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Bunbury mum's harrowing story of life with three sons addicted to meth

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Three sons addicted to meth

Bunbury mother Julie Kent shares her story of living with three sons addicted to methamphetamine. Audio: 882 6PR.

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A Bunbury mum has told her extraordinary and harrowing story of living with three sons addicted to methamphetamine.

Julie Kent said her world was upturned five weeks ago when her youngest son, Jackson, rang her after a "meth meltdown".

"He rang me in the middle of the night and said 'you've got to find me somewhere to go, you've got to get me out of here," she told Radio 6PR on Monday morning.

Ice, or crystal methamphetamine, is a highly addictive drug.

Ice, or crystal methamphetamine, is a highly addictive drug.

"I got him into a safe place with a friend. Now we are going through the process of what happens next."

Ms Kent said Jackson's life completely unravelled after he started taking meth 18 months ago.

"They become irrational, they become violent, they can't work, they don't sleep, they don't eat, they go from being a healthy person to a dysfunctional person very quickly," she said.

Julie Kent believes the south west of WA is gripped by a meth epidemic.

Julie Kent believes the south west of WA is gripped by a meth epidemic. Photo: Facebook

"It progressed to Jackson losing his home, losing his partner, losing access to his child, losing his job and losing his health.

"That's the scary part with meth, it only has to be one or two times and then they are addicted."

She said her oldest son Stephen had been using meth for 10 years.

"I'm terrified as a mum I will bury him, which is heartbreaking, which is why I'm making this noise," she said.

"We are a normal family, we are not the dregs of society, my husband has a good job, I have a good job and we work really hard. Our kids were brought up in a normal home in a loving environment."

Ms Kent said she's seen all her three sons become violent and aggressive while on ice.

"I've been absolutely terrified, I've been with them when they want money, they become really aggressive and really frightening," she said.

"You don't recognise your own children anymore.

"They all say it was peer group pressure to begin with at a party or something, then very quickly they've got this terrible problem."

She said a methamphetamine epidemic was a gaining a foothold across the Bunbury region.

"It's not just kids as well, it's adults, it's families and it's so easy to get," she said.

"There are actually social media websites where your child can get on there and they can have this drug delivered into your drive way."

Ms Kent posted a picture of herself on her Facebook page last week saying this is a face of a mum with a son addicted to meth.

The post has been shared more than 7800 times.

"This post is for all my young FB friends", she wrote on Facebook.

"I hate this photo! I look crappy, old and exhausted !! Coz I am . This is the face of a mum who will spend Thursday in court with her son . Lots of you know him as a mate or went to school together, you hung at our place with him . He's a great guy . Funny , engaging a good kid . Except on meth !! Then he's scary , angry ! Unemployed ,irrational Sick cover..." [sic]

Ms Kent has since been contacted by the people behind the Facebook group Ice in Bunbury. A Mother's Nightmare and they have started a committee to battle meth.

"We all got to tell our story and meet survivors so from that we have started a committee and what we are trying to do is get education into the highs schools," Ms Kent said.

"So we are getting them really young and making them actually understand what this drug does."




8 comments so far

  • Education is the only way we may be able to slow down this epidemic abuse of drugs. Authorities , stop wasting your time chasing manufacturers, dealers and pushers. While there is a market and rewards are so high they will continue. Get hold of the users and ask them why they took them in the first place. Families are being destroyed continually, for what what reason I do not know.Somehow, get the consumers to stop.

    Tezza the terrier
    Date and time
    April 11, 2016, 1:25PM
    • There is no mystery as to why. Drugs have been used and abused for millions of years. It is part of our social fabric. Unfortunately, some people get addicted.

      In my opinion, sugar and processed foods pose a much bigger problem to society, since they are almost impossible to avoid. But since there are no violent encounters, it doesn't get the airplay.

      bio logical
      Date and time
      April 11, 2016, 4:39PM
    • You will never get the users to stop.They will only indoctrinate others to become users.Severe penalties (death) is the only answer to stop manufacturers and importers.

      Jack Sparrow
      Date and time
      April 11, 2016, 5:41PM
  • The importers and the dealers of misery need to pay a heavy price for murdering our people - more often than not they kill the children, the young. Take extreme measures and cut out of this cancerous growth in our society. Cut off the supply and you stop the poison. No other way.

    Date and time
    April 11, 2016, 2:19PM
    • Weak minded individuals of questionable intelligence and poor decision making. People are addictive substances are not. Many more people use casually or recreationally than become addicts. The responsibility is on the individual, not the substance and not peer pressure excuses.

      Date and time
      April 11, 2016, 3:46PM
      • They need to keep the politics out of this epidemic. Education and generational change is the key. Get smart people involved who can go about constructively finding a solution. Funds need to be found to make this happen. This is our backyard, time to clean it up. Plenty of innocent good people are affected by this scourge. Families of those addicted and victims of crime. I'd like to think transferring some funds from the anti-terrorism cause to help fund this can perhaps be a good start. Locking everyone up solves nothing.

        Mickey Docker
        Rockingham WA
        Date and time
        April 11, 2016, 3:54PM
        • There is only one sure solution to stop the use of Meth and other drugs and that is the introduction of the death penalty for convicted manufacturers and importers.There is absolutely no other answer. Jail terms are totally ineffective as there is too much money to be made and its worth the risk.How many more lives are to be lost and family's destroyed before our Politicians get the bollocks to put this solution to a Referendum.The death penalty would break the chain of supply,its as simple as that. The real big money makers are too far up the 'berry tree' to be caught but the elimination of importers and dealers would neuter their empire and I would guarantee in less than five hangings/ firing squads this problem will be non existant. There will always be some idiot who will choose to take the risk to import or manufacture,however ,that choice is theirs.If they take that risk then they must pay in full..quickly and cleanly. Thankyou

          Jack Sparrow
          Date and time
          April 11, 2016, 5:36PM
          • We need to stop treating these people as victims and treat them like the scumbags they have become. Stop pussyfooting around and bring the hammer down.

            Date and time
            April 11, 2016, 8:29PM

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