12 April 2016

Life expectancy gap between US rich and poor widens

By Jerry White, 12 April 2016

The social crisis reflected in this and other reports is the source of the immense anger and hatred for the political establishment revealed in the 2016 election campaign.

The social crisis and the US elections

More on the 2016 US elections »

UK prime minister defends super-rich in statement on Panama Papers revelations

By Julie Hyland, 12 April 2016

Cameron’s nominal opponents, including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, have closed ranks to fend off demands for his resignation.

Panama Papers destabilise Cameron government in UK

Major Australian companies implicated in Panama Papers

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk resigns amid deepening political crisis

By David Levine, 12 April 2016

In a country where major political scandals and crises occur frequently and regularly, Yatsenyuk leaves government as one of Ukraine’s most hated politicians.

IMF to meet amid worsening stagnation and rising geo-economic tensions

By Nick Beams, 12 April 2016

As global growth continues to slow, there are rising concerns that the negative interest rate policies of major central banks are worsening the situation.

Amid deepening slump, geopolitical and class tensions mount

International Monetary Fund discussed forcing Greek debt default

By John Vassilopoulos, 12 April 2016

A leaked teleconference transcript published by WikiLeaks exposed differences between the European Union and IMF on how to enforce a third austerity package.

Unions at telecom giant Verizon announce April 13 strike deadline

By Maria Kovalenko, 12 April 2016

If the walkout takes place it would involve some 40,000 communication workers on the East Coast of the US, from Massachusetts to Virginia.

“I am certain the UAW knew about this. They sell us out all the time.”
Facing layoffs, Detroit area Fiat Chrysler workers denounce UAW

By Shannon Jones, 12 April 2016

A WSWS reporting team spoke to workers Monday at the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant (SHAP) where 1,300 workers are set to be laid off July 5.

Video: Detroit autoworkers speak on Fiat Chrysler layoffs

Nexteer Automotive workers report arbitrary firings, harassment

More on autoworkers struggles »

ATI steelworkers in US return to work

By Evan Winters, 12 April 2016

The contract approved March 1 after a seven-month lockout, essentially reduces workers to the status of casual laborers, completely at the mercy of the company.

USW-ATI contract imposes health care and pension cuts, casualized labor

United Steelworkers tries to ram sellout deal past ATI workers

Alpha Natural Resources asks court to shred collective bargaining agreements

By Clement Daly, 12 April 2016

Alpha’s petition to get rid of its union contracts threatens the living standards of 610 coal miners and 4,800 retirees and dependents.

New civilian government installed in Burma

By John Roberts and Peter Symonds, 12 April 2016

Far from representing the dawning of democracy in Burma, the government is the outcome of a sordid power-sharing deal between Suu Kyi and the military.

Nepal tries to balance between India and China

By W.A. Sunil, 12 April 2016

New Delhi, backed by Washington, is seeking to ensure its dominant position in Nepal, as part of US efforts to undermine China in every corner of Asia.

New in Greek

Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στην Ελλάδα: Πλήρης συνέταιρος στο ιστορικό έγκλημα ενάντια στους πρόσφυγες

Μπιλ Βαν Άουκεν, 12 Απρίλιος 2016

Τα μέτρα αστυνομικού κράτους και οι συνοπτικές απελάσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται από την κυβέρνηση του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ενάντια στους πρόσφυγες είναι αναπόσπαστα στοιχεία των αδιάκοπων επιθέσεων του ενάντια στην ελληνική εργατική τάξη.

New in Italian

Le potenze occidentali pianificano una nuova guerra in Libia

Di Marianne Arens, 12 aprile 2016

Dopo cinque anni dalla guerra della NATO in Libia, l'Italia, l'EU e gli USA sono già allo stadio avanzato di un nuovo intervento militare nella regione.

New in Spanish

El Congreso Mexicano establece la fundación legal de la ley marcial

Por Neil Hardt, 12 abril 2016

La clase gobernante mexicana, temiendo la detonación de la lucha de clases, está estableciendo el marco legal para la ley marcial y la dictadura militar.

New in French

Alors que la récession s’aggrave, les tensions géopolitiques et de classe s’intensifient

Par Nick Beams, 12 avril 2016

Le Fonds monétaire international a appelé au renforcement de la coopération mondiale mais toutes les tendances vont dans le sens contraire; on assiste à la montée du nationalisme économique et du militarisme

New in German

Merkels brutale Flüchtlingspolitik

Von Peter Schwarz, 12. April 2016

Merkels „europäische Lösung“ der Flüchtlingskrise steht der „nationalen Lösung“ ihrer Gegner an Brutalität in nichts nach.

Stahl-Aktionstag: IG Metall, Konzernchefs und Regierung fordern Handelskriegsmaßnahmen

Von unseren Korrespondenten, 12. April 2016

Die IG Metall organisierte die Kundgebungen als Kulisse, vor der Konzernchefs und Regierungsvertreter Schutzzölle und Handelskriegsmaßnahmen gegen China fordern konnten.

USA schicken B-52-Bomber nach Syrien und in den Irak

Von Patrick Martin, 12. April 2016

Mit der Verlegung von schweren Bombern an den Persischen Golf verschärfen die USA ihr militärisches Eingreifen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten.

Panama Papers belasten Cameron

Von Chris Marsden, 12. April 2016

Großbritannien liegt im Epizentrum eines internationalen Korruptionsnetzwerks, das den Interessen der Finanzoligarchie dient.

Panama-Papiere verschärfen Krise der Regierung Cameron

Von Robert Stevens, 12. April 2016

Nachdem er binnen vier Tagen fünf unterschiedliche Erklärungen abgegeben hatte, gab Premierminister David Cameron schließlich zu, Anteile an der Briefkastenfirma seines Vaters besessen und von ihnen profitiert zu haben.

Hundert Jahre seit dem Osteraufstand in Irland
Teil 1

Von Jordan Shilton, 12. April 2016

Der Osteraufstand war ein bedeutsames Ereignis in der Geschichte Irlands und birgt wichtige politische Lehren für die internationale Arbeiterklasse.

Other Languages


Kerry in Hiroshima

12 April 2016

Amid well-advanced preparations for a “Second Pacific War,” US Secretary of State John Kerry refused to apologize for America’s use of nuclear weapons in the Second World War during a visit to the city of Hiroshima.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016


Is Sanders’ call to “break up the banks” a socialist demand?

By Barry Grey, 12 April 2016

Sanders’ advocacy of “breaking up the big banks” while retaining the framework of private ownership of the financial system and upholding the profit system reflects the position of a definite faction within the ruling elite itself.

Paul Krugman smears Bernie Sanders

Bowing to Democratic Party pressure, Sanders pledges to back Clinton

More on the 2016 elections »

Merkel’s brutal refugee policy

By Peter Schwarz, 12 April 2016

It is now clear that German chancellor Merkel’s “European solution” is no less brutal than the policy of her nationalist opponents.

Macedonian police use tear gas and rubber bullets against refugees

Greece’s Syriza: Full partner in historic crime against refugees

More on the refugee crisis »

French police attack demonstrators protesting anti-worker labor law reform

By Alex Lantier and Stéphane Hugues, 11 April 2016

Bruce Springsteen cancels North Carolina concert in protest against anti-LGBT laws

US Supreme Court hears arguments on corporate “religious right” to bar birth control to employees

Arts Review

Country music legend Merle Haggard (1937-2016)

By Hiram Lee, 12 April 2016

The career of Merle Haggard, who died April 6 at the age of 79, spanned more than half a century, during which time he landed no fewer than 38 number-one hits on the US country music charts.

The Program: The success and calamitous failure of Lance Armstrong

Featured Photo Essay

Photo essay: Contaminated water and hazardous conditions at Michigan mobile home park

By Carlos Delgado and Janel Flechsig, 11 April 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Oppose the political ban on the IYSSE at University of Melbourne!
For democratic and political rights on campus!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Australia), 12 April 2016

The IYSSE calls on students, staff, academics and all workers and youth opposed to the assault on democratic rights to support our campaign against political censorship at the University of Melbourne.

Featured Interview

Marxism and the pseudo-left: David North interviewed at Leipzig Book Fair

1 April 2016

Hundreds attend meetings in Leipzig, Germany on the danger of war and the politics of the pseudo-left


Fifty years since the Delano to Sacramento march: The myth of Cesar Chavez and the collapse of the United Farm Workers
Part Two

By Eric London, 12 April 2016

The union founded by Chavez has become nothing more than a business operated by family members

Fifty years since the Delano to Sacramento march: The myth of Cesar Chavez and the collapse of the United Farm Workers
Part one

New in Greek

Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στην Ελλάδα: Πλήρης συνέταιρος στο ιστορικό έγκλημα ενάντια στους πρόσφυγες

Μπιλ Βαν Άουκεν, 12 Απρίλιος 2016

Τα μέτρα αστυνομικού κράτους και οι συνοπτικές απελάσεις που χρησιμοποιούνται από την κυβέρνηση του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ενάντια στους πρόσφυγες είναι αναπόσπαστα στοιχεία των αδιάκοπων επιθέσεων του ενάντια στην ελληνική εργατική τάξη.

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

12 April 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Socialist Equality Party

Defend jobs in the steel industry!
For international workers’ unity, not national unity with the corporations!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Britain) and Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Germany), 9 April 2016

Sri Lanka: A socialist program to fight evictions and defend the right to housing

SEP public meetings: For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! For the United Socialist States of Europe!

SEP meetings in the US: Socialism and the fight against war

Socialism and the Fight Against War
IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand—Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Oppose Indian government’s witch-hunt of JNU students

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Sri Lanka), 7 April 2016

25 years ago: Bush reverses “neutrality” in northern Iraq civil war

On April 16, 1991, President Bush announced that America would belatedly join plans for an imperialist occupation of the northern part of Iraq.

More »

50 years ago: Premier Ky agrees to elections in South Vietnam

On April 14, 1966, the military dictatorship in South Vietnam announced that elections to a constituent assembly would be held within three to five months.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin clings to the Axis

On April 13, 1941 Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin signed a five-year pact with Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka.

More »


100 years ago: Scottish workers’ leaders convicted of sedition in Britain

On April 11, 1916, John Maclean, a socialist workers leader in the area of Glasgow, Scotland dubbed “Red Clydeside,” was convicted of sedition by British authorities.

More »

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

Racketeering lawsuit filed against Michigan governor, officials over Flint poisoning

By James Brewer, 9 April 2016

Anger erupts at Flint public hearing

Michigan governor threatens to cut aid to Flint over potential lawsuit

Detroit Public Schools principals charged with taking kickbacks

Why the New York Times is pushing racial politics in Flint

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »