- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 5052780
Sebastian Philip Bierk (born April 3, 1968), known professionally as Sebastian Bach, is a Canadian heavy metal singer who achieved mainstream success as frontman of Skid Row from 1987-96. Since his departure from Skid Row, he has had many television roles, acted in Broadway plays, and leads a solo career.
The members of Kid Wikkid were stationed in Peterborough. Upon hearing of the band and unaware of their ages, 14-year-old Bach auditioned for the group, and was successfully hired by guitar player and band leader, Jason Delorme. Kid Wikkid moved back to Toronto, and Bach's dad eventually allowed Bach to move in with an aunt.
Skid Row initially formed in the mid 1980s with lead singer Matt Fallon. They began playing at various New Jersey clubs. Fallon would soon leave the band in 1987, leaving Skid Row without a singer. Bach was spotted singing at rock photographer Mark Weiss's wedding at the age of 18, and the members asked him to join in early 1987.
Johann Sebastian Bach (26 September 1748 – 11 September 1778) was a German painter. He was the son of composer Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and the grandson of composer Johann Sebastian Bach.
Bach was born in Berlin. He studied under Adam Friedrich Oeser in Leipzig. In May 1773, he moved to Dresden, and in February 1776 he moved to Hamburg, where his father was Director of Music. In September 1776 he embarked on a study trip to Rome, where he became seriously ill soon after his arrival in February 1777, and died of this (unknown) ailment in 1778.
Bach created mostly brush drawings of idyllic landscapes, bustling with people. His works show the influence of Solomon Gessner. Towards the end of his life he turned to representations of people and created historical and mythological scenes. He also made vignettes and illustrations of works by Gottlieb Rabener and Christian Felix Weisse.
In his time he was quite renowned as an artist. Collections of his works are in Coburg, Dresden, Hamburg, Leipzig and Vienna.
Johann Sebastian Bach (31 March [O.S. 21 March] 1685 – 28 July 1750) was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and over three hundred cantatas of which around two hundred survive. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.
Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.
Bach was born in Eisenach, in the duchy of Saxe-Eisenach, into a great musical family. His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was the director of the town musicians, and all of his uncles were professional musicians. His father probably taught him to play the violin and harpsichord, and his brother, Johann Christoph Bach, taught him the clavichord and exposed him to much contemporary music. Apparently at his own initiative, Bach attended St. Michael's School in Lüneburg for two years. After graduating, he held several musical posts across Germany: he served as Kapellmeister (director of music) to Leopold, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, and as Thomaskantor in Leipzig, a position of music director at the main Lutheran churches and educator at the Thomasschule. He received the title of "Royal Court Composer" from Augustus III in 1736. Bach's health and vision declined in 1749, and he died on 28 July 1750.
There are over 1000 known compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach. Nearly all of them are listed in the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV), which is the best known and most widely used catalogue of Bach's compositions.
The earliest lists of Bach's compositions are given by his biographers, starting from his obituary which gives a list of instrumental works printed during the composer's lifetime (from Clavier-Übung I to The Art of Fugue), followed by a list which groups other types of compositions he wrote. The first separately published biography of the composer, by Johann Nikolaus Forkel, follows the same setup: its ninth chapter first lists printed works (adding four-part chorales that were published in the second half of the 18th century), followed by a rough overview of the unpublished ones. In the first half of the 19th century more works were published, so the next biographies (Schauer and Hilgenfeldt in 1850) had more elaborate appendices listing printed works, referring to these works by publisher, and the number or page number given to the works in these publications. So, for example, the Prelude and Fugue in E-flat major can be indicated as "C. F. Peters Vol. III No. 1", or any of the variants ("Griepenkerl and Roitzsch Vol. 3 p. 2", "Peters Book 242 p. 2", "P. S. V., Cah. 3 (242), No. 1", etc.)
Religious music (also sacred music) is music performed or composed for religious use or through religious influence. Ritual music is music, sacred or not, performed or composed for or as ritual.
It is generally held that the earliest music in the Christian Church came from Jewish worship music. It is believed that this music lay somewhere between singing and speaking, or speaking with an understood ritual cadence. However, there is another opinion that the roots of early Christian music come from the early ascetic monastic orders.
Hindu music is music created for or influenced by Hinduism.
The earliest synagogal music was based on the same system as that in the Temple in Jerusalem. According to the Talmud, Joshua ben Hananiah, who had served in the sanctuary Levitical choir, told how the choristers went to the synagogue from the orchestra by the altar (Talmud, Suk. 53a), and so participated in both services.
The Best of Bach
Aria Da Capo,Goldberg-Variationen,BWV 988 [HD] - Johann Sebastian Bach
Bachs Thomaner, Vol. 5
Johann Sebastian Bach - Ein Choralbuch für Johann Sebastian - Passion
Bach / Jörg Demus, 1955: Partita No. 1 in B Flat, BWV 825 - Complete - Original Remington LP
Klassische Gitarren Musik / Klassik mit Johann Sebastian Bach, Tomaso Albinoni, Carulli, Campian...
The Best of Tchaikovsky
Kinderkonzerte mit dem Holzwurm - "Ach, Bach!"
J.S. Bach: Das Genie aus der Provinz II
Tomás Luis de Victoria Geistliche Musik der Renaissance 2012-03-25_ARTE
The Best of Johann Sebastian Bach (31 March [O.S. 21 March] 1685 -- 28 July 1750) Part II:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF-bE9Tfnyg&list;=UU5p_ZYS7lMPpiFijxgLtakA Bach was born in Eisenach, Saxe-Eisenach, into a great musical family; his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was the director of the town musicians, and all of his uncles were professional musicians. His father probably taught him to play violin and harpsichord, and his brother, Johann Christoph Bach, taught him the clavichord and exposed him to much contemporary music. Apparently at his own initiative, Bach attended St Michael's School in Lüneburg for two years. After graduating, he held several musical posts across Germany: he served as Kapellmeister (director of music) to Leopold, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, Cantor of Thomasschul...
Wir bringen Ihnen die besten klassischen Musik aller Zeiten , in HD-Qualität. Jetzt abonnieren! Johann Sebastian Bach (31. März [ OS 21. März ] 1685-1628 July 1750) war ein deutscher Komponist , Organist , Cembalist , Bratschist und Violinist des Barock . Er bereicherte viele etablierte deutsche Arten durch seine Fähigkeiten in Kontrapunkt, harmonischen und motivischen Organisation , und die Anpassung der Rhythmen , Formen und Texturen aus dem Ausland , vor allem aus Italien und Frankreich. Viele der Werke Bachs sind auch heute noch bekannt ist, wie die Brandenburgischen Konzerte , die Messe in h- Moll, die das Wohltemperierte Klavier , seine Kantaten, Choräle , Partiten , Leidenschaften und Orgelwerke . Seine Musik ist für seine intellektuelle Tiefe , technische Befehl und künstlerische ...
„Bachs Thomaner“ – ein neuer Forschungsansatz / Über Johann Sebastian Bach wissen wir so wenig wie über kaum einen anderen großen Komponisten. Mit einem von der Gerda Henkel Stiftung geförderten Forschungsprojekt verfolgt das Bach-Archiv einen neuen methodischen Ansatz um den Geheimnissen des Thomaskantors auf die Spur zu kommen: Was berichten die Thomaner über ihren Lehrer. Ein kürzlich wiederentdecktes Matrikelbuch der Thomasschule aus Bachs Amtszeit bietet die Grundlage für zahlreiche Neuerkenntnisse ... Ein Film von Peter Prestel. „Bach’s Thomaner“ – a new approach to research /Our knowledge about Johann Sebastian Bach is as little as about no other classical composer. Related to a research project funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung the Leipzig Bach Archive now tries to unveil the se...
(00:00:00 - 00:07:56) O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 622) Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 402) (00:07:57 - 00:09:52) O du Liebe meiner Liebe Geistliches Lied / Sacred song (BWV 491) (00:09:53 - 00:11:35) O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 394) (00:11:36 - 00:14:22) O Jesu, wie ist dein Gestalt Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 1094) (00:14:23 - 00:15:19) O Mensch schau Jesum Christum an Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 403) (00:15:20 - 00:16:17) O Herzensangst Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 400) (00:16:18 - 00:17:44) O wir armen Sünder Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 407) (00:17:45 - 00:20:13) O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 1085) (00:20:14 - 00:21:46) Die bittre Leiden...
The reverse side of this LP is here: http://youtu.be/HidOaXgcI-U The Austrian pianist Jörg Demus performs Bach's Partita No. 1 in B Flat, BWV 825. Demus was about 28 years old when he recorded this work. The Remington LP (RLP-199-25) was issued to the public in 1957. Prelude (0:11) Allemande (1:57) Courante (3:30) Sarabande (4:45) Menuets I and II (8:56) Gigue (12:38) Jörg Demus (* 2. Dezember 1928 in St. Pölten, Österreich) ist ein österreichischer Pianist und Komponist. Demus wuchs auf als Sohn des Kunsthistorikers Otto Demus und der Konzertviolinistin Luise Demus. Er erhielt bereits im Alter von sechs Jahren den ersten Klavierunterricht und wurde mit elf Jahren zur Wiener Musikakademie zugelassen, wo er bis 1945 Orgel, Klavier, Komposition und Orchesterleitung studierte. Sein e...
Sie hören hier zur Klassischen Gitarren Musik folgende Musikstücke : Theme in E min Tomaso Albinoni Klassik Gitarre Menuett in D minor Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Menuett in F Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Marsch in C Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Choral in C: Guitar trio Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Theme in G Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Bouree Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Sheep May Safely Graze: Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Never Weather Beaten Sail: Thomas Campian Klassik Gitarre Duet in G Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Allegretto in A from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Andante in C from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Andante in C from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitar...
Subscribe for more classical music: http://bit.ly/YouTubeHalidonMusic Listen to our Tchaikovsky playlist on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2nSb4kb Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/halidonmusic/ ▶ BUY the full MP3 album from our music store: http://bit.ly/13fG8tj ♫♫♫ Special Price ♫♫♫ ▶ BUY on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1mNlvjQ ▶ BUY on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1jCZHmc Follow us here: https://www.facebook.com/halidonmusic/ https://twitter.com/halidonmusic http://www.halidon.it/index.php More music here: https://play.spotify.com/user/halidon TRACKLIST The Best of Tchaikovsky 1. Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor Op. 23 - Allegro non troppo ( 00:00 ) 2. Eugene Onegin Act III -- Polonaise ( 08:56 ) 3. Symphony No. 6 in B Minor "Pathetique" - 1st mov. ( 14:00 ) 4. Violin Concerto in D ...
Tomás Luis de Victoria Geistliche Musik der Renaissance zum 400. Todesjahr von Tomás Luis de Victoria. Er ist der bedeutendste Komponist der spanischen Renaissance: Tomás Luis de Victoria. Zu seinem 400. Todesjahr präsentiert das britische Vokalensemble "The Sixteen" unter der Leitung von Harry Christophers eine Auswahl von Victorias Werken. Das Ensemble ist dem Klangideal der Renaissance verpflichtet: Damals war in der Kirchenmusik nur Männern und Knaben die Mitwirkung gestattet. Deshalb wählt Harry Christophers für sein Ensemble Frauenstimmen, die dem Klang der Chorknaben möglichst nahe kommen: glockenrein schwebende Töne ohne forciertes Vibrato. Schauplatz ist die Kirche von San Antonio de los Alemanes, ein barockes Juwel im Herzen von Madrid. Erbaut zur Zeit Victorias bietet die Kir...
Sebastian Bach "18 & Life" is taken from the live CD / DVD "ABachalypse Now" out NOW on Frontiers Records. Release dates: Europe: March 22nd 2013 / North America: March 26th 2013 CD1 - Sebastian Bach -- Live at Hellfest, France 2012 Slave to the Grind; Kicking & Screaming; Here I Am; Big Guns; Piece of Me; 18 & Life; American Metalhead; Monkey Business; I Remember You; Youth Gone Wild. CD2 - Sebastian Bach -- Live at Nokia, Los Angeles CA 2012 Big Guns; (Love Is) a Bitch Slap; Piece of Me; 18 & Life; American Metal Head; Monkey Business; I Remember You; TunnelVision; Youth Gone Wild. DVD Contents: Live at Hellfest, France Slave to the Grind; Kicking & Screaming; Here I Am; Big Guns; Piece of Me; 18 & Life; American Metalhead; Monkey Business; I Remember You; Youth Gone Wild. Live at...
Decibel Geek Podcast Presents: Sebastian Bach: Youth Gone Wild Captured live at the Rocklahoma 2016 Festival in Pryor, Oklahoma by Rockin' Ron! Subscribe to this Decibel Geek YouTube channel for over 300 videos of Classic Hard Rock and Heavy Metal artists captured live from around the world along with Video Episodes of the Podcast, Interviews, and much more with new videos added daily! The Decibel Geek Podcast is your #1 weekly podcast on the world of Classic Hard Rock and Heavy Metal! Celebrating 5 years of weekly episodes with nearly 250 archive episodes to date including Year In Review, Radio Sucks, Albums Unleashed, Bizarro Covers, Fresh Blood, and many more + the annual KISSmas In July and Rocktoberfest episodes along with great interviews, discussions, and of course, the music! ...
August 31, 1991 - Wembley Stadium (UK) Skid Row ( with Sebastian Bach as frontman) opened for Guns n' Roses BAZ ROCKS!
Skid Row - 18 And Life (Live at Moscow Music Peace Festival 1989) HD Widescreen
#doeter @ irc.quakenet.org
Decibel Geek Podcast Presents: Sebastian Bach: 18 & Life Captured live at the Rocklahoma 2016 Festival in Pryor, Oklahoma by Rockin' Ron! Subscribe to this Decibel Geek YouTube channel for over 300 videos of Classic Hard Rock and Heavy Metal artists captured live from around the world along with Video Episodes of the Podcast, Interviews, and much more with new videos added daily! The Decibel Geek Podcast is your #1 weekly podcast on the world of Classic Hard Rock and Heavy Metal! Celebrating 5 years of weekly episodes with nearly 250 archive episodes to date including Year In Review, Radio Sucks, Albums Unleashed, Bizarro Covers, Fresh Blood, and many more + the annual KISSmas In July and Rocktoberfest episodes along with great interviews, discussions, and of course, the music! Tune i...
Sebastian Bach I Remember You Live in Battle Creek Michigan November 17 2016 at Planet Live Music Factory Brent Woods: Guitar Rob DeLuca: Bass Bobby Jarzombek: Drums Sound: Dave Hart Monitors: Bryan Laffin Guitar Tech: Richard Diaz De Leon Drum Tech: Randy Figirova Camera: Suzanne Le Bach http://www.sebastianbach.com http://www.facebook.com/sebastianbach http://www.twitter.com/sebastianbach http://www.instagram.com/sebastianbach
Subscribe for more classical music: http://bit.ly/YouTubeHalidonMusic Listen to our Bach playlist on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2nShY9e Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/halidonmusic/ ▶ BUY the full MP3 album from our music store: http://bit.ly/TpRqnQ ♫♫♫ Special Price ♫♫♫ ▶ BUY on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1lvmu3f ▶ BUY on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1pSRqhS Follow us here: https://www.facebook.com/halidonmusic/ https://twitter.com/halidonmusic http://www.halidon.it/index.php More music here: https://play.spotify.com/user/halidon THE BEST OF BACH | TRACKLIST 1. Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F major, BWV 1046 – Allegro (00:00) 2. Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F major, BWV 1046 – Adagio (4:43) 3. Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F major, BWV 1046 – Allegro (9:10) 4. Brandenburg Co...
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Violin Concertos
Concert BWV 1041, Concert BWV 1042, Concert BWV 1043, Concert BWV 1060a Concerto per violino, archie basso continuo 1041 BWV 1- - (00:00) 2- Andante (04:09) 3- Allegro (11:03) Concerto per violino, archie basso continuo 1042 BWV 4- Allegro (15:09) 5- Adagio (23:34) 6- Allegro assai (30:22) Concerto per due violini, archie basso continuo 1043 BWV 7- Vivace (33:02) 8- Largo ma non tanto (37:01) 9- Allegro (44:18) Concerto per violino, oboe,archi e basso continuo BWV 1060a 10- Allegro (49:30) 11- Adagio (54:44) 12- Allegro (1:00:20) copyright disclaimer: immagini, logo, e musica sono di proprietà dei leggittimi proprietari, e il sottoscritto non intende avanzare diritti di alcun genere su di essi copyright disclaimer: images, logos, and music are property of their legitimate owners, and...
Super-star rockstar, Sebastian Bach talks all things Rock & Roll, his role on Gilmore Girls and why Kanye West is NOT a Rock Star. His new book, "18 and Life on Skid Row" is out now. Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RealSway http://twitter.com/TheHappyHourwHB http://twitter.com/DJWonder http://twitter.com/ItsTracyG http://twitter.com/NickyGeezy http://twitter.com/YSKSKMedia FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SwayCalloway WEBSITE: http://swaysuniverse.com
The great composizione of the master of Baroque music. More than three hours of wonderful music from "Goldberg Variations" to the "Brandenburg Concertos" and "Toccata and Fugue". Magic! 00:00:00 Toccata And Fugue in D Minor 00:08:09 Goldberg Variation Aria BWV988 00:14:41 Concerto in A Minor 00:18:27 Concerto in A Minor - Andante 00:24:18 Concerto in A Minor - Allegro Assai 00:27:59 Suite (ouverture) N°1 00:34:46 Magnificat BWV 243 00:37:15 Cantata BWV 29 00:41:18 Suite n°3 BWV 29 00:44:55 Second Suite BWV1067 00:46:38 Brandenburg Concert n°2 - Allegro 00:51:00 Brandenburg Concert n°2 - Andante 00:54:50 Brandenburg Concert n°2 - Allegro Assai 00:57:18 Brandenburg Concert n°4 - Allegro 01:03:41 Brandenburg Concert n°4 - Andante 01:07:31 Brandenburg Concert n°4 - Presto 01:11:37 Brandenburg...
The Best of Johann Sebastian Bach (31 March [O.S. 21 March] 1685 -- 28 July 1750) Part II:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF-bE9Tfnyg&list;=UU5p_ZYS7lMPpiFijxgLtakA Bach was born in Eisenach, Saxe-Eisenach, into a great musical family; his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was the director of the town musicians, and all of his uncles were professional musicians. His father probably taught him to play violin and harpsichord, and his brother, Johann Christoph Bach, taught him the clavichord and exposed him to much contemporary music. Apparently at his own initiative, Bach attended St Michael's School in Lüneburg for two years. After graduating, he held several musical posts across Germany: he served as Kapellmeister (director of music) to Leopold, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, Cantor of Thomasschul...
Johann Sebastian Bach - Partita for solo violin Nº 2 in D minor, BWV 1004. 1720. Hilary Hahn, Violin, 1997. Chaconne, Partita Nº 2, BWV 1004 http://youtu.be/QqA3qQMKueA Violin Partita Nº 3, BWV 1006 http://youtu.be/3VOkrddp6M8 Violin Sonata Nº 3, BWV 1005 http://youtu.be/Lej1nHZBMgc Parts/Movements 1. Allemande 00:00 2. Courante 05:13 3. Sarabande 07:22 4. Gigue 12:06 5. Chaconne 15:30 - http://youtu.be/QqA3qQMKueA In 1999, Hahn said that she played Bach more than any other composer and that she had played solo Bach pieces every day since she was eight. "Bach is, for me, the touchstone that keeps my playing honest. Keeping the intonation pure in double stops, bringing out the various voices where the phrasing requires it, crossing the strings so that there are not inadvertent accents, pr...
Johann Sebastian Bach - The Greatest Hits 01. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565 0:00:09 Сергей Дижур 02. Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B Minor, BWV 1067: VII. Badinerie 0:09:37 Московский камерный оркестр, Рудольф Баршай 03. Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: II. Air 0:11:04 Московский камерный оркестр, Рудольф Баршай 04. Orchestral Suite No. 4 in D Major, BWV 1069: IV. Gavotte 0:17:08 Московский камерный оркестр, Рудольф Баршай 05. Sonata No. 1 in B Minor, BWV 1014: II. Allegro 0:18:14 Игорь Ойстрах, Наталья Зерцалова 06. Trio in G Major, BWV 586 0:21:49 Сергей Цацорин 07. Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C Minor, BWV 1060: I. Allegro 0:25:08 Московский камерный оркестр, Константин Орбелян, Ирина Иванова, Александр Архангельский 08. Harpsichord Concerto No. 5 in F Minor, BW...
J.S. Bach Cello Suites No.1-6 BWV 1007-1012, Ralph Kirshbaum 1. Cello Suite No.1 in G major BWV 1007 0:00-18:07 Prelude Allemande Courante Sarabande Minuet Gigue 2. Cello Suite No.2 in D minor BWV 1008 18:07-38:02 Prelude Allemande Courante Sarabande Minuet Gigue 3. Cello Suite No.3 in C major BWV 1009 38:02-1:00:39 Prelude Allemande Courante Sarabande Bourree Gigue 4. Cello Suite No.4 in E flat major BWV 1010 1:00:39-1:24:47 Prelude Allemande Courante Sarabande Bourree Gigue 5. Cello Suite No.5 in C minor BWV 1011 1:24:47-1:51:02 Prelude Allemande Courante Sarabande Gavotte Gigue 6. Cello Suite No.6 in D major BWV 1012 1:51:02 Prelude Allemande Courante Sarabande Gavotte Gigue Painting: Jean Raoux, Orpheus and Eurydice, Oil on Canvas, 1709
Kurt Loder sits down with Sebastian Bach to talk about his work with Skid Row. He also talks about a court case where he assaulted a fan and about the bad press for wearing a shirt that offended people. This played during the 1991 VMA's preshow special.
Super-star rockstar, Sebastian Bach talks all things Rock & Roll, his role on Gilmore Girls and why Kanye West is NOT a Rock Star. His new book, "18 and Life on Skid Row" is out now. Subscribe to our page: http://bit.ly/SVsBQC TWITTER: http://twitter.com/RealSway http://twitter.com/TheHappyHourwHB http://twitter.com/DJWonder http://twitter.com/ItsTracyG http://twitter.com/NickyGeezy http://twitter.com/YSKSKMedia FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SwayCalloway WEBSITE: http://swaysuniverse.com
The ex-Skid Row frontman talks about his band's landmark debut album and how "I Remember You" almost didn't make the cut. Sebastian Bach full interview: https://yhoo.it/2jSo1I7
Iconic rock singer Sebastian Bach spoke (and sang) about his life at length with host Christina Rowatt backstage on his 2007 Australian tour with Guns 'N' Roses. Full minute-by-minute content guide for the chat below. 00:20 Cole Porter’s “Night and Day” 01:17 His great friend Dimebag Darrell and Pantera’s first arena tour with Skid Row 02:08 Recording Ozzy Osbourne’s “Believer” with Dimebag for a Randy Rhoads tribute 02:33 AC/DC’s “Let There Be Rock” 02:57 The experience of the internet as a recording artist who sold 20 million records in the glory days 03:49 Playing clubs in Ontario, Canada in 1983 and the origins of his name 05:12 Hooking up with Skid Row after appearing in Metallion magazine 05:37 His first job; singing beer commercials 06:31 Skid Row and Sebastian exchanged tapes; he...
Skid Row, Sebastian Bach Live interview at 6 December 2016 Please Like & Subscribe thanks
Sebastian Bach sits down with George to try to bury the hatchet. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/CBCSubscribe Watch Full Episodes of George Stroumboulopoulos: http://bit.ly/FullEpisodesCBC About George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight: In-depth conversations with influential and fascinating people. Stay Connected: Visit George Stroumboulopoulos: http://bit.ly/CBCStrombo Twitter: http://bit.ly/CBCStromboTwitter Facebook: http://bit.ly/CBCStromboFB About CBC: Welcome to the official YouTube channel for CBC, Canada’s public broadcaster. CBC is dedicated to creating content with original voices that inspire and entertain. Watch sneak peeks and trailers, behind the scenes footage, original web series, digital-exclusives and more. Connect with CBC Online: Twitter: http://bit.ly/CBCTwitter Facebook: htt...
for millions (okay, hundreds) more interviews, visit earofnewt.com
The Best of Johann Sebastian Bach (31 March [O.S. 21 March] 1685 -- 28 July 1750) Part II:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF-bE9Tfnyg&list;=UU5p_ZYS7lMPpiFijxgLtakA Bach was born in Eisenach, Saxe-Eisenach, into a great musical family; his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was the director of the town musicians, and all of his uncles were professional musicians. His father probably taught him to play violin and harpsichord, and his brother, Johann Christoph Bach, taught him the clavichord and exposed him to much contemporary music. Apparently at his own initiative, Bach attended St Michael's School in Lüneburg for two years. After graduating, he held several musical posts across Germany: he served as Kapellmeister (director of music) to Leopold, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, Cantor of Thomasschul...
Wir bringen Ihnen die besten klassischen Musik aller Zeiten , in HD-Qualität. Jetzt abonnieren! Johann Sebastian Bach (31. März [ OS 21. März ] 1685-1628 July 1750) war ein deutscher Komponist , Organist , Cembalist , Bratschist und Violinist des Barock . Er bereicherte viele etablierte deutsche Arten durch seine Fähigkeiten in Kontrapunkt, harmonischen und motivischen Organisation , und die Anpassung der Rhythmen , Formen und Texturen aus dem Ausland , vor allem aus Italien und Frankreich. Viele der Werke Bachs sind auch heute noch bekannt ist, wie die Brandenburgischen Konzerte , die Messe in h- Moll, die das Wohltemperierte Klavier , seine Kantaten, Choräle , Partiten , Leidenschaften und Orgelwerke . Seine Musik ist für seine intellektuelle Tiefe , technische Befehl und künstlerische ...
„Bachs Thomaner“ – ein neuer Forschungsansatz / Über Johann Sebastian Bach wissen wir so wenig wie über kaum einen anderen großen Komponisten. Mit einem von der Gerda Henkel Stiftung geförderten Forschungsprojekt verfolgt das Bach-Archiv einen neuen methodischen Ansatz um den Geheimnissen des Thomaskantors auf die Spur zu kommen: Was berichten die Thomaner über ihren Lehrer. Ein kürzlich wiederentdecktes Matrikelbuch der Thomasschule aus Bachs Amtszeit bietet die Grundlage für zahlreiche Neuerkenntnisse ... Ein Film von Peter Prestel. „Bach’s Thomaner“ – a new approach to research /Our knowledge about Johann Sebastian Bach is as little as about no other classical composer. Related to a research project funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung the Leipzig Bach Archive now tries to unveil the se...
(00:00:00 - 00:07:56) O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 622) Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 402) (00:07:57 - 00:09:52) O du Liebe meiner Liebe Geistliches Lied / Sacred song (BWV 491) (00:09:53 - 00:11:35) O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 394) (00:11:36 - 00:14:22) O Jesu, wie ist dein Gestalt Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 1094) (00:14:23 - 00:15:19) O Mensch schau Jesum Christum an Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 403) (00:15:20 - 00:16:17) O Herzensangst Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 400) (00:16:18 - 00:17:44) O wir armen Sünder Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 407) (00:17:45 - 00:20:13) O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 1085) (00:20:14 - 00:21:46) Die bittre Leiden...
The reverse side of this LP is here: http://youtu.be/HidOaXgcI-U The Austrian pianist Jörg Demus performs Bach's Partita No. 1 in B Flat, BWV 825. Demus was about 28 years old when he recorded this work. The Remington LP (RLP-199-25) was issued to the public in 1957. Prelude (0:11) Allemande (1:57) Courante (3:30) Sarabande (4:45) Menuets I and II (8:56) Gigue (12:38) Jörg Demus (* 2. Dezember 1928 in St. Pölten, Österreich) ist ein österreichischer Pianist und Komponist. Demus wuchs auf als Sohn des Kunsthistorikers Otto Demus und der Konzertviolinistin Luise Demus. Er erhielt bereits im Alter von sechs Jahren den ersten Klavierunterricht und wurde mit elf Jahren zur Wiener Musikakademie zugelassen, wo er bis 1945 Orgel, Klavier, Komposition und Orchesterleitung studierte. Sein e...
Sie hören hier zur Klassischen Gitarren Musik folgende Musikstücke : Theme in E min Tomaso Albinoni Klassik Gitarre Menuett in D minor Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Menuett in F Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Marsch in C Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Choral in C: Guitar trio Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Theme in G Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Bouree Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Sheep May Safely Graze: Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Never Weather Beaten Sail: Thomas Campian Klassik Gitarre Duet in G Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Allegretto in A from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Andante in C from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Andante in C from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitar...
Subscribe for more classical music: http://bit.ly/YouTubeHalidonMusic Listen to our Tchaikovsky playlist on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2nSb4kb Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/halidonmusic/ ▶ BUY the full MP3 album from our music store: http://bit.ly/13fG8tj ♫♫♫ Special Price ♫♫♫ ▶ BUY on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1mNlvjQ ▶ BUY on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1jCZHmc Follow us here: https://www.facebook.com/halidonmusic/ https://twitter.com/halidonmusic http://www.halidon.it/index.php More music here: https://play.spotify.com/user/halidon TRACKLIST The Best of Tchaikovsky 1. Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor Op. 23 - Allegro non troppo ( 00:00 ) 2. Eugene Onegin Act III -- Polonaise ( 08:56 ) 3. Symphony No. 6 in B Minor "Pathetique" - 1st mov. ( 14:00 ) 4. Violin Concerto in D ...
Tomás Luis de Victoria Geistliche Musik der Renaissance zum 400. Todesjahr von Tomás Luis de Victoria. Er ist der bedeutendste Komponist der spanischen Renaissance: Tomás Luis de Victoria. Zu seinem 400. Todesjahr präsentiert das britische Vokalensemble "The Sixteen" unter der Leitung von Harry Christophers eine Auswahl von Victorias Werken. Das Ensemble ist dem Klangideal der Renaissance verpflichtet: Damals war in der Kirchenmusik nur Männern und Knaben die Mitwirkung gestattet. Deshalb wählt Harry Christophers für sein Ensemble Frauenstimmen, die dem Klang der Chorknaben möglichst nahe kommen: glockenrein schwebende Töne ohne forciertes Vibrato. Schauplatz ist die Kirche von San Antonio de los Alemanes, ein barockes Juwel im Herzen von Madrid. Erbaut zur Zeit Victorias bietet die Kir...
The Best of Johann Sebastian Bach (31 March [O.S. 21 March] 1685 -- 28 July 1750) Part II:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF-bE9Tfnyg&list;=UU5p_ZYS7lMPpiFijxgLtakA Bach was born in Eisenach, Saxe-Eisenach, into a great musical family; his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was the director of the town musicians, and all of his uncles were professional musicians. His father probably taught him to play violin and harpsichord, and his brother, Johann Christoph Bach, taught him the clavichord and exposed him to much contemporary music. Apparently at his own initiative, Bach attended St Michael's School in Lüneburg for two years. After graduating, he held several musical posts across Germany: he served as Kapellmeister (director of music) to Leopold, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen, Cantor of Thomasschul...
Sie hören hier zur Klassischen Gitarren Musik folgende Musikstücke : Theme in E min Tomaso Albinoni Klassik Gitarre Menuett in D minor Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Menuett in F Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Marsch in C Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Choral in C: Guitar trio Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Theme in G Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Bouree Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Sheep May Safely Graze: Johann Sebastian Bach Klassik Gitarre Never Weather Beaten Sail: Thomas Campian Klassik Gitarre Duet in G Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Allegretto in A from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Andante in C from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitarre Andante in C from Opus 120 Ferdinando Carulli Klassik Gitar...
(00:00:00 - 00:07:56) O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 622) Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 402) (00:07:57 - 00:09:52) O du Liebe meiner Liebe Geistliches Lied / Sacred song (BWV 491) (00:09:53 - 00:11:35) O Welt, sieh hier dein Leben Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 394) (00:11:36 - 00:14:22) O Jesu, wie ist dein Gestalt Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 1094) (00:14:23 - 00:15:19) O Mensch schau Jesum Christum an Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 403) (00:15:20 - 00:16:17) O Herzensangst Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 400) (00:16:18 - 00:17:44) O wir armen Sünder Choralsatz / Chorale-Setting (BWV 407) (00:17:45 - 00:20:13) O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig Choralvorspiel / Chorale prelude (BWV 1085) (00:20:14 - 00:21:46) Die bittre Leiden...
Subscribe for more classical music: http://bit.ly/YouTubeHalidonMusic Listen to our Tchaikovsky playlist on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2nSb4kb Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/halidonmusic/ ▶ BUY the full MP3 album from our music store: http://bit.ly/13fG8tj ♫♫♫ Special Price ♫♫♫ ▶ BUY on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1mNlvjQ ▶ BUY on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1jCZHmc Follow us here: https://www.facebook.com/halidonmusic/ https://twitter.com/halidonmusic http://www.halidon.it/index.php More music here: https://play.spotify.com/user/halidon TRACKLIST The Best of Tchaikovsky 1. Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor Op. 23 - Allegro non troppo ( 00:00 ) 2. Eugene Onegin Act III -- Polonaise ( 08:56 ) 3. Symphony No. 6 in B Minor "Pathetique" - 1st mov. ( 14:00 ) 4. Violin Concerto in D ...
Music for Stress Relief, Classical Music for Relaxation, Instrumental Music, Mozart, ♫E092 - YellowBrickCinema’s Relaxing Classical Music is ideal study music, reading music, sleeping music (adult sleep music and baby sleep music) and general relaxation music. Our Classical Study Music will help you relax and focus whilst studying for that big test or exam. You can also use our soothing music and calming music as relaxing music for stress relief. We have selected top quality Classical Instrumental Music from some of the world’s best composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Debussy, Brahms, Handel, Chopin, Schubert, Haydn, Dvorak, Schumann, Tchaikovsky and many more. Enjoy YellowBrickCinema’s Classical Music whilst you relax, study, work, read, fall asleep or as relaxing backgro...
aus dem Booklet zur CD: Die Lukas-Passion (1744) von Georg Philipp Telemann hat manche Stilmerkmale der von J. S. Bach her bekannten grossangelegten oratorischen Passionen: Choralverse und Evangelientext werden durch eingeschobene Arien ergänzt, die Texte des Volkes zu dramatisch expressiven, den versierten Opernkomponisten verratenden Turbae gesteigert. Doch bleibt Telemann im Gegensatz zu Bachs komplizierterem Stil vergleichsweise einfach, Ja eigentlich „volkstümlich“: Da die eingefügten Choräle seinerzeit von der ganzen Gemeinde gesungen wurden, hat sie Telemann bewusst einfach ausgesetzt. In den Arien und Chören zeugt seine Musik jedoch von grossem Einfallsreichtum und überrascht auch den Musikkenner immer wieder durch ihre Vielfalt: er war ein Meister der Wortausdeutung, ohne ins Myst...
Classical Music for Relaxation, Music for Stress Relief, Relax Music, Instrumental Music, ♫E024 - YellowBrickCinema’s Relaxing Classical Music is ideal study music, reading music, sleeping music (adult sleep music and baby sleep music) and general relaxation music. Our Classical Study Music will help you relax and focus whilst studying for that big test or exam. You can also use our soothing music and calming music as relaxing music for stress relief. We have selected top quality Classical Instrumental Music from some of the world’s best composers such as Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, Debussy, Brahms, Handel, Chopin, Schubert, Haydn, Dvorak, Schumann, Tchaikovsky and many more. Enjoy YellowBrickCinema’s Classical Music whilst you relax, study, work, read, fall asleep or as relaxing ba...
Tomás Luis de Victoria Geistliche Musik der Renaissance zum 400. Todesjahr von Tomás Luis de Victoria. Er ist der bedeutendste Komponist der spanischen Renaissance: Tomás Luis de Victoria. Zu seinem 400. Todesjahr präsentiert das britische Vokalensemble "The Sixteen" unter der Leitung von Harry Christophers eine Auswahl von Victorias Werken. Das Ensemble ist dem Klangideal der Renaissance verpflichtet: Damals war in der Kirchenmusik nur Männern und Knaben die Mitwirkung gestattet. Deshalb wählt Harry Christophers für sein Ensemble Frauenstimmen, die dem Klang der Chorknaben möglichst nahe kommen: glockenrein schwebende Töne ohne forciertes Vibrato. Schauplatz ist die Kirche von San Antonio de los Alemanes, ein barockes Juwel im Herzen von Madrid. Erbaut zur Zeit Victorias bietet die Kir...
Spiegel und Metapher menschlichen Lebens: Die Violinpartiten von Johann Sebastian Bach gelten als Archetypen musikalischer Solostücke - sie faszinieren vor allem durch die Gleichzeitigkeit formaler Strenge und ungeheurer Emotionalität, in denen Zustände innerer Zerrissenheit und physischer Erschöpfung mit lichten Momenten großer Klarheit und erfüllender Sehnsucht abwechseln. Für den Interpreten bedeutet das, genau dieses Spannungsfeld füllen zu müssen: Die Verdeutlichung der musikalischen Strukturen unter höchsten spieltechnischen Anforderungen - bei gleichzeitiger Darstellung emotionaler Ausnahmezustände. "Inside Partita" in der Elisabethkirche Berlin spiegelt diese Pole in einem außergewöhnlichen Setting wider und führt drei unterschiedliche Künstler zu einem Versuch einer neuen Deutung ...
Sie sehen hier zur Klaviermusik von Mozart , Beethoven, Haydn , Dussek ,Müller, Vanhal , Clementi , Schytte, Haslinger, Diabelli , Pleyel, Köhler, Kuhlau ,Andre, Fibich einen Experimentalfilm. Für die Musikstücke besitze ich eine Lizenz ! Auf dem Kanal NatureandClassic finden sie Experimentalfilme zur Klassischen Musik von Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Schubert, Händel, und auch modernen Komponisten wie Andreas Wolter. Es werden hier populäre Werke wie die Moldau von Smetana, die kleine Nachtmusik oder die Air Suite Nr. 3 von Bach gezeigt. Entspannen sie sich bei schöner Klaviermusik von Chopin oder hören sie Variationen von Pachelbels Canon in D. Sehen sie Naturaufnahmen zur Musik von Händel oder Brahms. Aber auch Musik für Kinder wie z.B Spieluhrenmusik oder Kinderlieder wie z.B ´´Wei...
And now there is no choice
I must put a side
The fear that feels inside
There is no place to hide
So it comes to this
One great and golden chance
That's only I can take
When everything I fought for is at stake
To make the mark
That's only I can make
This is the moment
This is the day
When I send all my doubts and demons
On their way
Every endeavor
I have made ever
Is coming into play.
Is here and now today
This is the moment,
This is the time,
When the momentum and the moment
Are in rhyme
Give me this moment
This precious chance
I'll gather up my past
And make some sense at last
This is the moment
When all I've done
All of the dreaming,
Scheming and screaming
Become one
This is the day
See it sparkle and shine
When all I've lived for
Becomes mine
For all these years,
I've faced the world alone,
And now the time has come
To prove to them
I've made it on my own
This is the moment
My final test
Destiny beckoned,
I never reckoned
Second best
I won't look down
I must not fall
This is the moment,
The sweetest moment of them all
This is the moment
Damn all the odds
This day, or never,
I'll sit forever
With the gods
When I look back,
I will always recall,
This was the moment,
Moment for moment,
The greatest moment,