MY DISILLUSIONMENT IN RUSSIA by Emma Goldman. eBook £1.50/€2.00 (see eBookshelf)

 Russian Revolution  Comments Off on MY DISILLUSIONMENT IN RUSSIA by Emma Goldman. eBook £1.50/€2.00 (see eBookshelf)
Mar 152016

EmmaGoldmansmalleBook £1.50/€2.00 (see eBookshelf ). Also available from Kindle and Kobo

“Deported American anarchist Emma Goldman travels to Russia for the first time in 30 years. She provides a revealing picture on the rampant oportunism throughout the Soviet government and its steady roots throughout the bureacracy. In addition she focuses on how the Soviet government began to open its arms after the Civil War to those who once had fought against it: the Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, and even the old tsarists. While these forces of the right were now coming into cooperation with the Soviet government, those on the extreme left saw an utter betrayal of revolutionary principles. At the one hand, during the Civil War, the Bolsheviks were much too brutal to the rightists, now they were much too nice. The extreme left then began to adamantly push for the overthrow of the Soviet government. Goldman explains life in Soviet Russia from the viewpoint of the extreme left revolutionaries, and charts the undemocratic injustices that occur to them as a result.

“Goldman was dismayed when she discovered that Doubleday, Page & Company had, without informing her, changed the title of her work from “My Two Years in Russia” to “My Disillusionment in Russia.” Even worse, the publisher cut the last twelve chapters of the manuscript (starting with Chapter 22: Odessa), omitting her account of crucial events such as the Kronstadt rebellion and the afterword in which she reflected on the trajectory of the revolution after the Bolsheviks seized power. At Goldman’s insistence, the omitted chapters were published as a separate volume: My Further Disillusionment in Russia (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1924). The complete text in one volume, with an introduction by Rebecca West, appeared the following year: My Disillusionment in Russia (London: C. W. Daniel Company, 1925).”

Jul 282013

THE GUILLOTINE AT WORK. Vol. 2: Twenty Years of Terror in Russia (Data and Documents), Gregory Petrovich Maximoff.

THE GUILLOTINE AT WORK. Vol. 2: Twenty Years of Terror in Russia (Data and Documents), Gregory Petrovich Maximoff. ISBN 978-0-904564-22-8 (347 pages – estimated) First edition published Chicago, 1940, by the Alexander Berkman Fund under the title: The Guillotine At Work: Twenty Years of Terror in Russia (Data and Documents). This, second (revised and corrected) Kindle eBook edition, published in 2013 by ChristieBooks. Cover illustration by the late Flavio Costantini. Jacket design by Simon Stern. (Check out all Kindle editions of ChristieBooks titles) NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — £3.38/€3,91/$5.07 READ INSIDE!  ¡LEER EL INTERIOR! (See Vol. 1: The Leninist Counter-Revolution)

UK : £3.38 ; USA : $5.07 ; Germany : €3,91 ; France : €3,91 ; Spain: €3,91 ; Italy :  €3,91 ; Japan : ¥ 503 ; India : R296.00 : Canada : CDN$ 5.18 ; Brazil : R$ 11,24

A searing indictment of Marxist-Leninist practice and the ‘slaveholding democracy’ that was Soviet Russia from April 12 1918 when the Communist Party* patricians launched their well-prepared and sustained bloody pogrom against anarchists and anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist organisations nationwide; a campaign beside which the deeds of the Tsar’s secret police pale into insignificance. This is a gut-wrenching, anger-inducing account of the blatant, power-led, betrayal of socialist principles and ideals by Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin, and all the other organisation- and party-building apologists for Marxist-Leninism and ‘democratic centralism’. The next time someone stops you to purchase a copy of Socialist Worker or any other similar title damn their eyes and refer them to this ‘book of destinies’. With a bit of luck the angel Jesrad might be lurking nearby ready to poke out their eyes with a tightly-rolled-up copy of The Big Issue and cast them into the gorge…

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Sep 222011

The extraordinary story how, in January 1939, the CNT-FAI special services secured 22 boxes of the CNT’s archives just prior to the occupation of Barcelona by the fascist forces of General Franco, and transferred them across Europe to the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. The Catalan TV3 documentary (with English subtitles) weaves a thrilling visual tapestry of the CNT’s relations with the international anarchist movements of the day, including the Makhnovists in the Ukraine and the revolutionary movement in Patagonia. Interviewees and commentators include: Noam Chomsky, Michel Onfray, Christian Ferrer, Jordi Vidal and Octavio Alberola.

Cap de Documentals: Joan Salvat; Productora executiva: Muntsa Tarrés; Direcció i realització: Felip Solé; Producció: Lluís Mabilon Guió: Àngels Molina Locució: Joan Massotkleiner; Ajudant de realització: David Burillo; Documentació: Mercè Bofill; Investigació: Àngels Molina i Roger Caubet; Assessorament històric : Josep Maria Solé i Sabaté i Octavio Alberola; Operador de càmera: Joaquim Murga; Disseny gràfic: Xavi Comas; Tècnic de so: Toni Garcia; Muntatge musical: Adolfo Pérez

The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-1924 Soviet workers and the new communist elite by Simon Pirani

 News, Russia, Russian Revolution  Comments Off on The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-1924 Soviet workers and the new communist elite by Simon Pirani
Jun 232011

Click image to read The Russian Revolution

Simon Pirani’s book on the Russian Revolution (available here), published in 2008, focuses on the retreat from the revolution’s aims in 1920-24, after the end of the civil war – and specifically, on the turbulent relationship between the working class and the Communist Party in those years. In issue 126 of  the SWP journal International Socialism, Kevin Murphy wrote a hostile review to which Simon replied (below). A more detailed response can be found in this PDF

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STRIKE – STACHKA by Sergei M. Eisenstein (1924) see FILMS

 Drama, Feature, Films, Russia, Russian Revolution  Comments Off on STRIKE – STACHKA by Sergei M. Eisenstein (1924) see FILMS
Nov 172010

Sergei Eisenstein‘s Strike, (his first full-length feature film — pre-Stalinist) is among the most outstanding cinematic debuts in the history of film. Triggered by the suicide of a worker falsely accused of theft, a strike is called by the labourers of a Moscow factory during Czarist times (1903). The managers, owner and the Czarist government send in spies and provocateurs in an attempt to break the workers unity. Unsuccessful, they hire the police and, in the film’s most harrowing and powerful sequences, the unarmed strikers are slaughtered in a brutal confrontation with the military.

Nov 032010

Click on image to view publication

Republication of A Critique of State Socialism by Michael Bakunin and illustrated by the extraordinarily talented artist Richard Warren. Originally published by Orcadian publisher Cienfuegos Press (Sanday, Orkney, 1981) and long out of print, this digital edition clearly shows how Bakunin’s classic critique of state socialism — that all statist approaches to social change are doomed to authoritarian results — composed a century and a half ago, was borne out by the events of the 20th century. Just as Bakunin’s concerns about power-hungry socialists and communists proved prescient, this comic retains its value today, when new politicians and parties are attempting to co-opt popular movements. We should never forget the hard-learned lessons of the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War: those who would wield state power, whether in the name of the people or any other abstraction, can only be obstacles to liberation, if not actual foes of it. Readers who lack context for 20th century history may find some passages a little perplexing—who was Oswald Mosley, exactly? But if nothing else, this comic provides points of departure to learn about many of the most fascinating and pivotal events of that era.

ChristieBooks will shortly be re-issuing a limited edition of 100 copies of this title (£12.00 inc  p+p). Orders will be dealt with on a first come first served basis.

21st century socialism and the Russian revolution by Simon Pirani (PDF and ISSUU document)

 libertarian socialism, PDF, Russia, Russian Revolution  Comments Off on 21st century socialism and the Russian revolution by Simon Pirani (PDF and ISSUU document)
Oct 202010

Click on image to read Simon Pirani's article

Trotskyist Review (International Socialism 126) of The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24. Soviet workers and the new communist elite and author Simon Pirani’s RESPONSE (ISSUU and PDF)

The Russian revolution of 1917 was a defining event of the 20th century, and its achievements and failures remain controversial in the 21st. This critically acclaimed book, published in 2008, focuses on the retreat from the revolution’s aims in 1920-24, after the end of the civil war – and specifically, on the turbulent relationship between the working class and the Communist Party in those years.

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