- published: 19 Jul 2016
- views: 20591
Second Life is an online virtual world, developed by Linden Lab, based in San Francisco, and launched on June 23, 2003. By 2013 Second Life had approximately 1 million regular users, according to Linden Lab, which owns Second Life. In many ways, Second Life is similar to MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games); however, Linden Lab is emphatic that their creation is not a game: "There is no manufactured conflict, no set objective".
The virtual world can be accessed freely via Linden Lab's own client programs, or via alternative Third Party Viewers.Second Life users (also called Residents) create virtual representations of themselves, called avatars and are able to interact with other avatars, places or objects. They can explore the world (known as the grid), meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, build, create, shop and trade virtual property and services with one another. It is a platform that principally features 3D-based user-generated content. Second Life also has its own virtual currency, the Linden Dollar, which is exchangeable with real world currency.Second Life is intended for people aged 16 and over, with the exception of 13–15-year-old users restricted to the Second Life region of a sponsoring institution (e.g. school).
Virgem Margarida Licínio Azevedo 2012 HDTVRip
Entrevista com Licinio Azevedo
A Guerra da Água - Licínio Azevedo (Moçambique, 1996)
MC Livinho - Pata de Camelo (Video Clipe) Perera DJ e DJ LK
MC Livinho - Fazer Falta (Video Clipe) Perera DJ
As Catorzinhas de Moçambique
TDM Entrevista ... Licínio Azevedo, Sol de Carvalho e Iva Mugalela
Talking Licínio Azevedo's film "Train of Salt and Sugar"
A Second Life - a story by Licinio Azevedo
Virgem Margarida Trailer
LICÍNIO conselheiro
Licinio Azevedo: «La culture, le bon cinéma développent le tourisme, pas les images de publicité»
TRAIN OF SALT AND SUGAR by Licinio de Azevedo
MC Livinho - Cheia de Marra (KondZilla)
Ein zweites Leben - Eine Story von Licinio Azevedo
Truco no licinio
LICÍNIO taxi driver
Entrevista com Licinio Azevedo
Virgem Margarida 2012 DVDRip x264 HANDJOB
Tree of our Forefathers - Setting Off
الهرم الفضى– جائزة لجنة التحكيم الخاصة لأحسن مخرج - The Silver Pyramid
A Second Life - a story by Licinio Azevedo
Um filme de Licínio de Azevedo
Realização : Licínio Azevedo (Moçambique, 1996) Argumento : Licínio Azevedo e Brigitte Bagnol Imagem . Rui Assubuji Som : Karen Boswall Montagem : Orlando Mesquita Produção : João Ribeiro
Inscreva-se no canal GR6 MUSIC e fique por dentro dos lançamentos do Funk: http://bit.ly/2oPPsHP Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2tK7lf0 Itunes: http://apple.co/2tK8N0W Deezer: http://bit.ly/2uCP8gq Instagram: @mc_livinho Produzido por GR6 Filmes FICHA TÉCNICA Direção: Caio Pavan Direção de Foto: Arthur Mafra Roteiro: MC Livinho Produção: Murilo Paiva Produção Local (Natal) : Victor Hugo de Lima Machado e Juarez Pereira Machado Cinegrafista: Wesley Lobo Produção executiva: Douglas "Buiu" Tecnica: Uelliton Azevedo Edição e finalização : Gabriel Bargmann Eletrica: Leonardo Alves (SP) /Ginga Filmes (NATAL) / Mauricio Silva / Mario Lino Motion: Joao Aires Designer: Henrique GR6 Baixe todos os lançamentos: https://soundcloud.com/gr6-explode Letra da música: Olha essa pata de camelo oooa Lindo...
Inscrevam-se no canal DEU RUM: http://bit.ly/2pQFdVs MC Livinho - Fazer Falta (Lyric Video) Perera DJ Download: http://bit.ly/2qyIMii Letra da música: Na hora que me escutar vai ver que isso não é drama precisar raciocinar que o beijo não resume em transa Mas quem sou eu se querer vim pra cá Vou me contradizer e não aguentar Fiz essa letra pra te incentivar Mas se vc muda vai fazer falta O A Se teu hobby e senta nem vou te critica tá de parabéns Mas preciso de você pro role vale então senta bem Então sara então sarra a bunda no chão Então sarra então sarra o popozao Instagram: @mc_livinho Loja Online GR6: http://www.gr6explodefm.com Faça seu clipe com quem te representa de verdade. GR6 a primeira de São Paulo Este videofonograma é um produto original e próprio da Gr...
História do Cinema Português Primeira (e última) longa-metragem do realizador Manuel Faria de Almeida (natural de Moçambique - nasceu em Lourenço Marques, a 18 de Agosto de 1934) Catembe ou queixa da jovem alma censurada !? Nomeadamente a história de amor entre um pescador negro, de vida miserável, e uma jovem prostituta de raça branca, de nome Catembe (Filomena Lança). Pois é, tinha de ser português o filme da história do cinema mais cortado pela censura – razão pela qual entrou no Guinness Book of Records. Sofreu 103 cortes, passando de 1h e 20m a 47 minutos e, mesmo assim, a sua projeção foi proibida pelo antigo regime. Só depois do 25 de Abril foi publicamente apresentado e apenas por duas vezes, a primeira das quais numa sessão histórica da Cinemateca - a sala encontrava-se a abar...
It was shot over 7 weeks on 13 wagons of a train and has been hailed by some critics as the first "great African Western", when it premiered in August 2016 on the 300-square metre screen in at the Locarno Film Festival at the Piazza Grande in Switzerland. That's celebrated Brazilian-born, Mozambiquan-based auteur Licínio Azevedo's latest film titled Train of Salt and Sugar The film which premiered at the at the Joburg Film Festival yesterday, stars Matamba Joaquim as Taiar,Thiago Justino as Salomão, António Nipita as Sete Maneiras and Sabina Fonseca as Mariamu. Co-Producer Elias Ribeiro and lead actress Melanie de Vales Rafael join us now to tell us more about the film. For more news, visit: http://www.sabc.co.za/news
Thanks to medical support, HIV-positive Artemisa Chiziane gave birth to a healthy baby. She now counsels other affected women in Mozambique.
Premios PLATINO Año de producción: 2012 Tipo de producción: Ficción Género: Drama Duración: 90 m. País de producción: Portugal Dirección: Licinio Azevedo Guión: Licinio Azevedo, Jacques Akchoti Música: Moreira Chonguiça Intérpretes: Ermelinda Cimela, Víctor Gonçalves, Sumeia Maculuva, Rosa Mario, Iva Mugalela Productoras: EBANO MULTIMEDIA JBA PRODUCTION RADIOTELEVISAO PORTUGUESA UKBAR FILMES Idiomas: Portugués Sinopsis 1975, el renacimiento de Mozambique. El joven revolución barre las calles de Maputo de las prostitutas y los malos hábitos. Enviados a campos de reeducación de profundidad en el campo, que se convertirá en "nuevas mujeres". Margarida, un adolescente de dieciséis años de edad chica del campo, fue tomada por error. Esta es su historia. Las mujeres limitadas por ...
Journaliste, écrivain, cinéaste, réalisateur… Licinio Azevedo, parrain de cette 10e édition du festival Ile Courts, porte plusieurs casquettes. Il ramène d’ailleurs dans ses valises son dernier long-métrage, Train of Salt and Sugar, adapté de son roman éponyme et qui sera projeté ce samedi 15 octobre. A Maurice pour la première fois, Azevedo jette un regard appréciatif des productions mauriciennes projetées cette année lors du festival. Et qu’il a pu voir à l’ouverture officielle, ce 10 octobre, au MCiné de Trianon. Trois courts «aux belles idées», note-t-il, et qui parlent d’identité, de patrimoine, de culture : «L’œil des marins» de Leslie Athanas est documentaire sur le phare d’Albion. Autre documentaire, celui de Daniella Bastien à la rencontre des tradipraticiens qui «mark dart» et «t...
Mozambique is in the midst of civil war. A single train connects Nampula to Malawi. No civilians are allowed and yet hundreds risk their lives through 700km of sabotaged tracks. Salomão and Taiar are two soldiers who don’t get along. Rosa is a young nurse on her way to her first job, who soon becomes an object of desire. Mariamu, her close friend, only hopes to trade salt for sugar. Amongst bullets and laughter, life goes on and stories unfold as the train advances under attack, ever so slowly, towards the next stop. Lead by a Shaman Commander, The Train of Salt and Sugar is a magical journey aboard an African train that carries hundreds of unknown heroes. Licínio Azevedo is a Mozambican lmmaker and writer. Brazilian born, he start- ed as a journalist in Latin America, arriving in Moz...
Inscreva-se no Canal da KondZilla e assista os clipes antes de todo mundo. https://goo.gl/HXfRT5 Assista o novo clipe do MC Livinho com o MC Lustosa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjS9mt5T4gM Escute a playlist do KondZilla no Spotify: https://ONErpm.lnk.to/KondZilla Acompanhe os bastidores dos videoclipes no Snapchat: KONDZILLAOFC SHOWS: GR6 Eventos (11) 2201-3648 PRODUÇÃO MUSICAL: DJ Perera Siga a KondZilla no INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/kondzilla Compre agora os bonés da KondZilla http://loja.kondzilla.com/ Copyright © 2016 KondZilla® Filmes Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados.
TUTO EP.027 - COMBOIO DE SAL E AÇUCAR MAKING OF Check out what went down on set of Licinio de Azevedo's new mozambican feature movie 'Comboio de Sal e Açucar (2016)'. Comboio de Sal e Açucar : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4524676/ Writer/Director - Licinio de Azevedo : www.imdb.com/name/nm0044242/ Producer - Pablo Iraola : www.imdb.com/name/nm3465928 CAST Thiago Justino : http://www.thiagojustino.pt/ Antonio Nipita Abdil Juma INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/leoneltuto TWITTER : http://twitter.com/leoneltuto FACEBOOK 1 : http://facebook.com/leoneltuto FACEBOOK 2 : http://facebook.com/djwizardmz MIXCLOUD : http://mixcloud.com/djwizardmz SNAPCHAT : leoneltuto BEME : leoneltuto Music by TSURUDA : https://soundcloud.com/tsuruda DOWNLOAD VIBES HERE iTunes : http://hyperurl.co/LTViTunes Am...
Dank medizinischer Betreuung konnte die HIV-positive Artemisa Chiziane ein gesundes Baby bekommen. Nun berät sie andere betroffene Frauen in Mosambik.
The opening sequence of Licinio Azevedo's award winning film following a family of Mozambican refugees back home after over a decade living in refugee camps in Malawi.
الهرم الفضى– جائزة لجنة التحكيم الخاصة لأحسن مخرج : لفيلم : قطار الملح والسكر – إخراج: ليسينيو أزيفيدو (البرتغال – موزمبيق – فرنسا – جنوب افريقيا – البرازيل) - The Silver Pyramid-Special Jury Prize For Best Director: "THE TRAIN OF SALT AND SUGAR" - By: Licinio Azevedo (Portugal - Mozambique – France – South Africa – Brazil)
Thanks to medical support, HIV-positive Artemisa Chiziane gave birth to a healthy baby. She now counsels other affected women in Mozambique.