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Dynamic Drive CSS Library

CSS Library Vertical CSS Menus

Welcome to Dynamic Drive's new CSS library! Here you'll find original, practical CSS codes and examples such as CSS menus to give your site a visual boast.

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CSS Right hand side Menu

CSS Right hand side Menu
This is a mobile friendly side bar menu that appears from the right edge of the browser window when activated. The menu works across all browsers, including IE8 with some visual downgrades.

CSS Left hand side Menu

CSS Left hand side Menu
This is a mobile friendly side bar menu that appears from the left edge of the browser window when activated. CSS3 is brought in to reveal the menu in style, though the menu works across all browsers, including IE8 with some visual sacrifice.

Mobile full screen expand menu

Mobile full screen expand menu
Full screen menus are quite the rage these days, as they work out of the box across devices big and small with their large footprint. This elegant mobile full screen menu expands itself to fill the whole page when activated.

Mobile side menu

Mobile side menu
This is the classic mobile side menu that slides in from the edge of the window when a toggler is clicked on, dominating everything else with an overlay that obscures the rest of the page.

Flat flipping menu buttons 2 (vertical)

Flat flipping menu buttons 2 (vertical)
This is the vertical version of the original Flat Flipping menu buttons. They combine the two hot trends that are flat design (absence of bevels, gradients and shadows etc) and CSS3 to create a bold and modern looking navigation buttons.

Vertical CSS3 Shadow Menu

Vertical CSS3 Shadow Menu
This vertical CSS Menu uses CSS3's ability to define multiple/ inset shadows (so the shadow grows inwards) on an element to create menu items with a bevelled left edge and a growing inner glow when the mouse rolls over them.

CSS3 animated vertical slanted menu

CSS3 animated vertical slanted menu
This is a vertical list menu that uses CSS3 animation to gradually expand the selected menu item horizontally so to highlight it. It also employs the CSS border trick to create a cross browser slanted left edge. The final result is a sleek vertical list menu that uses nothing but pure HTML markup!

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