Sunday, 6 September 2015

Minor crimes in Eire

From Mary Kenny's column in the Catholic Herald, 21.8.15:
When sentencing for minor offences, Irish judges may order the convicted to pay a fine into a charity of the judges' choice; and the list of charities in question has now been made public.
The St Vincent de Paul comes out tops, receiving €129,000 last yer; Sightsavers came second with €120.400; the Christian Blind Mission, next (€120,000);then Ethiopia Aid (€90,000); the Simon Community for the homeless (€53,000); the Society of African Missions (€52,400); the Cappuchin [sic] Day Centre, which provides free meals to the needy (€49,815); St Patrick's Missionary Society (€44,000); and Oxfam Ireland (€38,559). Smaller charities also benefitted adding up to €2m in all. County Kerry paid the highest amount into the "court poor box".
It's an admirable system as it helps charities and also allows a miscreant to feel that he has literally "paid back" something to society.
Isn't that wonderful?


Highland Cathedral said...

The large amount donated to the St Vincent de Paul Society sounds great but maybe not so great if you read this:

Pelerin said...

Thank you Father for continuing to update your list of other blogs although I do miss your own blog posts.

Yours is the only blog I follow which links to the fascinating History blog. The latest post there is astonishing - I have never seen reference to the church mural mentioned before. Winston Churchill in a red wig - the mind boggles!

With every good wish for the New Year