below, though uses no frames.
Ajax Rotating Includes script
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
This is a shakeup of the
Ajax Includes script above to let you input a
list of external pages for the script to choose and selectively include
one onto the current page. You can choose to display a different file for each
day of the week, month, or randomly.
Dynamic Ajax content
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
Load and display external pages inside a DIV without reloading the page
using this Ajax script. If your external pages reference any external .css or
.js files for styling, this script can also load and apply them to the page on
Ajax Side Panel script
FF2+ IE7+ Opera9+
Ajax Tabs content
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
This is a versatile Ajax Tabs Content script that lets you
display content pulled from external files inside a DIV and organized via CSS
tabs. A fully unobtrusive, CSS and HTML based script, it supports practical
features such as persistence of the active tab (ie: when
page is reloaded), a "IFRAME" mode, a "slideshow" mode, ability to expand/contract arbitrary DIVs
on the page at the same time, nested tabs, and much more.
RSS Ticker (Ajax
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
This powerful RSS ticker script lets you easily display any RSS content on
your site in a ticker fashion! This script uses a simple PHP based RSS parser
LastRSS to retrieve an RSS feed, then Ajax and DHTML to display the feed
dynamically and with flare.
Also Listed in
Scrollers &
Display Boxes
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
Using Ajax, this script makes it easy to
display RSS feeds from other sites inside DIV containers. Each RSS box can be
independently tailored, from the RSS feed to fetch, how many items to show (and
whether to paginate them), to what portions of each entry (just the "title", or
"title" plus "description" etc) to display.
Also Listed in
Pausing RSS
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
Pausing RSS scroller is an innovative scroller that combines PHP and
external JavaScript to let you show any RSS feed on your site- and beyond! By
bypassing Ajax in favour of dynamically loaded JavaScript, the scroller can be
included on any site, enabling you to syndicate your feed for other sites
to display, just by allowing webmasters to cut and paste the frontend portion of
this script.
Also Listed in
Scrollers &
Ajax XML ticker
(txt file)
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
This is an Ajax enhanced ticker script that
lets you use a text file as the contents of the ticker to show! Easily define
your messages, which support rich HTML, all inside this external text file. Now
there's no more excuse to not update the contents of your ticker more often!
Also Listed in
Scrollers &
SAG Content Scroller
FF1+ IE6+ Opera8+
SAG Scroller takes a regular UL list and scrolls it upwards, one LI at a time and pausing in
between. It lets you showcase content that can either be defined inline on the
page, or in an external file and fetched via Ajax instead. The scroller can be
set to either auto scroll, or on user demand via the navigation panel as part of
its interface.
Also Listed in
XML and RSS,
Stay on Top content script
FF1+ IE6+ Opera8+
"Emphasize" and make particular content on your page stand out by keeping
them always visible on the visitor's browser screen, using this script. It uses
CSS's "fixed" positioning to accomplish this, and lets you manage their display
frequency (using cookies) to make the whole affair sensible and user friendly.
Interstitial Content Box
FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
An interstitial is a container that appears over an entire webpage
intermittingly to display content in an eye catching way. This is a Interstitial Box script that uses Ajax
to fetch and display the contents of external pages on your server as an
Iframe SSI script
FF1+ IE5+
Want to dynamically include the contents of
another page onto the current using client side means? This script uses the
IFRAME tag, and by automatically resizing it based on the actual height of
the containing page, allows you to seamlessly display external content on
your page.
Iframe SSI script II
FF1+ IE5+
This script automatically resizes a IFRAME to be the exact
height of the content contained inside it, allowing you to seamlessly
include external content on your page. It differs from
Version I above in that you can load additional
documents into the IFRAME even after the page has loaded, and the IFRAME
will dynamically adjust its height to fit the new document as well.
Daily iframe
content FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+
This script loads a different page into an iframe daily, depending on
the day of the week (Mon-Sun). Use it to serve up daily, changing content.
Daily iframe
content II FF1+ IE5+ Opr7+
This script loads a different page into an iframe daily, depending on
the day of the month (1-31). Use it to serve up daily, changing content.
Random iframe
content FF1+ IE5+
By default, an iframe only displays one set URL. This script changes
that, by allowing you to specify a group of URLs for the iframe to randomly
choose and display from.
Floating iFrame
This script creates a floating iframe, so the iframe stays
static and always in view even when the page is scrolled. Display content
from a separate page prominently using it.
iframe FF1+ IE5+ Opr8+
This great script renders an IFRAME with scroll up/down functionality
of the page within. It's an excellent way to display external content in a
contained space.