Talking Brisbane

Ray Hadley: Truckies going broke

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash

1:35 PM   Labor slammed by Employment Minister Michaelia Cash for betraying truckies

Ray Hadley: David Campbell’s shoulder dip

David Campbell will appear as Bobby Darin in Dreamlover

1:32 PM   Ray tells David Campbell he needs to perfect Bobby Darin’s shoulder dip

Alan Jones: Bruce Woodley and Athol Guy

Bruce Woodley and Athol Guy spoke to Alan jones

9:37 AM   Alan is joined by the Seekers’ members to talk about Georgy Girl – the Seekers musical

Alan Jones: Glenn Lazarus

Glenn Lazarus spoke to Alan Jones

9:44 AM   Alan talks to the independent senator about scrapping the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal

Second chance for QLD Nickel workers

The sugarcane industry is providing some relief for ex QLD Nickel workers

11:02 AM   Angie Bramwell is connecting retrenched workers with sugar cane contractors who are looking for employees.

QLD Mother of the Year

QLD Mother of the year 2016 Keelen Mailman

10:37 AM   Brisbane Live meets Queeslands Mother of the Year Keelan Mailman

Child abduction in Australia is more common than we think

Col Chapman spoke to Chris Smith

5:26 AM   Chris speaks with Col Chapman from Child Recovery Australia, who’s spoken with Sally Faulkner from Beirut.

60 Minutes crew detained in Lebanon

Tom Steinfort spoke to Chris Smith

5:26 AM   Tom Steinfort Joins Chris with the latest from Lebanon.

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Will Australia lose its AAA credit rating?

5:11 AM   Ross Greenwood speaks to the Chief Economist at the NAB Alan Oster about business conditions and will Australia lose its AAA credit rating?

Blackmores future in China

Christine Holgate spoke to Money News

5:08 AM   Ross Greenwood speaks to the CEO of Blackmores Christine Holgate about China changing its importing rules

PWC Family business report

David Smorgon spoke to Money News

5:05 AM   Ross Greenwood speaks to David Smorgon the PWC Head of Family about their latest family business report


Two year countdown to Commonwealth Games

All new Commonwealth Games venues are ahead of schedule and many are under budget.

With only two years to go, Brisbane Live gets a progress update from Games Chairman Nigel Chamier

Brisbane Monopoly is coming!

Brisbane based Australian monopoly Champion Tony Shaw celebrates the launch with Rich Uncle Pennybags.

Monopoly will release a Brisbane themed Monopoly game, now it's up to us to fill the board with locations

Flu vaccines not ready for the winter season

Dr Brian Morton spoke to Chris Smith

Chris speaks with Dr Brian Morton, Chair of the AMA Council of General Practice, about the delay.

Doctors push for tougher alcohol restrictions

It is hoped that raising the drinking age will help restrict the availability of alcohol and alcohol related violence.

A group of Australian doctors wants to see tougher alcohol restrictions to combat drunken violence

Hay runners deliver to QLD farmers

The Hay Runners are driving a 1700ks to deliver feed to our farmers, any donation you can make is greatly appreciated.

The Burrumbuttock Hay Runners need you help to deliver more than 12,000 bales to drought stricken Qld farmers.

PODCAST: The latest from the House of Wellness

The House of Wellness

The latest from the House of Wellness