Thursday, April 21, 2016

New York Archdiocese Commits Sin of Calumny Against Journalist

Edit: they're so incredibly dirty and evil, but they are believed to be good by millions of more or less decent people. 

We've always thought highly of Voris' work, even if he does borrow liberally from us.


If you have children around, you may want to view this first before them.

As you probably know, the apostolate has been somewhat silent this week publicly.  That’s because a situation has developed that I must fill you in on. It involves the sins of my past life all committed prior to my reversion to the Catholic faith. We have on very good authority from various sources that the New York archdiocese is collecting and preparing to quietly filter out details of my past life with the aim of publicly discrediting me, this apostolate and the work here.

I have never made a secret that my life prior to my reversion was extremely sinful. I have said many times — in public — that I was in a state of mortal sin, and had I died, I would have been damned. I also revealed these sins were of a sexual nature and that they occurred over a prolonged period of time. I did not reveal the specific nature or details of the sins, because when I returned home to the Church, I did not think that a full public confession of details was necessary in order to start proclaiming the great mercy of God.

Perhaps that was a wrong assessment. I don't seriously know. Perhaps along these years I should have been revealing of greater detail. That, I now think so, but more on that in a moment.

Really, No Women's Preaching -- Osservatore Romano Makes (Half) Step Back

The False Prophet Takes a Half-Step Back
(Rome) In the March issue of the women's supplement Donne Chiesa Mondo of the Osservatore Romano the demand for women preaching was levied. If not women priests, then at least women preachers was the slogan.
In the current edition of the Osservatore Romano, a step was taken back. It does not come from some "conservative" side, but from that progressive milieu that dominated the content of the March women's supplement.

Woman's Supplement to the Osservatore Romano creating confusion

The "Prior" of Bose, Enzo Bianchi, whom Msgr. Antonio Livi has  called a "false prophet," writes on page 4 that which "may possibly have given rise to confusion" in the March Supplement. It "had no intention to contradict the current discipline".
Bianchi himself was one of the main causes of confusion with his contribution to the March supplement. He named the same "three conditions" for the "lay preaching of men and women". The "conditions" are to be understood not as a limitation, but as a justification of lay preaching.
A month late, Bianchi   now offers what ecclesiastical discipline states.
The Code of Canon Law of 1983 (Canon 767.1), the common instruction of eight dicasteries on some questions regarding the participation of the laity in the ministry of priests in 1997, the instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum of 2004, the Homiletic Directorate of 2014 to name  the recent rules, affirm an unequivocal ban on lay preaching, as it has always been considered. During the Mass, only a priest, and possibly a deacon, may preach.

Only half a step backward

Does this make things right? Hardly likely. Bianchi was apparently called off by someone. There are rumors circulating that Pope Francis, although Bianchi is neither a priest, nor deacon, nor a monk, but a layman, could raise him in the cardinal's state in Rome.
The step back is therefore only of a tactical nature, as Bianchi himself has  hinted in his justification.
"The monthly articles had no intention to contradict  the current discipline but dare to ask with great respect, the question of whether it would be possible that the theological search and the rules of the Church might be represented, to allow lay men and women in future positions of trust for this ministry.
The emphasis in the first part of "current", not perpetual discipline. What applies merely to "present," may tomorrow be changed. This is where Bianchi aims lie. What is his goal, even though he is "currently" subject, he says "with great respect", rather bluntly.
As things will continue  with the women's supplement, and generally, with the Osservatore Romano, seems to be in limbo. The semi-official daily newspaper of the Pope sells few copies and is therefore constantly in the red.
The newly erected Communications Secretariat by Pope Francis  is planning drastic cuts. Currently,  Osservatore Romano appears in print in several languages.  The cost of such expenditure should be reduced. Work is underway to relocate the emphasis of the online edition. The prefect of the Communication Secretariat, Msgr. Dario Viganò never belonged to the Osservatore Romano which might be of some importance in the shift in emphasis in the reorganization of the means of the Vatican's communication.
The issue of thematic focus is so however not answered.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Il Timone
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Are There Still Heretics and Heresies in the Church? -- Dissident Group Complains to the CDF

Offices of the CDF
(Rome) A group of Catholic theologians, bishops, priests and nuns, a total of 15 people, has asked the Roman Congregation for  "more transparency," Vatican Radio reported.
The authority should ignore "anonymous denunciations"  in the future, reads the letter released today. Furthermore, all those whose writings are studied, should know exactly of what they are accused and who conducts the investigation. Also, the same persons ought not to be the prosecutor, investigator and judge. The 15 signatories come from Australia, the USA, Ireland or Spain and have been criticized on their own account for their works by the CDF. As justification for their current letter, they say they had written proposals at the end of February  to Rome, but received no reply.
"The  CDF which goes back to the 16th century is the oldest and highest in dogmatic questions, highest Vatican curial authority. Its task is to promote and protect the teaching of the Catholic Church, as in the Apostolic Constitution, 'Pastor Bonus.' The "Department of the Doctrine" observes theological research and checks whether individual content is compatible with the principles of the Catholic faith. The experts of the CDF evaluate works nominated by local church authorities with the same object.. If necessary, the CDF tries to clarify any problems in exchange with the author,", says Vatican Radio .
The problem in the Church, however, is not a lack of transparency by the CDF, but heretics, dissenters and the disobedient. They want to keep neither to the ecclesiastical doctrine nor to ecclesiastical discipline and then complain about it even when they are held accountable to it. It's an attitude which has an anarchic underlying basis. Each party and each club has a statutory objective, a purpose and a system. According to these ideas the Catholic Church should do no less than give free rein.
The problem is rather that there is no real point in the Church, to which Catholics, clergy and laity, can lodge complaints against everyday violations of the Catholic doctrine and order. An authority that reliably handles the input and power of decision.
After letters to the competent bishop remain unanswered, or letters to other places show no effect, many of the faithful give up.
In German-speaking countries,  several hundred priests and deacons have signed a Call to Disobedience. There are no real consequences known. The words "heretic" and "heresy" are avoided. It no longer exists in the current language of the Church, in fact. Therefore the result is the uncertainty in dealing with heretics and heresies, who and complain even if at some point someone puts them in their place.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Pope Francis and the Appointment of Bishops: "He Looks For the Most Progressive Candidates"

Pope Francis and Cardinal Ouellet shortly before the Conclave
of 2013 on St. Peter's Square
(Rome) Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the Roman faith prefect is not the only cardinal who is marginalized by Pope Francis (see Pope Francis and the Marginalization of the CDF). This also applies to another "Ratzingerian", the French-Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect the Congregation for Bishops. 
In his first interview with the atheist Eugenio Scalfari on the October 1, 2013 for the daily newspaper La Repubblica,  Pope Francis said, looking at some members of the Roman Curia: "the court is the leprosy of the papacy ".
But Francis seems "to fight the leper and not the leprosy," said Secretum meum mihi . The daily newspaper Le Journal de Montréal headline in yesterday's edition: "Cardinal Ouellet no longer has the ear of the Pope".  Cardinal Ouellet is responsible, as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, for the appointment of bishops. His dicastery is preparing the appointment of bishops by the pope, is collecting the necessary information and recommends candidates.

Pope Francis "throws Ouellet's recommendations in the trash"

Under Pope Francis, things have fundamentally changed: "Pope Francis has thrown his recommendations for the appointment of new bishops into the trash," said the French-Canadian newspaper.
"It is worrying because it is the task of Cardinal Ouellet in Rome to propose in the Pope's name, but he ignores them and decides on all other candidates," said Quebec Religion specialist Alain Pronkin.
The French daily La Croix reported a few days ago that "it has already happened, that Pope Francis rejected all three names submitted to him by Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, [...] and even sought out others for direction. "
According to the weekly magazine L'Espresso that was the case, for example, in the replacement of three important Sees: Chicago, Madrid and Sydney.
The appointments for Francis are not only a question of suitability, but a question of direction. The real revolution of Pope Francis is done by appointment .

Pope Francis looking for "the most progressive candidate"

According to Le Journal de Montréal , it was even "very rare" that the Pope follows the recommendations of the Cardinal, although that is his task and Cardinal Ouellet, through his staff, has the best overview of the situation in a diocese.
However, the Pope uses his own channels, not the official, but informal, and which may also come about by accident. According to Alain Pronkin, Pope Francis is looking for the "progressive candidates". For this he has to rely on recommendations. What he rejects with Cardinal Ouellet are accepted from among the Pope's confidants. In other words, the belief and understanding of the Church by Cardinal Ouellet, a Ratzingerianer, displeases the pope.
"A concrete example: The Pope believes in the fact that the divorced and remarried can receive Communion, while Cardinal Ouellet, however, expressed his rejection of this," said Alain Pronkin.
The same applies to the issue of homosexuality.
For this reason, Francis shuns everything that is presented to him by Cardinal Ouellet and relies instead on labile random recommendations.

Recommendation by a progressive confidant enough to be Bishop

This was not quite by chance. The Pope operates by information obtained from part of the Jesuit Order.  What is decisive for Francis is the progressive attitude of the candidates who must be confirmed to him by a confidant. That is enough. The Pope then needs no dossiers and reports, as they are presented to him by the Congregation for Bishops. A person's recommendation of trust is sufficient to make someone a bishop.
The archdiocesan chair of Chicago is one of the most influential in the US.  and Pope Francis rejected all three candidates that were presented to him by Cardinal Ouellet,  in collaboration with the Apostolic Nuncio and the former Archbishop Cardinal Francis George. Instead, he appointed Bishop Blaise Cupich, who was regarded as one of the biggest outsiders in the episcopate of the United States because of his progressive views. Thus, Francis not only drove a splinter, but a real stake into the heart of the Catholic Church in the United States. Archbishop Cupich has already called for the communion for divorced and remarried and the acceptance of homosexuality.
Shortly before his death, Cardinal George wrote about the Synod of Bishops in Rome:
"The pope has said he wants to see on every question, and so it happened, so he got what he wanted, and now he has to fix it. [...] This raises the question of why he does not clarify these things himself. Why is it necessary that apologists have the burden to find the best interpretation? He has not realized the consequences of some of his statements, or even his actions? Does he not realize the impact? "
As is known,  the post-synodal Letter of Amoris Laetitia did not receive papal clarification, for the "apologists" are busy again on the road, "to find the best interpretation".

Appointments: Here the "revolution" Francis performs most effectively

Pope Francis has been working meticulously on a new personnel network on the decision-making level, which should lead the Church structurally well beyond his death in a particular direction. Maybe his personal policy, which is usually revealed very quietly, revealed even in the most important field of activity in which he transposes his vision of the Church vision. Here his "revolution" is at its most enduring.
According to Pronkin, Cardinal Ouellet could soon be replaced by Pope Francis. The French Canadian, says Pronkin, would not be the first high Curia employee who would deposed because of his criticism of the papal course. However, Francis had found a way to make the appointments himself, although the competent Congregation is in the hands of persons whose convictions he rejects. The informal, semi-clandestine appointments to official bodies in the  past is not only a temporary solution, but probably corresponds to the disposition of the Pope and his aversion to rules and laws. [Or he doesn't want to spend the political capital to get rid of him, when he can do the job himself.]
There have been advantages for the "revolution" of episcopal appointments that a Ratzingerianer still officially stands at the head of the Congregation for Bishops. It maintains the impression in the Church  that there is a balancing counterweight, but one  that does not exist in reality. [There were still very, very bad appointments under Benedict.]
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: MiL (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Pope Francis and the Marginalization of the CDF

There is an Ocean Between them Both
(Rome) In his first interview with the a theist Eugenio Scalfari, published on October 1, 2013 in the daily newspaper La Repubblica,  Pope Francis said overlooking some members of the Roman Curia: "The court is the leprosy of the papacy". But Francis seems  "to be fighting not the leprosy but the leper," said Secretum meum mihi . The daily Il Foglio headline in yesterday's edition of the first page: "Müller Besieged".

Schönborn instead of Müller

The distance that exists between the Pope and the Cardinal Prefect of the Faith, Gerhard Müller, is recognized "by all". "The cold was obviously" felt by the exclusion of German Cardinal from the presentation of the post-synodal letter Amoris Laetitia, although the entire discussion since two and a half years touched on his area of responsibility, of doctrine. While Pope Francis stuck with  the German-speaking countries to present the ​​Exhortation,   it was the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
This was not only a form of neglect, but even more as a security measure. Cardinal Müller would Amoris Laetitia would have left an impression, that the pope wouldn't have wanted after all the effort expended to "Catholicize" divorce.
Since the intended camouflaged "openings"  were packaged in footnotes, the presentation was crucial to for effect. Recommendations were issued  ahead to all dioceses. Thus it was clear that the most important, the Roman presentation, was to be prepared with great care.
The main part fell to Vienna's archbishop who was to explain the substantive significance of writing.  There was no trace of Cardinal Müller. Thus it was already, during the double-synod. Think of the human resources policy at the daily press conference. The one-sidedness with which the the Kasperians were represented, only lef  the synod members shaking their heads.

Diametrically opposite positions

Although the controversial questions about divorce, remarriage and communion for divorced and remarried directly affect the Doctrine of the Faith, the prefect of the doctrinal congregation remained disregarded in all media-moments, where this would be communicated by the Church to the world public.
"The fact is that the Cardinal and Francis represented diametrically opposed lines on the subject," said Matteo Matzuzzi in Il Foglio . It was sufficient "to compare the Cardinal's writings with Bergoglio's speeches." While Müller emphasized the need to reaffirm "healthy" cornerstones of the Church's teaching, Francis speaks constantly of a charity that goes beyond the law.
The contrary positions in paragraph 311 of Amoris Laetitia are clear where Pope Francis writes:
"It is, for instance, true that mercy justice and the truth does not exclude each other, but above all we need to explain that  charity is the fullness of justice and the most brilliant expression of God's truth.Thus, one should always bear in mind that all theological terms are unreasonable, that ultimately call into question God's omnipotence itself and especially his mercy.''
Faith Prefect Müller had already given his answer in autumn 2013 to the Daily Mail anticipating that by 23 October of the same year, what Osservatore Romano would say:
"Because the whole sacramental order is a work of divine mercy, and can not be reversed with reference to the same. Through the factually inaccurate emphasis on  charity, there is also the risk of trivializing the image of God, that God can do nothing else than to forgive. For the mystery of God,  besides His charity, is included his holiness and justice. If one omits these attributes of God and sin is not serious, then his mercy can not be ultimately conveyed to His people. Jesus met the adulteress with great compassion, he also said, however: ' Go and sin henceforth no more ' (John 8:11). The mercy of God is no dispensation from the Commandments of God and the teachings of the Church. Rather, it needs the power of grace to meet them, and rise again after the fall and to a life of perfection in the image of the heavenly Father."
None of this can be found in Amoris laetitia .

Corrections of the CDF were disregarded

Pope Francis indeed had sent the draft in accordance with Vatican tradition to the CDF for correction. However, only some of the numerous points elaborated under Muller's  correction proposals were considered by the Pope. Pope Francis leaves the structures and the people in place, where they would work diligently, but then ignored them. An efficient form of integrating an opponent in an unassailable manner and at  the same time leaving him in the dark.
This marginalization of the CDF in the preparation and the presentation of a papal document anticipated with such tension  concerns not only the post-synodal letter.
"This means that more is going on beyond the Tiber, of a potential, if not immediate change at the top of the Congregation," said Matzuzzi. Rumor is heard that Müller could vacate given his exclusion from the field.
Such flight from responsibility may, may only be ascribed to the German cardinal by someone not familiar with him. Müller knows precisely, because of his opposition, just how important his resistance at the Vatican is, to prevent the court formed by Francis from completely taking over possession of the Church.

Schönborn "is a great theologian" - and Kasper "does theology on its knees"

On the return flight from the island of Lesbos,  Francis openly said: Schönborn "is a great theologian".To confirm this statement, the Pope added: "He is a member of the CDF". [LOL]
Cardinal Müller is not only a member, but the head of the CDF. But for him Francis had no comparable praise left. Quite the contrary: Such praise was already, but for a different German, for Ratzinger's  old opponent, Walter Cardinal Kasper, who in the opinion of the pope, did  "theology on its knees." [Or brings theology to its knees.]  Kasper and Schönborn are both ready to give Communion to  the divorced and remarried. In Vienna it was already a practice for "15 years," about which the Austrian Archbishop had informed the public at the presentation of Amoris Laetitia in Rome. That explains why Schönborn and not Müller was determined for this task.
Cardinal Schönborn is currently, particularly in the favor of this Pope. It's a favor that can change rapidly depending on the area and moment. Nevertheless, Vienna's archbishop is allowed to be seen as the winner of the Synod of Bishops. Cardinal Kasper threw out the net, Cardinal Schönborn took the fish ashore. With his diplomatic skills he helped Pope Francis in the final phase of the Synod of Bishops from the jaws of defeat, as he looked set to be a minority in the final vote.  It's a public betrayal, which has not as yet ever been seen  in the Church's history, certainly, it's the most recent.
Schönborn offered a compromise, which Cardinal Müller at the end, in order to avoid a split in the Church, but he did not conceal his doubts about the ambiguous formulations. Synod members registered  Kasper's obvious satisfaction at each consent Müller gave to controversial paragraphs.

Where does the pontificate of Francis run now?

In his latest book, Müller put his position  unambiguously and thus directly to address clergy and laity. It's a more direct exercise of office since Pope Francis has left him in the void in Rome. Müller made more than just an important clarification in his book. One of them is:
"We Catholics have no reason to celebrate October 31, 1517."
Although Pope Francis does not mention his disapproval,  the attitude of the Pope on another front is unmistakable. Francis will fly on the next 31 October to  Stockholm in order to participate in an ecumenical commemoration of the Reformation. [Protestant Revolt]
But the front between Reformation and divorce is perhaps not so different. The papal Reformation commemoration and the first step towards recognition of divorce are connected by a common thread: Protestantism. Since the German Cardinal Müller is particularly sensitive in this regard and has already posed the question what the actually is the intended course Rome is taking  for the past three years.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Edit: they're both liberation theology enthusiasts from different camps in Latin America, and it's surprising to seem them at each other's throats now.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Refugee Crisis as Swan Song --- Pope Francis Begs Forgiveness of Refugees in New Video Message

Pope Francis and the undistinguished questions of refugees
Edit: rather than calling for a Crusade, he wants to let them into the gates.

(Rome) Pope Francis asks the refugees in a video message "for pardon" that "we" had "too often" not included them.
The video message was released today in Rome. It was created for the 35th anniversary of the  Jesuit run refugee center, Centro Astalli in Rome. Pope Francis admiringly recalled  the controversial Superior General of the Jesuits, Father Pedro Arrupe, whom Pope John Paul II. had ousted in 1981  because of progressive aberrations in the Order. 
Francis lists a number of reasons that cause people to flee and thus would be conferred the status of "refugee" would confer, who would require "to share bread,  house and life." It's an explosive range to justify the worldwide mass migrations.
The video message was delivered by Pope Francis extempore. It is tied with the Lampedusa gestures with Pope Francis' continued visits to the island of Lampedusa (Italy), of Ciudad Juarez (Mexico) and the island of Lesbos (Greece). This includes his appeal of 5 September 2015: " Take all, good and bad ." It's an appeal by Pope Francis that brought complaints about a lack of distinction between the various individuals, whether Islamist, murderer, thief, and so forth..
The video message in English:
Dearest refugees, dear volunteers and full-time employees and friends of the Centre Astalli.
This year, the charity of Centro Astalli has been committed to the refugees in Italy for 35 years. 1
It's an activity that was mainly achieved as one nation, and that is beautiful and true.
I was a stranger, and you welcomed me. I was a stranger.
Each of you refugees who came knocking on our doors, was met by  the face of God,  the flesh of Christ.Your experience of suffering and hope reminds us that we are all strangers and pilgrims on this earth, taken in by someone generous and without merit.
Those of you who fled from their own country because of oppression, of war,  from pollution and desertification, the nature of injustice or unfair distribution of the planet's resources, is a brother,  with whom to share bread, house and life.
Too often we have not adopted you. Forgive us the walling off and the indifference of our societies, who fear that change of life and mentality that requires your presence.
Treated like a piece of a problem, a cost: you are, on the other hand, a gift. You are the witness of how our gracious and merciful God can transform evil and injustice, under which you are suffering, to a good for all. Each of you can be a bridge to bring the distant peoples together. This makes an encounter between different cultures and religions possible, a way to rediscover our common humanity.
And you made me welcome. I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Yes, the center Astalli is a concrete and daily example of the prophetic vision of Father Pedro Arrupe. 2 [Ugh]
It was his swan song in a refugee center in Asia. 3
Thank you all, men and women religious and lay people, volunteers and paid staff. I encourage you to keep going. 35 years of age is only the beginning of a path which is increasingly necessary, the only way for a reconciled coexistence.
Always be witnesses of the beauty, the beauty of the encounter. Help our society to hear the voice of the refugees, Go your way bravely beside them. Accompany them and let yourself be guided by them. The refugees know the paths that lead to peace because they know the acrid smell of war.


  1. The Centro Astalli of Rome is part of the Jesuit Refugee Service founded in 1980. [ ↩]
  2. The Basque Pedro Arrupe (1907-1991) 1965 was elected the 28th Superior General of the Jesuits. Because of his progressive stance, Pope John Paul II. personally attacked him in the interests of the Order and disempowered Arrupe, who then suffered a stroke. John Paul II then appointed a papal delegate, later Cardinal Paolo Dezza SJ. [ ↩]
  3. The word "swan song" of Pedro Arrupe was used Pope Francis already on 14 November 2015 in a speech to members of the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS). The idea for the foundation of JRS came to Father Arrupe while visiting a refugee center in Southeast Asia. On his return to Rome he suffered a stroke. This was described as Arrupe's  "swan song" by Pope Francis in 2015, which  he described as the "icon", which he apparently meant as a  kind of spiritual testament. [ ↩]

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Videobotschaft CTV/ (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches...

Central Committee of German Muslims Compares AfD to Nazis -- Vatican Radio Agrees

(Rome) Without a critical explanatory note and without giving the attacked AfD the opportunity to make a statement in its defense, Radio Vatican yesterday made the following  folllowing report with the accompanying photo: It shows the "solidarity" over which a very pleased  Aiman Mazyek of the Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland (Central Committee of Muslims in Germany) stands with  Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck und Vizekanzler Sigmar Gabriel after the Islamic attack against the weekly magazine  Charlie Hebdo. This is explained what the official Church in Germany thinks about the  AfD , and who it prefers as a partner in discussion.

D: Zentralrat der Muslime compares  AfD with NSDAP

The President of the  Zentralrats der Muslime in Deutschland has compared the politically right wing  AfD with the NSDAP. In an interview with the NDR, Aiman Mazyek said on Monday, that it is the "first time since  Hitler-Deutschland", that there has been a party that has discredited an entire religious community. And continued saying that the AfD also  existentially threatens.  The Die Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) swims on a wave of Islamophobia. This has become adopted in recent years and is even partly a topic of discussion in respectable circles. The  AfD has tried to intensify this atmosphere. "That isn't an anti-Islamic course, that is an anti-Democratic course," said Mazyek.
Text: Andreas Becker
Bild: Radio Vatikan (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, April 18, 2016

Bishops and Priests Stage Race Around "Communion for Everybody"

(Rome) To  emulate the Pope is in itself laudable, but not always appropriate. In some parts of the Catholic Church there is a race among priests and bishops which has begun as to who will be the first - to give Communion to divorced and remarried - on behalf of the Pope.
Cardinal Schönborn may lay claim to this unusual  primacy for himself. He was the first who already, at the launch of the Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris laetitia,  announced that the world Church merely accept what he had been practicing already for "15 years"  in his archdiocese. He must have acted as a rather secretive practice because he was one of Ratzinger's students,  who  never ceased being criticized in the notoriously in "progressive" and "conservatively" divided church in Austria by the "conservative" side.
Similarly of Schönborn of Vienna  the church newspaper of the northern Italian Diocese of Bergamo also reports, that a Church praxis has been born of "local handicrafts." In other words, what had already been conceived on the spot without approval and against Rome, now receives official Roman blessing.  Msgr. Alberto Carrara, priest, editor of the church newspaper and even the author of the editorial, raised his glass to toast the fact that at last it could be done "in the light of the sun," which previously had to be practiced in the dark.
Amoris laetitia makes that part of the church show its the true face, which had apparently been well camouflaged in the past. This outcropping reveals how many have, half-heartedly or not, imparted and defended the doctrine of the Church. Rather, they have promoted it with their hidden parallel magisterium those who with receptive attitudes towards the Church to adapt the teaching to the current wishes of the people.
What is astonishing is the speed with which the "prophets" of a "new church" have come to light, pushing their idea that goes back long before the current pontificate.

Pope says "Yes and Period" and appears annoyed by journalists

On the flight back from Lesbos, Pope Francis was asked for the first time to  answer  the question whether the divorced and remarried are now to be admitted to communion or not: "Yes, and period". This is how he could respond, said the Pope, but it would be too short a response. He referred therefore to Cardinal Schönborn and his idea of Amoris Laetitia. There it is, in addition to the description given by Pope, a  summary of response the longer version.
When another journalist inquired, Pope Francis was a bit annoyed and criticized the media. This would reduce the double-synod to a referendum on Communion for divorced and remarried. Considering the ecclesial reality, the Pope would have all the more reason to be upset with priests and bishops, who aren't quick enough to sound their willingness give Communion to divorced and remarried  (and who knows what else ).
Finally, it was Pope Francis, who had convened the Synod and Cardinal Kasper is to have provided direction for remarried divorcees, and not the media. Everything comes to admission to the sacraments and the doctrine of the sacrament of marriage, the Eucharist and the sacrament of penance has happened and is happening, is homemade. The media has so little to do.

"Proud they've been doing it  for 40 years"

Shortly after the release of Amoris laetitia a priest active in Rome. Giovanni Cereti, gave an interview to the newspaper Quotidiano NazionaleHe stated emphatically  with pride that he has been giving the divorced and remarried Communion for 40 years. Don Cereti belongs to the circle of Old-68ers, who presented even then the book on "Divorce, Remarriage and Penance in the Early Church,"  which was reissued in advance of the second Synod of Bishops in 2015, in order to support the position of  "communion for all." 
In the Philippines  the same goes for  the Bishops' Conference. "Charity can not wait," they explained to the faithful of the archipelago. It would be followed by "concrete guidance" by the bishops. Until then, "bishops and priests are already prepared to open their welcome arms towards those who've kept away from church out of a sense of guilt and feelings of shame.  The laity have to do the same. "
As said, the Pope should rather be annoyed over his closest associates, who pressed at every opportunity the question of Communion for divorced and remarried   for two years to journalists. Since it is difficult to believe that the closest of the Pope's confidants have done so against the will of the pope, the papal words against journalists have less to do with his response to the Communion question, but now that outbreak has happened, the pope no longer want to be bothered with it. In short,  everything necessary has been said and the progressives have understood the message. When one speaks  for too long on details, then the last "conservatives" could still get the idea to go behind the scenes and throw light on  the operation, which took place under his eyes, but did not recognize his  transfigured view of the papacy, and unintentionally supported the pope's justifications. 

How certain clergy deal with the Sacraments

The above-mentioned Msgr. Carraro expressed surprise that his article caused such a fuss. In his reply, he reported on his discussions with divorced and remarried. It is worthwhile to reproduce his description, in order to understand the significance  certain clergy attaches the sacraments.
I met people who had entered into a new marriage many times. With them I had something like this conversation: "Your marriage, the first which failed, is indissoluble. This is written in the Gospel. You have not managed to live it to the last detail: to live as a united flesh is no easy matter. I know this because many I speak to  do not separate, and so to live a whole  lifetime is hard."
" It was he, however, who has run away with his secretary ... " she answered me. "But living together had become a hell."  "We would have been forced to do the whole life as if ..." I listened. Often tears flowed.
I continued: You are protesting because the Church excludes from the sacraments. If you give to that the Church has some decision making problems with this Gospel in its hand? Look at you. You can live your faith without confession and  without communion, you are a Christian, you're all Christian in every respect.
"Excuse me, why do you persist then so much on the Eucharist?" I listened. I could not answer, because I myself made ​​this objection, which the Church,  as I was seen as its  official representative at this moment. I felt like two parts, both accused and accuser.
I continued: "But, according to me, you can also opt to receive Communion. I give you absolution.This does not mean that the problem is solved. It remains in limbo. It's just outside my conscience as a priest, it seems to me that I can not tell you that you are sentenced for life. You take the responsibility to ask the absolution, I take the responsibility to give it to you. And then we wait with confidence."
After I give them absolution, I always felt extremely quiet. I always thought: If I'm going to hell, then at least not because of these absolutions. Maybe I'm being immodest, but it seems to me that my Church has been vindicated in the end.

Downside of outings : Hunt for faithful priests

The "outing" of priests and bishops, who "always" gave public adulterers communion  or wanted to give it, is only one side of the coin. The other side is the hunting, which has now been opened against those priests and bishops, who oppose this "opening". The framework is already established: A priest holding a sermon, a catechesis or a marriage preparation seminar and someone starts to complain about  the "backward-looking" and "ruthless" ideas of the priest with reference to Pope Francis. The priest will demonstrate and defend the doctrine of the Church and therefore stand as an "enemy" of the Pope. Because whatever he says, he will raise the impression in his opponent  or must allow that it is  possible  from this that he thus claims, that the Pope is not Catholic. Is it possible to defend the Catholic doctrine against the Pope? It is possible, yes, but also a very difficult task. Aside from that, journalists who will give the "suffering of (the priest) discriminated" a fair hearing are few. The priest will be lynched by the media in no time. His own bishop will  let him down quickly in many cases. 
The experience of Father Maurizio Vismara, vicar of the Diocese of Pistoia Montemurlo, is already in the making. In a preparation for First Communion, usually a family event, the Chaplain told the parents that he could not give them Communion, who are in an irregular situations. One of those present felt insulted and the case ended up in the media. The daily newspaper Il Tirreno gave him an entire page, in which the priest was attacked who had dared to call to memory the doctrine of the Church,  because the "mature" Catholic knows only rights but no duties, at least none that he does not want to know.

And the next target is the priest celibacy?

"That's just a taste. In the coming months we will live to see everything. And maybe even the official announcement of the next target: priestly celibacy. Maybe it is just an unattainable ideal, which is too heavy a yoke for many priests?" said Riccardo Cascioli, the editor of the Catholic Internet newspaper Nuova Bussola Quotidiana .
Schönborns gradualism theory would,  if applied to celibacy, just mean that while everyone should strive for the ideal, it is not given to everyone to achieve the ideal in the same rate and to the same extent. Therefore, various levels reached would need to be recognized and appreciated. Or this, then, might be the justification for lifting the celibacy priest.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Sant'Alessandro (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
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