Catechism of the Catholic Church (675)

'Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.' ~ Catechism of the Catholic Church (675)

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Filial Petition to Pope Francis

A caring soul has decided to draw up a petition to our spiritual daddy by asking him not to split up God's family.

I shall refrain from saying, "Good luck with that one", and sign. I encourage you to do the same.

Sign the petition to Pope Francis here.

SPUC Youth Conference and a Petition

Something here to promote the SPUC Youth Conference...

The annual SPUC Youth Conference has been very successful in recent years in educating and motivating the youth of today to engage in peaceful and effective pro-life work all over the UK. The youth conference is also open to attendees from other countries. Young people from Spain and Malta have been welcomed in recent years.

This year's conference will run from Friday 6 March (late afternoon) until Sunday 8 March 2015 (after lunch), at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Southport (near Liverpool).

The price is £100, including all meals and accommodation. The conference is open to those from the age of 16 to 35.

Our speakers will include His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, who has been very outspoken in defence of human life and the family; and Obianuju (Uju) Ekeocha, founder of Culture of Life Africa. Uju travels all over the world promoting the defence of human life in Africa, which is under huge pressure to cede to the Western practices of abortion and contraception.

Other speakers will include Ira Winter on the subject of NFP, Margaret Cuthill of Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline (ARCH), a post-abortion counsellor and Janet Secluna Thomas of No Less Human, who worked alongside the late Alison Davis for many years and whose workshop will focus on how we talk about disability. Also speaking will be Margaret Cuthill of Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline (ARCH), a post-abortion counsellor.

SPUC’s Fiorella Nash and Paul Tully will also be speaking and sharing their expert knowledge. Fiorella specialises in pro-life feminism, international surrogacy, abortion in China and maternal mortality. Paul Tully, SPUC’s general secretary, is an expert in legal and parliamentary policy surrounding pro-life issues.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to attend workshops by:

Full conference programme coming soon.

It is vital that the youth of today attend this conference to equip themselves with the knowledge needed to go out and carry out pro-life work in our schools, universities, homes and communities. This is the starting point from which we branch out and achieve the goal of defending and promoting the sanctity of human life. It is an opportunity that is not be missed!

Entertainment will include a Friday evening quiz and film, Saturday evening ceilidh, and drinks in the bar (over 18s only) on Friday and Saturday evening.

To book...

1. Download the registration form (if you are under-18, please download this version instead)
2. Complete it
3. Post it with the conference fee enclosed to: Youth Conference, SPUC, 3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street, London, SE11 4AB.

To make the payment online, please click here:

If you have a query about the conference please contact Rhoslyn Thomas by email to or by telephone to 020 7820 3140.

To subscribe to SPUC's email information services, please visit The reliability of the news herein is dependent on that of the cited sources, which are paraphrased rather than quoted. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the society. © Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, 2015"

Society for the Protection of Unborn Children

Pro-Life Petition

There is also a petition you can sign in order to ask that the House of Commons is allowed to debate the regulations on mitochondrial transfer techniques and not have this vital matter sent to the Delegated Legislative Committee

Sign the Petition.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Balloons Replace Doves at the Vatican

I suppose it would have been to "tempt God" to try releasing doves again after last year's vicious ornithological blood-fest involving a raven and a seagull. It was the stuff of horror films. Clearly shaken by the incident, the Vatican decided to release balloons instead this year.

Unfortunately, as your host William Tapley, otherwise known as the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse and Co-Prophet of These End Times will soon inform you, the balloons in the image above clearly spell out, in Hebrew no less, "The Vatican is to host the Gay Pride parade this year. Yippee!!!"

No, things are not quite that far gone...yet. You've got to feel sorry for the Vatican. In these days they simply can't win. The BBC report of the balloon release is mildly amusing.

The report simply says...

Pope Francis has released colourful balloons at a ceremony in St Peter's Square to symbolise peace. Traditionally white doves are used, but last year they were attacked by other birds.

And that's it! Time Magazine highlights the odd decision to go with balloons with the following...

“Here’s the balloons that mean, ‘peace,'” Pope Francis said Sunday as children released the balloons. Pope John Paul II began the tradition of releasing doves to acknowledge efforts for peace worldwide.

So now balloons mean 'peace'? Just on this occasion Your Holiness or from now on and for all time?

Readers, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think a multi-coloured selection of coloured balloons have just been 'redefined' by Pope Francis. Will this madness never cease!?

Sinister Jewish Plot Uncovered

Someone needs to report St Matthew to the Anti-Defamation League.

He's clearly a rabid, anti-semitic, hate-preaching conspiracy theorist.

Benedict XVI could have done with an Anti-Defamation League while The New York Times were putting his public reputation into the shredder, but sadly nobody was interested in the truth.

Ho-hum...Our Lord promised such would be so.

But hey-ho! All is not lost. Now that Pope Francis is here the Catholic Church is kosher and even those friendly Freemasons are welcoming the Pope...

Things are looking up!

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Sinister Conspiracy Theories

Do take some time to read Damian Thompson's piece for the Catholic Herald on conspiracy theories.

Go get 'em Damian. People who challenge the establishment's version of events need telling!

Personally, as readers will know, I don't check under my bed every night for Jews, Crypto-Jews, Freemasons, Communists and Jesuits.

But when I do, I check very thoroughly indeed.

Does anyone actually know anybody who thinks the Jesuits started World War One?

Friday, 23 January 2015

Everybody, All Together Now...

"Bri-iiight eyes!"

If you are unfamiliar with this classic film and book, do watch the trailer.

Eerie...Note the abusive, insulting seagull. Watership Down is a children's film. It's also one of the most brutal, savage and violent depictions of rabbit life in film history.

My name's Laurence England, otherwise known as the Fourth Rabbit of the Apocalypse
and co-prophet to the co-prophets of These End Times...

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Sceptic Questions Papal Mass Numbers

Controversial Pope Francis Promotional Poster Includes No Occult Symbols Says Vatican

This official Pope Francis 'Mercy and Compassion' Poster has some conspiracy theorists talking...

The Vatican has issued an official statement on a controversial poster for Pope Francis's visit to the Philippines denying that the poster includes any occult symbolism.

In a short statement, the Vatican confirms...

'Recent articles and images on the internet have surfaced with regard to some promotional material and hand-signals given by Pope Francis and other Cardinals present at His Holiness's visit to the Philippines. While these continuing conspiracy theories may provide curiosity and excitement for Christ's Faithful and others, they are damaging to the reputation of the Pope and therefore must be condemned as preposterous. The poster [pictured above] promoting Pope Francis's visit to the Philippines contains no occult symbolism whatsoever and we would like to stress that anybody seeing occult imagery in this poster is reading too much into simple logos and symbols that are perfectly innocent and Christian in origin.'

The statement, however, has not impressed the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse and Co-Prophet of These End Times, your host, William Tapley who remains convinced that the poster does include deliberate occult imagery. Here he is, your host, William Tapley, for your entertainment...

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

The Theory of Everything

Inspired by the epic bio-pic of Professor Stephen Hawking, a University of Cambridge based ecclesiastical physicist has come up with a potentially "mind-blowing" equation answering what he has described 'theorem omnia' in the Catholic Church, the much sought after ecclesiastical 'theory of everything', which continues to be the great obsession of the Catholic academic world.

At a ground-breaking lecture in Rome, attended by no less than forty eager scientific disciples, the young Cambridge doctor of ecclesiastical physics, Dr Rabbitz Inyaparish expounded his idea, which he says came to him, "like dew from Heaven". Before receiving a standing ovation and rapturous applause, Dr Rabbitz announced his theory to a stunned audience of priests, religious and laity.

"Where PF is Pope Francis is divided by TB where TB is Team Bergoglio to the power of 5, but is subtracted by Pope Benedict (Emeritus) XVI and you add an airplane plus journalists to the power of ten at an altitude of 35,000 feet, added to the mainstream media, yet multiplied by Twitter, Facebook and blogs, minus Fr Frederico Lombardi, the result is total anarchy and a Catholic Church divided."

Already, offers of book contracts have come flooding in for Rabbitz Inyaparish, but he is said to be 'alarmed' at his sudden fame. Having 'cracked the code', Dr Rabbitz took some time to talk to journalists and when asked how he came up with the equation, he replied, "I was really quite depressed and considered it a little amusing at first. I wrote it on the back of a beer mat. It was only later on that day when I realised I had worked out the greatest ecclesiastical mystery haunting the minds of Church physicists in the modern age. I also believe that the equation could need adjustment over time as with closer observation of the ecclesiastical microclimate, we may yet be able to discern whether the element of freemasonry is involved, but for the time being, I am content with my equation as it is. Regardless, be assured of that what I propose here is no theory, but a rule or even a law that is at work in the Catholic universe. For that reason, my discovery merits the description, 'ground-breaking'."

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Optimum Population Pope: The Return of the Apostolic Micromanager?

“I believe that three children per family, from what the experts say, is the key number for sustaining the population. The key word here is responsible parenthood and each person works out how to exercise this with the help of their pastor…"

Clericalism? Move along now folks, nothing to see here...

Why not just hand it over to the UN, Your Holiness and they can set the number of children born to each family in line with the five-year global population model for sustainable development?

Vatican La Stampa

Monday, 19 January 2015


Damian Thompson reports on the latest Franciscan plane episode. Seems to me it was all going so well...

'Francis said Pope Paul VI, whose 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae outlined the contraceptive ban, was warning against a "Neo-Malthusianism," a reference to a theories that suggested in the 1960s and ’70s that exponential global population growth would lead to an irreversible world food crisis.

Citing the low rates of birth specifically in Italy and Spain, Francis said such Neo-Malthusianism "seeks to control humanity."

At the same time, however, Francis made a statement that seems without precedent for a pope, suggesting that parents may have a responsibility to limit the number of their children, saying: "This does not signify that the Christian must make children in series."

Telling the story of a woman he met in a parish in Rome several months ago who had given birth to seven children via Cesarean section and was pregnant with an eighth, Francis asked: "Does she want to leave the seven orphans?"

"This is to tempt God," he said, adding later: "That is an irresponsibility." Catholics, the pope said, should speak of "responsible parenthood."

"How do we do this?" Francis asked. "With dialogue. Each person with his pastor seeks how to do that responsible parenthood."

"God gives you methods to be responsible," he continued. "Some think that -- excuse the word -- that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No."

"This is clear and that is why in the church there are marriage groups, there are experts in this matter, there are pastors," Francis said. Using the term for a practice that follows church law, he continued: "I know so many, many licit ways that have helped this."

Francis was speaking about birth control in response to a question from a Filipino journalist. Use of contraception in the Philippines is a contentious issue, as the Philippine government only recently approved contraceptive access against forceful opposition from Catholic bishops.

The pope's responses regarding birth control and ideological colonization were part of a wide-ranging conference that touched on a number of other subjects, including: Corruption in church structures, the place of women in church leadership, and global mistreatment of the poor that the pontiff said could be likened to a new form of "state-sponsored terrorism."'

I think that Damian Thompson is right to suggest we have here another in-flight 'Who am I to judge?' moment. These comments can, I think, be easily reconciled with Catholic teaching but to my eyes it is problematic. So, let's break down the message.

Through neo-Malthusianism contraception is used to manage populations by the elite. (Message: Contraception = bad.)
This does not mean that Catholics must have lots of children - 'children in series.' (Message: Lots of children = bad)
There are examples when another child could be risk for a woman. (Message: Lots of children = bad)
This is to tempt God, (Message: It can even be a sin to have lots of children. Lots of children  = bad)
Priests can help you to be more responsible parents. (Message: Priests can help. Lots of children = bad)
Some think that -- excuse the word -- that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No. (Message: Lots of children = bad)
I know so many, many licit ways that have helped this. (Message: There are many 'licit' ways not to have children. Lots of children = bad).

As far as I understand it, the Church's "licit ways" in order to avoid pregnancy are, in fact, singular. There are not 'many' at all. There are 'many' methods of artificial contraception. The only Church approved method is sexual continence or reserved abstinence during fertile known as 'Natural Family Planning' during these fertile periods if there is a just reason for deliberately avoiding conception.

Both these 'ways' point to the same method or 'way' which is sexual abstinence. So how there are 'many ways' I cannot fathom. After having recently met some 'heroic' 'large families' I find this from His Holiness quite bizarre.  Having just upheld Humanae Vitae in its prophetic opposition to neo-Malthusianism, His Holiness gives the message that lots of children is a bad thing, in circumstances, and the media, as we know, take away from these interviews what they want to take away. There's no way that anyone can take away from that interview that lots of children = good. Nor is there any comment regarding the life to come.

I am sure His Holiness did not mean this but there is a particularly clumsy sentence here...

Telling the story of a woman he met in a parish in Rome several months ago who had given birth to seven children via Cesarean section and was pregnant with an eighth, Francis asked: "Does she want to leave the seven orphans?"

If she is pregnant with an eighth child, what is she meant to do in order to avoid any risk to her life? Abort the child? She cannot turn back time and not be pregnant or practise abstinence retrospectively. So why use that example?

Nevertheless, today's headline is this...

Pope Francis insists Catholics do not need to breed 'like rabbits' and criticises woman for 'tempting God' with eighth pregnancy

Friday, 16 January 2015

Pope Francis in Another Mid-Air Multiple Pile Up

I have just read (some more) of the latest interview at 35,000 feet. It is amazing how divisive a Pope can be when he stops talking about God.

 "Thank you, Fr Lombardi. Right, we've got some time together now and you've chosen to get onto an airplane with the Pope so I'm going to teach you how to pray the Rosary. Let's pray for peace, for a safe journey, that those without faith may seek the Face of God, that the violent will put away their swords, for our families..."

I'm certain that's the way ahead.

That's got to be the way ahead for all of us.


Everyday would be 'punch a blasphemer day'.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Charlie Hebdo, Blasphemy and Prudence

I have respect for Muslims in as much as they are created in God's image and likeness and thereby deserve my respect as persons.

I really don't believe the Koran is an authentic expression of God's Word. I really don't even think that the Prophet Muhammed is a religious figure to be much admired.

Yet with that said neither I, nor anybody else I know, goes around depicting a religious figure held dear to Muslims in a derogatory way. There are basic 'fundamentals' in life like 'treat others the way you would like to be treated' that, for instance, stop me from saying to an Israeli, "Oh, you're from Israel! That rogue state that murders women and children! You can grab all the land you like mate, but its sad for you guys that you missed the boat salvation-wise! You should get yourself baptised mate and at least give yourself a fighting chance of Heaven. After all, the Son of God did say not to leave Earth without it."

Equally, on encountering a Muslim, I tend not to go up to him and say, "Hello. Muslim, eh? You're so called 'prophet' is a fraud who denied Christ and spawned a rival to the One True Faith, outside of which is no salvation. You think God can't become a man? Hello? Doesn't God's omnipotence mean He can do what He likes, eh? What do you think of that, eh? How much do I owe you for the kebab? Yes, garlic mayo and chilli sauce, please..."

Yet, apparently, in the new era of 'free speech' I can behave like this and everyone is fine with that because I've 'said my piece' and offended those religions I think are either a) redundant or b) erroneous. Well, even if everyone was fine with that, which they are not now, nor ever will be, I wouldn't be fine with that, and making ardent claims towards my rights to 'free speech' wouldn't stop me being validly described as a prick of formidable magnitude with only feint respect for Almighty God and no respect for my fellow men.

Natural reason would inform my conscience that behaving like that is wrong. Faith would point to at least some cultivation of prudence in how one approaches those of other faiths. Kindness, patience, humility, charity, all would point away from treating people with that kind of sneering contempt. Of course, none of these things are beyond the mind of the secularists. Its a shame not just for them, but for the whole world, when these things are not put into practice, but are instead abandoned in order to pursue an agenda that seeks to alienate others, disparage others and mock those of religious faith. Religions, whether you think they are right, or wrong, are held incredibly dear to their adherents. As Pope Francis says, you can only insult someone's mother so many times before he punches you. If he punches you and you get up and do it again, you are an idiot. That said, as a commenter has reminded me, Our Lord told us to turn the other cheek.

In Agreement with His Holiness

"You cannot provoke, you cannot insult other people's faith, you cannot mock it," said Pope Francis today.

I agree with His Holiness entirely. When I get a bit of time I'd like to do something more in-depth on the Charlie Hebdo fallout, but, for now, enough of this Hebdo-hysteria.

His Holiness is right in my opinion and you can read his Encyclopedia of Insults here. After all, its so easy in this debate about free speech to become a real downer, or a moralistic quibbler, or worse, a weathervane!

Monday, 12 January 2015

Police Commissioner Investigating Charlie Hebdo Shootings "Commits Suicide"

The Daily Mirror today reports that the French police commissioner investigating the Paris shootings has "committed suicide". According to the Daily Mirror...

A senior French police officer investigating the Charlie Hebdo magazine massacre killed himself just hours after the horrific terror attack. 
Commissioner Helric Fredou, 45, shot himself in his police office in Limoges last Wednesday night, France 3 reported. His body was found by a colleague at 1am on Thursday, hours after the terror attack at the satirical magazine's office which left 12 people dead. It has been reported that shortly before committing suicide Commissioner Fredou had met with the family of one of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack massacre.
Speaking to Mirror Online, the Union of Commissioners of the National Police confirmed Mr Fredou had committed suicide. In a statement released after his death, a spokesman for the union said: "It is with great sadness that we were informed this morning of the death of our colleague Helric Fredou, assigned as Deputy Director of the Regional Service Judicial Police in Limoges.

Apparently he was 'depressed and experiencing a burnout'. Riiiiight. Like Dr David Kelly was going through a 'difficult time' before he "committed suicide" before reporting on the Iraq dossier that took us to war under Tony Blair.

Well, readers, I know you'll groan but you can believe what you like. As well as freedom of speech, so 'cherished' by the French (water cannon firing upon anti-same-sex marriage protesters) government, you also have freedom of belief.

You can choose to believe the MSM propaganda surrounding this event. I recommend typing 'false flag Paris' into Google while you still can, because I really am not sure any longer that we can trust the MSM.

May those who have died in this tragic event rest in peace.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Christmas is Over in Rome: Papal Insults Resume

“You can follow thousands of catechism courses, thousands of spirituality courses, thousands of yoga or zen courses and all these things. But none of this will be able to give you the freedom as a child (of God). Only the Holy Spirit can prompt your heart to say ‘Father.’ - Pope Francis, 9 January 2015

As we move closer to the Schimod on the Family 2015, I expect more homilies like this. Before the vine is planted the ground needs to be prepared. Papal homilies seem to be the rotavator. The placement of the Catechism of the Catholic Church - that which the Pope is well-placed and well-advised to teach - alongside yoga and zen courses is a little unfortunate, isn't it?

So here we go again and I cannot believe I am saying it. Yes, we can all know the truths of the Holy Faith and be horrible people (sorry Savaronola! Mea culpa!) - who do not love God and our neighbour. Still, knowing the truths of the Holy Faith is not the cause of people being horrible to other people and not loving God and this is something that needs saying.

Those who have been, perhaps miraculously (since good teachers of the Faith who promote the Catechism are not everywhere nowadays), educated in the Catholic Faith should not be characterised as 'closed in on themselves'. They simply believe what the Church teaches and has always taught. People can, of course, know the truth of the Faith and be nasty, or very sinful, but people can also be ignorant of the truth and be nasty and very sinful. You can know the truth and be at emnity with God and you can be ignorant of it and be at emnity with God, but at least some knowledge of the truth can save you, because only the ignorant and foolish 'perish for lack of knowledge'. After all, the Catechism teaches us to love God and our neighbour. If we don't, at least we can repent. One wonders, because it is quoted so little by His Holiness, how familiar Pope Francis is with the Catechism. Personally, I dread to think.

This is yet another homily from His Holiness that deliberately sets laws or Law, against Christ. This is a running motif that is becoming a little tired. Does His Holiness, as all priests are called to do, not pray his Divine Office, I wonder? The reason I ask is because I am often reminded how much the Psalms speak of God's law, precepts, decrees, judgments, commandments. All those 'nasty' words that the Pope seems to think represent the unhelpful and cruel limitation of human freedom. Was King David closed in on himself? Was he a religious narcissist because he 'loved the law of the Lord'? Jesus Christ came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Was the Lord Jesus Christ a 'religious narcissist'?

Your hands, Lord, made and shaped me:
give me understanding and I will learn your commands.
Those who fear you will see me and rejoice in you
because I have put all my trust in your word.
I know, O Lord, that your decrees are just,
and that you were right to lay me low.
Give me your loving kindness and console me,
as you have promised to your servant.
Pour out your mercies on me, and I shall live,
because your law is my delight.
Bring confusion upon the proud,
for they attack me with lies;
but I shall devote myself to your commandments.
May those who fear you turn towards me,
those who know your precepts.
In the light of your judgments may my heart shine pure:
let me not be ashamed.

Oh, silly King David! What were you on about!? Haven't you got the Holy Spirit or something?! You're obviously obsessed with laws and precepts! Don't you realise that the Holy Spirit sets you freeeeeee from such petty concerns! This recurrent papal juxtaposition of law on the one hand and Christian faith on the other is an absurd and fabricated dichotomy, a scurrilous caricature perhaps worthy of Charlie Hebdo.

It goes without saying that Jesus Himself prayed the Psalms even though the Psalms spoke of Himself. ('My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?')

The Holy Spirit comes to make us more like the obedient Son of the Father, Jesus Christ. He enables those who believe in Jesus Christ to internalise that which was once external, written on tablets of stone.

The Holy Spirit comes to our aid to help us to co-operate with God. To live the commandments of Christ is salvific. To 'meditate on the law of the Lord' is good. And, while we are on the subject, the Church teaches (probably in the Catechism somewhere) that the Psalms are inspired by the very Person of the Most Holy Trinity that Pope Francis seems determined to drive as a wedge between the Christian life and law, be it Divine, natural, or ecclesiastical. To obey God is good and holy.

To disobey God, while we are all guilty to some degree, in matters great or small, is not good and is not holy. It is a sin. That is what sin is. Sin is the disobedience of God and His Law. To honour and fear Him is to live in freedom. Sin and disobedience, is slavery. There is no contradiction between living the commandments, upholding and teaching the commandments and loving God and neighbour, in the power of the Holy Spirit, because the love of God and neighbour is the Law of God. We are given grace to love God and our neighbour and in so doing we are intent - though sorrowfully not unceasingly and successfully so - upon keeping his commandments. Hence our need for Jesus who as Saviour fulfilled the whole Law.

If you love me, keep my commandments. 

This is basic Christianity and, incredibly, Pope Francis does not teach it. Presumably, if we do not love Jesus we do not keep His commandments and believe that the Holy Spirit simply makes us 'free' to live with disregard for the laws of the Church and of God and that way lies perdition, a broad road that leads to Hell. There are a host of new insults in today's homily but I'll leave updating the insults book until later. Don't let your Catechism gather dust on a shelf. Why not take it out and read it because (after two years in the Chair of Peter) it would appear this Pope, sadly, is not going to educate you on the contents.


I'm not convinced that Charlie Hebdo magazine meets the criteria of what satire is by definition. Religious belief is not stupidity - though there are some very stupid religious beliefs out there - nor is religious belief of itself a vice or an evil. Neither am I convinced there was any genuine humour, or irony, or even exaggeration in Charlie Hebdo's cartoons. It seems there was plenty of malice employed in Charlie Hebdo's work, a desire to cause great offence and shock for the sake of it, a desire to be provocative and hurt the sensibilities of the religious.

I think people are getting confused between satire - which by its use of humour and irony exposes stupidity - and blasphemy, which simply mocks God and religion. Satire is entertaining and enlightening because it can also be edifying. Satire, when done correctly, doesn't simply run people - or people's beliefs - down for the sake of it, in order to be gratuitously offensive, but instead uses humour to tell the truth.

This is one of the lighter front covers.

Satire is a humourous tool in the service of the truth. Private Eye's great success was built on its ability to tell the truth in a funny way. It is not a tool simply used to be offensive for the sake of being offensive without some reference to the truth. Truth is at the heart of what satire is. Charlie Hebdo's cartoon didn't have any respect for religion, God or truth. It didn't expose vice or stupidity, but instead ridiculed those who believe.

When satire isn't necessary: Political leaders show their citizens how to behave at a funeral

I agree with Faith in Our Families. Now that David Cameron has guaranteed your freedom of speech, without fear you can proclaim marriage to be between a man and a woman, fornication and homosexual acts to be gravely evil, proclaim 'same-sex marriage' to be contrary to the natural law, gay adoption to be an abuse of the child, you can denounce the sexual immorality of the age, rail against the scourge of Freemasonry, declare abortion to be the murder of the innocent unborn and declare salvation to be found only in the Catholic Church.

With all that said, may God bring peace to France and eternal rest to the victims of this barbaric act of murder, justification for which there can be none.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

For the Record

A while ago in 2014, I think I may have posted on a strange new website that describes itself as the official website of the Illuminati, the subject of years, decades or conspiracy theory. You can check out their 'official' website here.

This is a joke right?

Since then, the official Illuminati website has proven of great interest and bemusement though still remains peripheral. I assumed that the website was a prank, a joke, and so did most people I would imagine. After all, this shadowy sect are not meant to exist. Other onlookers regard it as a scam to get people to buy Illuminati stuff. The organisation is meant to be the creation of conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat wearers.

Illuminati emerging out of the shadows?

The website spawned a YouTube account, a Facebook account which started on 22nd August 2014 and a Twitter account which now has as many as 31,900 followers. Alas, that is about 30 times the readership of this Catholic blog, but then I'm not offering worldly prosperity and abundance in this world to those who read it, flirt with Satanism, and leave comments. The Twitter account opened on 8th October 2013, that will be the date immediately after the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, 7th October.

Buy your exclusive Illuminati 'Talisman'

Having recently claimed (has anyone actually seen it?) to have aired their official TV commercial introducing themselves to the US public, they now have an esoteric book of wisdom to sell on Amazon to those interested, as pictured above. All in all, the idea that this Illuminati website is a joke is starting to become less and less amusing, because if it is, it is an awfully elaborate and expensive joke.

Knowing full well just how irritated people can become with blog posts that seem vaguely concerned with theories of a conspiratorial kind, I merely wish to report the facts of this website for the record, since should this website and this nefarious organisation gather momentum in this or any other year, it will be worth recalling.

As I say, this could all be a perfectly silly and elaborate joke that has taken in quite a few people or even a clever marketing scam to get 'citizens of planet Earth' to buy loads of useless stuff. I also hope that, if it is not a joke or scam and the Illuminati are serious in 'going public' and beginning a recruitment drive luring the masses into the occult and Satanism, that there is absolutely no connection between them and the Vatican, because, if there was, we Catholics, and others, would be in for some seriously difficult times, as if times were not tricky enough.

It's a joke, right?


God help us all.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
St Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

2015: The Forecast is for Stormy Weather

Well, His Holiness Pope Francis has not yet issued his encyclical on the environment, but already it is attracting a great deal of attention. Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith makes a good case in his article suggesting that such an encyclical is perhaps not such a great idea. I'm with him on that, but of course there are various interests and various groups for whom such an encyclical will most likely be a 'godsend'.

During this post, I am going to be as balanced and level-headed as a conspiracy theorist fruit-cake can be, but I am confident that within the next year, readers of this blog may be joining me in my unshakable feeling that there is something going on in Rome today that only makes sense in accepting the possibility that there is a 'hidden hand' at work.

Why Pope Francis has got non-Catholic conspiracy theorists thinking

I suggested to a member of the Catholic clergy recently that Pope Francis's encyclical on the environment would give conspiracy theorists an irresistible bone to chew on. Today, I discovered on Prison Planet that His Holiness now has prominent conspiracy theorist, freedom-fighter and very loud man, Alex Jones, on his case and this, I predict, will run and run. Intervention into world politics on climate change will not just cast Pope Francis as a man clearly identifiable as of the political left-wing', but as a divisive figure who divides world opinion on a secular matter when such a position was not demanded of him in his role as Successor of St Peter.

In his usual brash way, Alex Jones observes, as a non-Catholic, the media's love affair with Pope Francis as something deeply unsettling and unusual. This is a feeling now well known to Catholics loyal to the See of Peter. When the Pope is lauded by the secular world, there is something wrong.

The idea that with the election of Pope Francis, a secretive and deeply sinister power group now has the Catholic Church 'in the bag' will only be enhanced by news of a Papal encyclical on the environment and the attending 'intervention' that Pope Francis hopes to make at the UN Climate meeting in Paris this year.

Should it receive the benediction of Pope Francis, the international climate change movement will receive a huge public boost even though the science on the issue of man-made climate change is far from settled. That there are plenty of people for whom the climate change agenda is a gigantic scam that seeks to persuade mankind that he is ultimately responsible for the vicissitudes of nature might not worry Pope Francis, but should he decide to embrace the international climate change dogmas, he will be met with great resistance from many people who will believe that the Catholic Church has exchanged a group of supernatural beliefs for a man-made natural myth.

And Alex Jones is by no means alone in his passionate belief that behind the ecological sustainability agenda hides something deeply tyrannical. You can decide for yourself whether such a threat to freedom exists, but there is no doubt that many believe it. For that reason, it may not be so wise for His Holiness to intervene on the side of those pushing for the climate deal of the century. Why? Because many people will begin to believe that the Catholic Church - from having once been an immovable fortress against the global population controllers envisaged by those who have read UN's Agenda 21 - will emerge as the spiritual NGO with a charismatic leader that will tip the balance in favour of everything She has always stood against.

Popeulation Control and Sustainable Devilopment

In fact, it cannot be underestimated just how extraordinarily divisive such an intervention will be, not just with regard to those who are not members of the Catholic Church, but those who are. Such an intervention supporting a new 'climate deal' would by virtue of his Office sign up the Catholic Church to what many conceive to be an elaborate tax-revenue fraud that impoverishes already impoverished third world nations.

Sensible priests, sensible bishops, sensible laity and even a prominent Cardinal who has publicly rejected much of the climate change agenda on the record, will be deeply antagonised by the political interference of this Pope not just because this is a wholly unnecessary intervention into politics but because it is difficult to distinguish between the major protagonists in the climate change agenda and the population control enthusiasts who are sworn enemies of the Catholic Church. These may henceforth consider a Pope who feels we shouldn't "obsess" about abortion and homosexuality a natural and hugely influential ally of epic, perhaps 'biblical', proportions.

The leading protagonists orchestrating the Culture of Death will quite happily embrace a Catholic Church that has, due to a 'climate emergency' prostituted itself to an inhuman agenda condemned by Francis's predecessors, and worry little should the Supreme Pontiff, from time to time, make a remark condemning abortion and euthanasia because, after all, if a Pope didn't say those things from time to time, you'd be forgiven for wondering whether he was a Pope at all. The grievance caused by any such comments would be transcended by the great cause of their rejoicing - that the Catholic Church had signed up to the falsification of science in the creation of a new, global, naturalist religion in which some form of human sacrifice is considered a 'necessary evil'.

Alex Jones, loved and loathed as he is, is absolutely right to suggest that within the small print of the sustainable development manifesto for what would well emerge as a kind of global policing of environmental practices is completely incompatible with Catholic teaching because the entire philosophy of reducing climate emissions involves artificial contraception, sterilisation, abortion and a host of moral and spiritual evils pioneered by a global elite. One need only do a quick Google search on Agenda 21, the weighty document outlining a global strategy for 'sustainable development' to find reams of information about the kind of tyrannical global eco-government that could be waiting in the wings should nations come to an accord over them.

Is Pope Francis going to become just another 'world leader' who travels the globe in a jet while telling the plebs to reduce their carbon footprint? I do hope not. I do pray not.

From all evil, O Lord, deliver us.


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