Hermeneutic of Continuity: Pope Benedict XVI's 10 Step Guide to Vatican II

Hermeneutic of Continuity: Pope Benedict XVI’s 10 Step Guide to Vatican II

On one side is the hermeneutic of continuity that seeks to implement Vatican II in fidelity to Sacred Tradition, while on the other side there is the hermeneutic of discontinuity that proclaims a “new Catholicism” has risen divorced from any adherence to the “pre-Vatican II Church.”
The 12 Step Biblical Guide to the Pope and Infallibility

The 12 Step Biblical Guide to the Pope and Infallibility

The pope leads the King's people according to the King's laws and at times must clarify those laws so the people may continue to live in full adherence to the King.
The 3 Basics of Ash Wednesday

The 3 Basics of Ash Wednesday

"For dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return."
Latest Lists
Worth Reading: 15 Works of Literature Under 200 Pages

Worth Reading: 15 Works of Literature Under 200 Pages

Listers, there are few things as pleasurable as a good book. The following list is a collection of short classic literary works that generally fall under two hundred pages - sometimes depending on the publication.
The Downward Spiral: 6 Quick Catholic Lessons on the Book of Judges

The Downward Spiral: 6 Quick Catholic Lessons on the Book of Judges

Listers, the Historical Books are paramount in understanding salvation history. The Historical Books of the Old Testament are Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, and I & II Maccabees. The Historical Books capture the story of how Israel gains the Promise...
The Conquest: 9 Catholic Lessons from the Book of Joshua

The Conquest: 9 Catholic Lessons from the Book of Joshua

Listers, the Historical Books are paramount in understanding salvation history. The Historical Books of the Old Testament are Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, I & II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, and I & II Maccabees. The Historical Books capture the story of how Israel gains the Promise...
The 30 Statements of the Joint Declaration Between Pope Francis and Russian Patriarch Kirill

The 30 Statements of the Joint Declaration Between Pope Francis and Russian Patriarch Kirill

By meeting far from the longstanding disputes of the “Old World”, we experience with a particular sense of urgency the need for the shared labour of Catholics and Orthodox, who are called, with gentleness and respect, to give an explanation to the world of the hope in us (cf. 1 Pet 3:15).
The 13 Examples of Pride Carved into the Floor of Purgatory

The 13 Examples of Pride Carved into the Floor of Purgatory

Listers, pride is the first sin to be purged in Dante’s literary work the Purgatorio. The purgation of pride represents the first ledge of purgatory. There are seven ledges – one for each of the seven deadly vices. Dante orders them according to their proximity to charity; thus, the ledge of pride is at the...
7 Illustrations of How People in the Old Testament Viewed the Universe

7 Illustrations of How People in the Old Testament Viewed the Universe

Listers, the concept of ancient Hebrew cosmology is fascinating. In general, the world was a flat disc covered by a firm dome. Beneath the disc was Sheol – the place of the dead – and the deep waters. Above the dome, there was more water and finally the high heavens where God dwells. “The notion that...
The Ultimate Guide to St. Genevieve: 13 Things about Her and Her Feast Day

The Ultimate Guide to St. Genevieve: 13 Things about Her and Her Feast Day

Life & Works 1. General Background St. Genevieve was born around Anno Domini 419 or 422 in Nanterre, France, “a small village four miles from Paris, near the famous modern stations, or Calvary, adorned with excellent sculptures, representing our Lord’s Passion, on Mount Valerien.”1 She died in Paris in 512. Holy Mother Church celebrates her...
Ante-Purgatory: The 3 Ways Those Who Repent Late in Life are Punished in Dante's Purgatorio

Ante-Purgatory: The 3 Ways Those Who Repent Late in Life are Punished in Dante’s Purgatorio

At this death there ensured a struggled between the powers of good and evil for his soul; since he had uttered the name of Mary with his dying breath and shed a tear of true repentance, the heavily faction prevailed and bore his soul off to Paradise.
Purgatory: 8 Maps of Dante's Purgatorio

Purgatory: 8 Maps of Dante’s Purgatorio

Listers, “The “Divina Commedia” is an allegory of human life, in the form of a vision of the world beyond the grave, written avowedly with the object of converting a corrupt society to righteousness: “to remove those living in this life from the state of misery, and lead them to the state of felicity”. It...
20 Quote Graphics from the 2015 World of Meeting of Families in Philadelphia

20 Quote Graphics from the 2015 World of Meeting of Families in Philadelphia

Listers, the World Meeting of Families exists to strength and support family. According to the official site of the 2015 gathers: “Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, the World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Each World Meeting of Families has...
7 Prayers for God to Defend & Cleanse His Holy Catholic Church

7 Prayers for God to Defend & Cleanse His Holy Catholic Church

Listers, the gates of hell have not and will not prevail against the Church. As the Catechism states: “Simon Peter holds the first place in the college of the Twelve; Jesus entrusted a unique mission to him. Through a revelation from the Father, Peter had confessed: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living...
Bible Study: 7 Essential Principles for Catholic Biblical Interpretation

Bible Study: 7 Essential Principles for Catholic Biblical Interpretation

Listers, “what does a Catholic approach to Scripture study look like?” This is the question Dr. Steven C. Smith takes up in his work 7 Essential Principles for Catholic Scripture Study: The Word of the Lord. The book strikes an excellent balance between academic insights and a tone/format that is easily accessible to the everyday Catholic....
26 Quotes from Pope Francis' Visit to Washington D.C. and New York City

26 Quotes from Pope Francis’ Visit to Washington D.C. and New York City

Listers, Pope Francis’ visit to the United States is one marked with historic firsts. His Holiness Pope Francis was the first Roman Pontiff to address a full joint session of the U.S. Congress. Second, Pope Francis was the first Vicar of Christ to address the United Nations at the opening of a General Assembly. As expected,...
16 Practical Tips for Creating & Maintaining Your Daily Prayer Habit

16 Practical Tips for Creating & Maintaining Your Daily Prayer Habit

Prayer is such a crucial part of the faithful practice of Catholicism but many of us struggle, at least at one time or another, to keep a regular prayer life. Maybe we're busy in school, busy raising a family, busy at work, or even all of those at the same time, and find that somehow...
Monks & Beer: 13 Paintings by Eduard von Grützner

Monks & Beer: 13 Paintings by Eduard von Grützner

Listers, Eduard Theodor Ritter von Grützner (May 26, 1846 – April 2, 1925) was a German painter and professor of art especially noted for his genre paintings of monks. Grützner was, along with Carl Spitzweg and Franz von Defregger, one of Munich’s leading genre painters in the second half of the 19th century. The paintings...
When the World's Statesmen Called for a Patron: 24 Quotes on Thomas More's Sainthood

When the World’s Statesmen Called for a Patron: 24 Quotes on Thomas More’s Sainthood

Listers, St. Thomas More is known as the “Man for All Seasons” – but he is also a man claimed by all ages. Exactly why Sir Thomas More became a saint is a question that seems to draw out competing philosophies. In the petition to have More declared a saint, the petitioners wrote, “He was a...
Night Holds No Terror: 7 of the Best Psalms to Pray Before Bed

Night Holds No Terror: 7 of the Best Psalms to Pray Before Bed

Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace.
I Smell Heresy - 11 Cardinal Burke Memes

I Smell Heresy – 11 Cardinal Burke Memes

A few light-hearted memes regarding His Eminence Cardinal Burke.
Great Books: 31 Political Works Recommended by Faithful Catholic Colleges

Great Books: 31 Political Works Recommended by Faithful Catholic Colleges

Listers, certain “Great Books” have shaped the course of the Western world. Mortimer J. Adler, a Roman Catholic philosopher and professor, presented three criterion for a book to be considered “great,” he stated: The book has contemporary significance: that is, it has relevance to the problems and issues of our times. The book is inexhaustible:...
May Catholics Overthrow or Even Kill a Tyrant? - 9 Comments by Aquinas

May Catholics Overthrow or Even Kill a Tyrant? – 9 Comments by Aquinas

Listers, may Catholics overthrow or even kill a tyrant? The answer to this question is one St. Thomas Aquinas pondered over his lifetime. In contemplating the assassination of Julius Caesar, a young Aquinas seemed to state that not only can a Catholic kill a tyrant, there are times he should be praised for it. Later in life,...
4 Reasons Aquinas on Rights and Modern Individual Rights are Very Different

4 Reasons Aquinas on Rights and Modern Individual Rights are Very Different

It is true that St. Thomas Aquinas speaks of certain rights, but these rights are species of the virtue of justice. They are in absolutely no manner similar to how Hobbes, Locke, or later modernity will use the term rights.
Friendship in the Trinity: 4 Thoughts on Christian Friendship

Friendship in the Trinity: 4 Thoughts on Christian Friendship

"The union of Father and Son would be incomplete if their love did not beget a third entity, the Holy Spirit, which both proceeds from and returns the love of Father and Son."
On the Privilege of Being a Woman: 7 Quotes on True Femininity

On the Privilege of Being a Woman: 7 Quotes on True Femininity

When the time has come, nothing which is man made will subsist. One day, all human accomplishments will be reduced to a pile of ashes. But every single child to whom a woman has given birth will live forever, for he has been given an immortal soul made to God's image and likeness.
3 Explanations on Lenten Fasting from St. Thomas Aquinas

3 Explanations on Lenten Fasting from St. Thomas Aquinas

Listers, it is easy to become caught up in the rules for fasting and abstinence during Lent. Amidst navigating rules like a meal and two small snacks that do not equal a full meal, it very important to remember the purpose behind these practices of the Church.1 St. Thomas Aquinas offers three thoughts on fasting in his Meditations for Lent, which help...