
The recent hackery of neo-Nazi websites aka (down as of January 12, mirrored @ sites such as has been picked up by The Controlled Media in Canada and Ireland.


Hacked neo-Nazi websites reveal Canadian connections
Data exposes people associated with Blood and Honour and Volksfront
CBC News
February 1, 2012

Currently, two alleged members and supporters of B&H Canada are on trial for assault: “Alistair Miller and Robertson De Chazal, show up in the files uncovered by the European hackers. Miller, 20, and de Chazal, 25, are charged with an attack in which a sleeping Filipino man was apparently sprayed with a flammable liquid and set on fire.” Also facing charges is beardy nazi Shawn MacDonald: “De Chazal is also facing charges related to an assault on a black man. He is alleged to have carried out that attack with Shawn MacDonald, 39, who was charged earlier for separate assaults on a black man, a Hispanic man and an aboriginal woman.” (Man set on fire in alleged racial attack, CBC News, January 23, 2012). For moar infos on nazi shenanigans in Canada check out Anti-Racist Canada blog eh. McDonald’s court attendance (January 27) attracted a small group of anti-racists and was reported by VMC.

NB. In Australia, B&H is a national network. Their next Main Event is in Brisbane in April. VF is largely confined to NSW (Sydney) as their sometime rivals in B&H and the Southern Cross Hammerskins (SCHS) have instructed VF that organising outside of NSW is strictly verboten — tho’ VF also allegedly cooperates with the remnants of Combat 18 in Perth. This month, former WA policeman Robert Critchley is due to be sentenced after being found guilty in early December 2011 of attempting to pervert the course of justice by tipping off members of C18 that they were under police surveillance. Prominent VF supporter and Holocaust denialist/free speech activist Paul Fromm (pictured in the CBC report) toured Australia in December 2010 as a guest of the Australia First Party, addressing local fascists in a series of meetings in Melbourne and Sydney (also Aotearoa/New Zealand, where he met with neo-Nazis belonging to Right Wing Resistance New Zealand).


Brian Whelan has written a series of article drawing on infos obtained via

Mapping #OperationBlitzkrieg (January 10, 2012): “The map below shows all the Irish locations listed in the recent #Operationblitzkrieg leaks. I have removed names and exact addresses (house numbers, etc.).”

“My Nazi maps make a splash in Ireland’s biggest-selling tabloid.” (January 23, 2012)

“Another spread in Sunday World, based on my work with leaked files from Operation Blitzkrieg – a top civil servant at the DFA was featured on the customer list of neo-Nazi linked company Thor Steinar and ran a bizarre skinhead porn site.” (January 29, 2012)


Thus far, no Australian hack has bothered to examine the leaks, which otherwise appears to have gone un-reported in Australian media.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2016 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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  1. fuck the jew and the american heil hitler 4 ever

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