Final Words from Catholic and Enjoying It

...are here.God bless all of you through our Lord Jesus Christ. … [Read More...]

And another tale of Christmas cheer from Canada

Inmates in Yellowknife, Fort Smith spread Christmas cheerOffenders shovel seniors' properties, deliver hampers and adopt families in need"There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say,'' returned the nephew: ``Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round -- apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that -- as a … [Read More...]

Here’s a lovely Christmas Story

A Muslim family goes out for dinner on Christmas Eve in Augusta, Georgia. When the bill arrived, it came with a note: “Paid. Merry Christmas, beautiful family.”That's the key to authentic Christian love. We are to love people, not because they are Christian, but because we are. … [Read More...]

An Irish Priest Writes about “The Force Awakens” and Skellig Michael

Says he:Since its in the zeitgeist it's worth pointing out that for at least 400 years Skellig Michael was the site of a monastic community-from 8th to 12th century. Merchant ships from Byzantium traded fish for wine, presumably for the celebration of the Eucharist. The stone staircase built by the monks takes you from tide level to the virtual top where a cluster of beehive huts and a little graveyard sits.And I can tell you that that stone staircase is quite steep! I wonder... will … [Read More...]

Question about Mercy

A reader writes: I enjoyed reading The Heart of Catholic Prayer and found it interesting to reflect on some aspects of the Our Father and the Hail Mary that were not previously top of mind. One chapter that stuck with me was Chapter 8 ("And forgive us our trespasses..") where you rightly point out … [Read More...]

More Beautiful Christmas Music!

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Talking About Adam and Eve to a Seven Year Old

A reader writes: I wonder if you have ever seen this question addressed well, or if you would be willing to take a crack at it on your blog:My seven year old daughter is asking questions about Adam and Eve. Her naive literalism (de facto, never explicitly taught by us) is not going to serve her … [Read More...]

Demand Obama Recognize Christian Genocide

It's about damn time. … [Read More...]

Bp. Robert Barron on all that is visible and invisible

is visible here. … [Read More...]

Two New Episodes of Kris Franklin’s “Mercy Unwrapped”!

I love Kris Franklin so much! … [Read More...]

Prayer Request

Boy, 10, in desperate need of life-saving stem cell transplantAs a child of mixed Afghan-Vietnamese descent, Aaryan is struggling to find a genetic match.Father, hear our prayer that a match can be found and this child's life saved through Christ our Lord. Amen! Mother Mary and St. Luke, … [Read More...]

Students in Desperate Need of Insensitivity Training

...fret that cafeteria food is racist at Oberlin.I remember when we used to fret that cafeteria food was inedible at the University of Washington.  SAGA, the company that supplied the food, was popularly known as "Soviet Attempt to Gag America".  Good times.  Good times. … [Read More...]

Four Articles on Thomas’ Five Ways

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New Device Lets you Filter Trump from your Internet

Nobel Prize time! … [Read More...]

What is the point of living if I cannot possess one of these?

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More Baby Pictures!

No name yet.  Deliberations are proceeding: … [Read More...]

It’s a Girl!

And her name is Charlotte Rose Shea. She weighed in at 9 lbs. 4 oz. So she's a keeper. And she as figured out the eating thing immediately, thus proving that she is a Shea. Birth was about 1:30 PM Pacific time. Will post pictures soon!Update: First picture!  (Still no name):Praised be … [Read More...]

Bishop and Exorcist Andrea Gemma on Medjugorje

"Absolutely diabolical".I agree. … [Read More...]

Today’s the day they give babies away…

...with half a pound of butter! (sung to the tune "This is the Way We Wash our Clothes").And with that traditional song of obstetrical heraldry, I am delighted to say that Mrs. Claire Shea, wife of Cow Shea (don't ask about the "Cow" thing, long story) is in labor with their second child. … [Read More...]

“Connecting the Dots” is on at 5 PM Eastern

...on Bread Box Media, and you can stream it here.My Tuesday co-host, Tom McDonald is sunning himself in San Diego for Christmas. So instead I will have my old pal Sherry Weddell on! Fun times!Give us a call and join the fun at 1-573-4BREAD4 or tweet us @breadboxmedia.And check out the … [Read More...]

Former Planned Parenthood Staffer…

...joins Iowa Right to Life staff. … [Read More...]

A review of _Church of Spies_… America. … [Read More...]