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  1. Now she's simultaneously texting and whirling her baton about. That's just showing off.

  2. Young woman practicing baton in the gym has frankly amazing hand-eye coordination. I'm all, damn, girl. Rock that thing.

  3. I bet all these emo pop bands in listening to right now are thrilled I'm power walking my 46-year-old ass off to their tunes.

  4. Always check the dates on news stories you're being linked to. Always. (Especially obits.) (And everything else.)

  5. Still at it. Procrastinating, I mean.

  6. Update: Still procrastinating.

  7. Formerly second in line for presidency: Court Doc: Hastert's Lawyers Say A 'Groin Rub' Isn't Sexual Assault

  8. Congratulations to Jerry Pournelle for winning the National Space Society's Robert A. Heinlein Award:

  9. TFW someone uses a word in an article and you figure they probably don't know what it means

  10. No, YOU'RE procrastinating by creating covers to moody shoegaze albums by bands that never existed

  11. Hey, remember Google Glass? That was a time, wasn't it?

  12. Sick of people saying Twitter isn't "real" communication. If you can't find a way to make your point in 140 characters, then you haven't rea

  13. There's a special hell for people who write critiques of books that they haven't yet read. It involves papercuts and iodine.

  14. dear UK, surprise! PROMS ANNOUNCED! me & playing Bowie program on July 29th!! Royal Albert Hall eee!

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