- published: 16 Feb 2016
- views: 3180094
Ahmed Sharif (Bengali: আহমদ শরীফ; 1921–1999 CE) was an educationist, philosopher, critic, writer and scholar of medieval Bengali literature.
Dr Ahmed Sharif was born on 13 February 1921 in Patiya, Chittagong District, did his Masters and Ph. D degrees in Bengali literature from the University of Dhaka, in 1944 and 1967 respectively. From 1945 to 1949, he taught at Laksham Nawab Faizunnessa College and later on at Feni College. From July 1949 to 17 December 1950 he worked as Programme Assistant at the Dhaka station of the Radio Pakistan. Finally, on December 18, 1950 he joined as Research Assistant in the Bengali Department, University of Dhaka and retired as Chairman and Professor in 1983. During his time at the DU he was elected a member of the Senate, Syndicate, and the President of Teachers Association and the University Teachers Club. Dr. Sharif remained the only person who was elected the Dean of the Faculty of Arts for three consecutive terms. After his retirement from the Dhaka University, he was offered to join as first "Kazi Nazrul Islam Professor" at the University of Chittagong, where he served from 1984 to 1986.
Sharīf Asharif or Alsharif (Arabic: شريف šarīf) or Chérif (Darija: Chorfa) is a traditional Arab title in origin, the word is an adjective meaning "noble", "highborn". The feminine singular is sharifa(h) (Arabic: شريفة šarīfah). The masculine plural is Ashraf (Arabic: اشراف ʾašrāf).
Sunnis in the Arab world reserve the term sharif for descendants of Hasan ibn Ali, while sayyid is used for descendants of Husayn ibn Ali, Hasan's younger brother. Both Hasan and Husayn are grandchildren of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, through the marriage of his cousin Ali and his daughter Fatima. However ever since the post-Hashemite era began in 1925 after the fall of the Sharif of Mecca, the term sayyid has been used to denote descendants from both Hasan and Husayn. Shiites use the terms sayyid and habib to denote descendants from both Hasan and Husayn; see also ashraf.
From 1201 until 1925, when the Hejaz was conquered by Ibn Saud, this family (the descendants of Hasan ibn Ali) held the office of the Sharīf of Mecca, often also carrying the title and office of King of Hejaz. Descendants now rule the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the name being taken from the Banu Hashim, the sub-tribe of Banu Quraish, to which Muhammad belonged.
Ahmad, Ahmed or Ahmet are the principal transliterations of an Arabic given name, أحمد.
Ahmad comes from the Arabic triconsonantal root of Ḥ-M-D, meaning "highly praised", which in turn implies "one who constantly thanks God." Several Arabic names are derived from this root word.
The name Ahmad has its origins in a prophecy attributed to Jesus, in the Quran in Surah 61: As-Saff (The Ranks). Some Muslim scholars see the names parallel in the word 'Paraclete' in the biblical text. This view is not universal considering translations, meanings and etymology.
Regarding Ibn Ishaq's biography of Muhammad, the Sirat Asul Allah, Islamic scholar Alfred Guillaume wrote:
Other Arabic names from the same root include Mahmud, Ahmed, Hamed, Muhammad and Hamid. The name has one of the highest number of spelling variations in the world.
Here are three translations of the passage in question in Surat 61 verse 6:
- Sahih International
جميع مقاطع احمد شريف Ahmed Sharif 2016 - مشاهير الانستقرام#منوعات_مشهور47
Ahmed Sharif| Baba song 😂غنيت أحمد شريف بابا
Ahmed Sharif vines - احمد شريف العريس في ليلة الدخله
Ahmed Sharif vines #1 (2016) - تجميعات مقاطع أحمد شريف
Ahmed Sharif vines #2 (2016) - تجميعات مقاطع أحمد شريف
Ahmed Sharif vines #5 (2016) - تجميعات مقاطع أحمد شريف
Ahmed Sharif vines #7 (2016) - تجميعات مقاطع أحمد شريف
جميع مقاطع احمد شريف 2017 في شهر يناير || All clips ahmed..sharif
تجميعات مقاطع أحمد شريف | Ahmed Sharif |الانستقرام#a.sharif92
Kokhono Vule Jeyona | Full Movie | Emon | Tani | Pushpita | Ahmed Sharif
احمد شريف جميع مقاطعه مجمعة في حسابه الانستقرام 2016. مقاطع احمد شريف الجديدة:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aASHhTerW4 اضغط على أشتراك او Subscribe تحت الفيديو حتى يصلك جديدنا ولا تنسو لايك & Like للفيديو لدعمنا حتى نواصل :) اختار جودة الفيديو 720P HD لمشاهدة الفيديو بافضل جودة اذا تريد منا عمل مقاطع لشخصية تحبها على الانستقرام ولها شهرة جيدة اكتب في تعليقك اسمه :) شاهد ايضا جميع مقاطع شيمي ذات الصوت الجميل 2016 - مشاهير الانستقرام#منوعات_مشهور41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxbQZjoiOx4 جميع مقاطع غلا الجسمي الطفلة الجنية - مشاهير الانستقرام#منوعات_مشهور31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_RfW4iw9Lw اقوى المقاطع المركبة المضحكة من الانستقرام2016 - مشاهير الانستقرام#منوعات2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASccsJs8YIk تابعنا على تويتر https://twitter.com/InstaArabStars تابعنا ...
اضغط على أشتراك او Subscribe تحت الفيديو حتى يصلك جديدنا ولا تنسو لايك & Like للفيديو لدعمنا حتى نواصل :) --------------------------- Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 --------------------------- *تابعنا على الانستقرام : https://www.instagram.com/hits_blunt_bruh/?hl=en *تابعنا على الانستقرام : https://www.instagram.com/african_viners/ * تابعنا على الفيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/Africanvines98/?ref=hl *تابعنا على تويتر : https://twitter.com/African_viners *تابعنا على القناة الاحتياطيه: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDED05y7J9dJT4LKp8Yvlgg for african vines
تحصل علي تخفيض 50 Hey whats up y'all This is the one of the only arab vines Chanel thats still upload vines we upload 7 to 5 days a week so make sure u subscribe and watch all the videos , we will have a lot of good arab and if y'all want we can do african and black vines soon we will be in the top and with the best videos don't forget to subscribe nd peace ^__^ --------------------------- Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 --------------------------- *Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hits_blunt_bruh/?hl=en follow: https://www.instagram.com/african_viners/ * facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Africanvines98/?ref=hl *follow him in twitter: https://twitter.com/African_viners *subscribe to this chanel : https://www.youtube.com/...
Hey whats up y'all This is the one of the only arab vines Chanel thats still upload vines we upload 7 to 5 days a week so make sure u subscribe and watch all the videos , we will have a lot of good arab and if y'all want we can do african and black vines soon we will be in the top and with the best videos don't forget to subscribe nd peace ^__^ --------------------------- Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 --------------------------- *Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hits_blunt_bruh/?hl=en follow: https://www.instagram.com/african_viners/ * facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Africanvines98/?ref=hl *follow him in twitter: https://twitter.com/African_viners *subscribe to this chanel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDED05y7J...
--------------------------- Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 --------------------------- *Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hits_blunt_bruh/?hl=en follow: https://www.instagram.com/african_viners/ * facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Africanvines98/?ref=hl *follow him in twitter: https://twitter.com/African_viners *subscribe to this chanel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDED05y7J9dJT4LKp8Yvlgg for african vines
Hey whats up y'all This is the one of the only arab vines Chanel thats still upload vines we upload 7 to 5 days a week so make sure u subscribe and watch all the videos , we will have a lot of good arab and if y'all want we can do african and black vines soon we will be in the top and with the best videos don't forget to subscribe nd peace ^__^ --------------------------- Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 Ahmed Sharif vines 2016 --------------------------- *Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hits_blunt_bruh/?hl=en follow: https://www.instagram.com/african_viners/ * facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Africanvines98/?ref=hl *follow him in twitter: https://twitter.com/African_viners *subscribe to this chanel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDED05y7J...
إدخل الرابط وسجل وأكمل 5 استطلاعات وإربح 50$ مجرب مني شخصيا (يعلم الله) https://goo.gl/nr6rf3 كل مانزله احمد شريف | Ahmed Sharif مقاطع انستقرام سناب تجدونه هنا في هذه التجميعه وكل عام وانتم بخير Ahmed Sharif Ahmed Sharif vines ahmed_sharif92 عيد مبارك
Cast : Emon, Tani, Pushpita, Ahmed Sharif, Manosh Bandapadhaya Producer : Sraboni & Shoikot Script & Director : Mostafizur Rahman Babu Label : G Series
Cast : Emon, Tani, Pushpita, Ahmed Sharif, Manosh Bandapadhaya Producer : Sraboni & Shoikot Script & Director : Mostafizur Rahman Babu Label : G Series
Quran Graduation Ceremony for Fathi Ahmed Sharif at Masjid Alsalam Nashville TN 2015
Cast : Jashim , Sabana , Amit Hasan , Popy , Anwar Hossain , Ahmed Sharif Etc....
Cast : Jashim , Sabana , Amit Hasan , Popy , Anwar Hossain , Ahmed Sharif Etc....