Through out history the biggest business has always been gullibility, such as religion, spirituality, new age, war, and much more which leads to exploitations of all sorts. Only when we understand why we are this way and why its so challenging for us to see then we can study/ dismantle this pattern of confusion in our psyche and thus take a step towards man-kinds psychological evolution.
Initiative is “to cultivate inquisitiveness and promote rational sober thinking, inquiry and study into psycho-social existential confusion that often comes from illogical beliefs.” This inevitably leads to exposing irrationality and pseudoscience as well as subtle beliefs that often times even non believers are unable to detect, the result of which brings great havoc to the mind.
We challenge religion, spirituality, and new age quackery also known as " woo".
Working with people via one on one coaching to give them some psychological recovery and freedom from spiritual mind sets and
Skeptics to understand how mental confusion works thus reducing the intensity of their psychological despondency.
We are not a cult, we are skeptics, and if we were without doubt and rationality, our individuality, we would be drones.
Critical thinking, self analysis, science, and reason - for a better, more rational tomorrow.
We deal with the human mind and its ability to accept irrational ideas and thoughts. These lead to complex issues that particularly affect our mental health.
How can anything be more important than understanding our mind? We all tend to create a "worldview" to interpret what is happening around us and we often filter out information that challenges that "worldview" through what has been called "cultural cognition."
Often in our debates and discussions this "cultural cognition" is only too evident. It affects us all. It often stops us listening and puts barriers up.
We tend to think things that we do not agree with but our "worldview" can filter them out. We find a way of dealing with our thought contradictions and find a way of creating order that can often be as irrational as it can be rational.
EOF Project looks at how we can approach our mind with more self-observation and self-assessment. To see the games that we play with our thoughts and how we can use our intellect and memories as tools to sober thinking rather than as filters to hide uncomfortable truths. We would at the very least, no longer be distracted by these mechanisms, these thoughts would no longer eat at our intelligence, the depth of dullness and consequential suffering of the unthinking mind would slow down, allowing us to use our naturally self sufficient perception.
- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 105