- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 1453581
The word "damsel" derives from the French demoiselle, meaning "young lady", and the term "damsel in distress" in turn is a translation of the French demoiselle en détresse. It is an archaic term not used in modern English except for effect or in expressions such as this, which can be traced back to the knight errant of Medieval songs and tales, who regarded the saving of such women as an essential part of his raison d'être. The helplessness of the damsel in distress, who can be portrayed as foolish and ineffectual to the point of naïvete, along with her need of others to rescue her, has made the stereotype the target of feminist criticism.
Classic examples of the damsel in distress theme feature in the stories of the ancient Greeks. Greek mythology, while featuring a large retinue of competent goddesses, also contains helpless maidens threatened with sacrifice. One famous example is Andromeda, whose mother offended Poseidon. Poseidon sent a beast to ravage the land, and Andromeda's parents fastened her to a rock in the sea to appease him. The hero Perseus slew the beast, saving Andromeda. Andromeda's plight, chained naked to a rock, became a favorite theme of later painters. This theme of the Princess and dragon is also pursued in the myth of St George.
Starfire and Raven Damsel Collection (Teen Titans)
Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated Damsel Collection
Ben 10 Alien Force and Ultimate Alien Damsel Collection
Batgirl Damsel Collection (The Batman)
Batman The Brave and The Bold Damsel Collection
Top 10 Damsels in Distress in Movies
Ilana Damsel Collection
Ahsoka Tano Damsel Collection
The Black Cat Damsel Collection (Spider-Man: The Animated Series)
Unknown damsel
scoobydooMI damsel
Dawn Damsel Collection (Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl)
Sue Storm Damsel Collection (Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes)
Van Damsel - Sophia (Official Music Video)