richa anirudh


Trying to be a Human Being.All tweets personal! ZINDAGI LIVE! DILLI MERI JAAN!SCHOOL LIVE..Girl child and environment issues close to my heart..OSHO lover..

2010(e)ko urtarrilak(e)tik Twitterren

@richaanirudh blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @richaanirudh desblokeatuko.

  1. कहीं करती होगी वो मेरा इंतज़ार... Goodnight!

  2. With some more India Scholars at

  3. A very simple yet heartfelt speech by the Duke of Cambridge :)

  4. All u hv bn doing is to make ur execs call me 5 times a day & do nothing abt the prblm!I wil stop taking their calls

  5. If the airtel girl wants to run away from 4G, tell her to take 4G sim. Havent seen 4G in last 5-6 days since i took the sim..

  6. (e)k Bertxiotua

    This with made me cry! Thank You Team for this episode. Even Richa's voice tells it.

  7. Invited to the reception for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge this evening :) Being a Chevening Scholar has its advantages :)

  8. Sure. how old is she? pls ask her to mail to

  9. True! Wondering why was so careless despite 3 offences

  10. Got many calls.Almost EVRYONE feels tht parents of minor should also be punished.

  11. (e)k Bertxiotua

    Definitely, if he has no pblm to hand over the keys to his minor son,he deserves to be in jail.

  12. The minor was challand thrice last yr.But WHY challaned?Why wasnt stricter action taken agnst minor drivng?Cud hv saved a life!

  13. (e)k Bertxiotua

    even schoolkids drive vehichles to school and most are minors. Pls ask to take disciplinary action on them.

  14. (e)k Bertxiotua

    true he is more responsible as his son has been a repeat offender

  15. Politcns,sectns of media made lot of noise ovr for Kanhaiya.Delhi,lets make lil more noise for for common pple!

  16. My PERSONAL view- Father should go to jail too.We should learn to handle our kids & cars..

  17. I didnt? If this ignorance makes you happy, ok :)

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