WA News

Kelmscott senior footy team booted out of the WA Amateur Football League

The Kelmscott Senior Football Club claims the WA Amateur Football League has broken a "handshake agreement" by banning it from 2016 fixtures over player behaviour.

Kelmscott was advised in writing last week that it was not eligible to field teams in the weekend's opening fixtures because of a litany of 2015 red and yellow cards and two incidents subject to criminal proceedings.

Dockers 200-gamer Antoni Grover and Kelmscott said they had firm plans in place to control player behaviour.
Dockers 200-gamer Antoni Grover and Kelmscott said they had firm plans in place to control player behaviour. Photo: Paul Kane - Getty Images

But a club advocate told Radio 6PR's Sports Today program on Monday night the league had put Kelmscott "to the sword."

Peter Quinn said he and the club's new A-grade coach, Dockers 200-gamer Antoni Grover, had fronted the WAAFL board in March and reached a verbal consensus on a management plan.

Kelmscott Senior Football Club has been booted out of the WAAFL.
Kelmscott Senior Football Club has been booted out of the WAAFL. 

"Antoni and I will go our graves swearing on a stack of bibles what went on that meeting," Mr Quinn said.

"It's certainly not what the league is saying. Antoni walked them through the program we were intending to implement to deal with their concerrns...not that we've agreed with all their concerns, we just want to get our guys on the field with no impediments.

"We had a handshake agreement and they said 'why don't you put in writing?'

"All we had to do is translate his [Grover's] speaking notes into a document and we got reneged on."

Mr Quinn said after the club submitted a written copy of Grover's notes, the board subsequently issued a new set of behavioural requirements to the club.

Kelmscott's status as a volunteer-driven organisation prevented it being able to change its plan to meet those criteria, Mr Quinn said.

"To cut a long bureaucratic story short, the day before the fixtures due to start we get a letter from the [WAAFL] GM at 2.45pm Friday that says 'you're suspended and banned'." Mr Quin said.

"They've taken our fees and at the same time sent out a thing to all the clubs saying we're suspended.

"There's no due process, we're bloody annoyed by this."

WAAFL general manager David Armstrong said in a memo to all club presidents on Friday the league had attempted to broker a conduct agreement with the club.

"In September last year, the WAAFL board requested a meeting with the club to improve behaviour for 2016, but the club declined to attend the meeting," he said.

"The club's team nominations for 2016 were subject to several conditions.

"As Kelmscott has failed to comply with all conditions . . . the WAAFL can no longer consider Kelmscott teams within the fixtures until a written player management plan is submitted and approval by the WAAF."

But Mr Quinn said the club had always been willing to meet with the league and had only sought to delay the meeting until a new coach - eventually revealed as Grover - was in place.

He said Grover had already acted by moving on three players who were part of last year's behavioural concerns and that the playing group continued to train, despite the current ban.

Teams scheduled to play Kelmscott will be awarded a win, four premiership points and credited with 90 points scored.