- published: 17 Nov 2009
- views: 9879
A strain is an injury to a muscle in which the muscle fibers tear as a result of overstretching. A strain is also colloquially known as a pulled muscle or torn muscle. The equivalent injury to a ligament is a sprain.
Typical symptoms of a strain include localized stiffness, discoloration and bruising around the strained muscle.
Strains are a result of muscular fiber tears due to over stretching; they can range from mild annoyance to very painful. Although strains are not restricted to athletes and can happen while doing everyday tasks, people who play sports are more at risk of developing a strain.
The first-line treatment for a muscular strain in the acute phase include five steps commonly known as P.R.I.C.E.
A repetitive strain injury (RSI) is an "injury to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression, or sustained or awkward positions." RSIs are also known as cumulative trauma disorders, repetitive stress injuries, repetitive motion injuries or disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, and occupational or sports overuse syndromes.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI) and associative trauma orders are umbrella terms used to refer to several discrete conditions that can be associated with repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression, or sustained/awkward positions. Examples of conditions that may sometimes be attributed to such causes include edema, tendinosis (or less often tendinitis), carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, De Quervain syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, intersection syndrome, golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis), tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), trigger finger (so-called stenosing tenosynovitis), radial tunnel syndrome, and focal dystonia.
Strain may refer to:
Injury is damage to the body. This maybe caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and other causes.
Major trauma is injury that has the potential to cause prolonged disability or death.
In 2013 4.8 million people died from injuries up from 4.3 million in 1990. More than 30% of these deaths were transport related injuries. In 2013 367,000 children less than five died from injuries down from 766,000 in 1990. Injuries are the cause of 9% of all death and are the sixth leading cause of death in the world.
The World Health Organization (WHO) developed the International Classification of External Causes of Injury (ICECI). Under this system, injuries are classified by
and additional modules. These codes allow the identification of distributions of injuries in specific populations and case identification for more detailed research on causes and preventive efforts.
Repetitive Strain Injury
Strain Injury | How To Treat A Groin Strain Injury
Computer repetitive strain injury
Repetitive Strain Injury / RSI Exercises & Information
How to fix RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)
Repetitive Strain Injury Causes & Treatment
Quick Exercises for Wrist Pain aka RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)
Doorway stretching for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) by Massage Track
Repetitive Strain Injury Exercise Program - Wrist
Strengthening Exercises for Rehabilitation of a Hamstring Strain Injury
http://www.siliconvalleyfit.com/ If you suffer from elbow or wrist pain, watch Dr. Dominique Biner perform a myofascial release technique. If you are local and have tennis elbow, golfers elbow or wrist pain - come in to see us. If you are watching from afar, we recommend finding practitioner who can implement this technique as part of your overall care. http://www.siliconvalleyfit.com/
Strain Injury: In this video I am going to teach you exact methods to Strain Injury which you can watch now. Subscribe to our channel for more videos. Link More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvDtGAJjcAhLhu0AgT3LPzA repetitive strain injury, groin injury, pain, rsi, side strain injury, repetitive strain injury exercises, repetitive strain injury wrist, repetitive strain injury explained, repetitive strain injury techquckie, hamstring strain injury, repetitive strain injury linus, Stomach Problem | How To Stop Stomach Problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21CIREO66E0 Increase Female Libido | 4 Ways Improve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_u51iB38Sc How to Lose Belly Fat | 3 way for women https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCED-ZJJb4c How To Increase Stamina In Bed | Improve ...
Improper posture while working on a computer can cause repetitive strain injuries. For instance, when one’s feet are under the chair, some muscles can form knots resulting in a disrupted knee joint. The angle at the knees and elbows should both be 90 degrees. A person should stop once in a while and get some exercise.
My Site: http://fitnessoriented.com/ Thumbnail Image From © Von Schonertagen Repetitive strain injury, also known as RSI, is a condition that affects many of us in today's society. Because many of us are in static postures while sitting all day, our muscles can become fatigued. These static postures also place constant stress on the muscles to hold your body in a particular position. Over time, this can result in RSI. Repetitive strain injury essentially encompasses many conditions that have to do with you overusing your muscles. These conditions can include Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow, and many more. When you have RSI, the muscle pain that results from it can become increasingly more debilitating as time goes on if you do not take action to treat it. Obvio...
http://www.beacheshealthgroup.com/conditions/repetitive-strain-injury/ Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is an injury of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that are often caused by repetitive tasks, receptive exertions, mechanical compressions or recurring awkward positioning. Symptoms of repetitive strain injuries include: Bursts of pain in the hands, wrists, arms, shoulders or back The pain gets progressively worse with activities Weakness or lack of endurance. Repetive strain injuries are addressed at Beaches Health Group through any of the following services: Chiropractic therapy Massage therapy Physiotherapy Health and wellness coaching
Do you spend a lot of type in front of a computer? Feel a nagging, dull or sometimes sharp pain in your wrist? Well, you've come to the right place! Follow these simple and quick exercises to help alleviate and treat wrist pain and RSI (repetitive strain injury). Actually even doing these exercises if you don't suffer from wrist pain and RSI will help to strengthen your wrist and potentially prevent you from developing RSI. If you'd like to learn how to spend less time in front of a computer and more time doing what you love AND get paid for it, click here http://dsdomination.com/sp/pro?aid=time2start?yt290613 Please note: I am not a qualified doctor or physician. I am teaching you a technique that has helped me overcome my wrist pain and RSI. If you're unsure if these exercis...
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI's) have reached epidemic levels in the United States and around the world, costing billions annually due to employees being put on light duty and other job restrictions, undergoing surgery, hospitalization, rehabilitation and companies having a decrease in production levels as well as an increase in insurance premiums. The costs to everyone are devastating and should be addressed in with the implementation of preventative measures utilizing ergonomic tools, stretch and exercise programs and overall health and fitness enhancement. The good news is that if you are currently suffering with a Repetitive Strain Injury like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you can do something about it. This particular Repetitive Strain Injury Exercise Program addresses two types o...
More on pulled hamstring rehabilitation here http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/sport-injuries/thigh-pain/hamstring-strain Strengthening the hamstrings is important following a strain or tear to one of the muscles. This will help to prevent future injuries. These exercises can be used, provided they do not cause pain in the muscle.
Get The Repetitive Strain Injury Sourcebook
Strain Injury: In this video I am going to teach you exact methods to Strain Injury which you can watch now. Subscribe to our channel for more videos. Link More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvDtGAJjcAhLhu0AgT3LPzA repetitive strain injury, groin injury, pain, rsi, side strain injury, repetitive strain injury exercises, repetitive strain injury wrist, repetitive strain injury explained, repetitive strain injury techquckie, hamstring strain injury, repetitive strain injury linus, Stomach Problem | How To Stop Stomach Problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21CIREO66E0 Increase Female Libido | 4 Ways Improve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_u51iB38Sc How to Lose Belly Fat | 3 way for women https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCED-ZJJb4c How To Increase Stamina In Bed | Improve ...
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) can strike anywhere at any time. The scariest part? They can often go unnoticed until they have already caused harm to your body. In this month's webinar, we discussed: -What Repetitive Strain Injuries are and how they are caused -Tips on how to prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries -Warning signs -Live demonstrations -Awkward postures and repetitive motions that contribute to RSIs -Correct postures and motions for a variety of tasks in the hospitality industry In this webinar we were on location at Pro Sport Rehab & Fitness in Saskatoon and conducted TWO exclusive interviews with Corey Young - Physical Therapist and Blaine Whyte - Athletic Therapist.
This webinar discusses causes of manual handling strain injuries, body areas at risk, and practical solutions for assessing and controlling hazardous manual tasks.
This webinar discusses causes of manual handling strain injuries, body areas at risk, and practical solutions for assessing and controlling hazardous manual tasks.
Friday, July 18, 2014: 8:00 pm (Olson): Do you experience numbness or weakness in your hands? Do you have a permanent case of Emacs pinky? Are you playing vi golf for your health? Since the release of the Macintosh 30 years ago, mainstream human-computer interfaces have changed little, and hardcore computer users (hackers, coders, gamers, etc.) are paying the price. This talk will examine potential solutions to the repetitive strain injuries commonly experienced by computer users, including: head-based cursor control, ultra-ergo keyboards, foot pedals, and other optimizations. Carl Haken
Sam Coffman of The Human Path (http://thehumanpath.org) demonstrates the making and application of herbal poultices and plasters for wounds, sprains and strains, burns, bone injuries and many other situations where putting the herb directly against the skin is useful.
Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It's increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations. Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for: Anxiety Digestive disorders Fibromyalgia Headaches Insomnia related to stress Myofascial pain syndrome Soft tissue strains or injuries Sports injuries Temporomandibular joint pain Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection. Despite its bene...
We spend most of out time in front of laptops and computers using the mouse, monitor and other accessories. Seldom do we realize that we are exposing ourselves to risk factors like High Repetition, static postures, contact stress and poor postures that in turn increases our chances of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries) and other health disorders. OE with support of RECOUP, Neuromusculoskeletal Rehabilitation Centre is organised a one hour session on Ergonomic Solutions with a focus on reducing work related health issues and thereby improving staff productivity, job satisfaction and quality of life.