Revelers all over Brazil began Carnival celebrations after an odd opening ceremony in Rio marked by the absence of the city's evangelical mayor ... ....
With no immediate explanation from the White House on Friday, several news organizations were blocked from a White House press briefing, according to CNN. The list of the blocked organizations included The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Politico, BuzzFeed, The Daily Mail, BBC, The Hill and more from the meeting known as a "gaggle" which is more casual than the televised Q&A; sessions in the White House briefing room....
Former President Barack Obama was spotted in New York City on Feb. 23, meeting up with his eldest daughter, Malia Obama, for a father-daughter dinner date (photos below) ... In the evening, he met up with 18-year-old Malia, who is living in New York while she completes an internship at the Weinstein Company during her gap year before starting college in the fall ... ....
The novice had only trained on wheels before arriving in Finland to compete in the Nordic world ski championships. First there was Eddie the Eagle, then Cool Runnings. Now there’s AdrianSolano, a Venezuelan skier whose only training for tackling the Nordic world ski championships in Finland was using wheels beneath the bright sun ... He fumbled into the white powder after sliding down a small hill ... Oleg S. (@AnnaK_4ever) ... Read more ... Twitter ... ....
Article by correspondent Dallas DarlingEvery day there’s another politician or psychologist that wants to declare Donald Trump mentally unfit to be President of the United States. But since the distance between genius and insanity is often measured by what a nation or culture considers “success,” it might be difficult for plotters to declare him mentally unfit ...Hans J ... Others, however, argue that it’s a safeguard ... Devine Fury ... XV ... ....
Just like in the West, April 1st in Russia is a widely-known and “celebrated” holiday in the beginning of spring ...History ... The Slavic people would dress in costumes and masks ... Day of Fools) - День Дураков (DEN' du-ra-KOV)HappyApril Fool’s Day! (Happy April 1st) – С первым Апреля! (s PER-vim ap-RE-lya)Joke – Шутка (SHUT-ka)Laughter – Смех (SMEkh)Smile – Улыбка (ul-IB-ka)Practical joke – Розыгрыш (RO-zi-grish) ....
Лишившись импортного сыра из-за продуктового эмбарго, российские сыроделы безуспешно пытаются подделать западные образцы. Страны Запада ввели против России санкции, наказав последнюю за её действия в Украине. высокопоставленным чиновникам закрыли въезд, оборонным компаниям — экспорт, а российским банкам – доступ к западным фондовым рынкам. Реакция Кремля была молниеносной. запретить сыр ... Похвальная попытка ... Красный сыр, Беларусь, 2/10 ... ....
Велосипеды нынче в моде в российской столице, и город вынашивает смелые планы по расширению велоинфраструктуры ...Rockefeller Foundation ... Перейдите по пешеходному мосту к Болотной площади и местам обитания московских хипстеров в окрестностях бывшей фабрики “Красный Октябрь” или прогуляйтесь по новым пешеходным улицам к северу от Большого театра, и вам может показаться, что автомобиль в российской столице утратил свое былое могущество ... ....
Он начал вещание в скромной студии на бывшей кондитерской фабрике “Красный Октябрь”, некогда заброшенной и разрушенной, хотя и расположенной в самом центре Москвы - в промзоне на острове Москвы-реки. Со временем “Красный Октябрь” превратился в одну из самых модных точек Москвы ... “Когда мы только начинали, “Красный Октябрь” ничего из себя не представлял....
Russia is shopping heaven for those who like the finer (or cheaper) things in life. However, while some things are absolutely worth buying in Russia, there are others that should be avoided because it’s simply not worth it to lug them from Russia to your home country ... Art... Cigarettes ... Vodka ... Porcelain ... A particularly famous brand is Красный Октябрь (Krasny Oktyabr’ – Red October), with its famous Soviet-girl-adorned “Alyonka” candy ... Caviar....