Make Women Count

The Unequal Economics of Women’s Work.
Women are doing more and more work. They are growing the economy in Canada and around the world. But, they are seeing unequal benefits.
Making Women Count: The Unequal Economics of Women’s Work

#ImAFeminist. Are You?

If you believe in social, political and economic equality of the sexes and want to contribute to making the world a better, more just place for all – then YOU ARE A FEMINIST.
Women's Rights. Feminism. Gender Equality. Call it whatever you want. As long as we talk about it.


World’s poorest - especially women, children and the most vulnerable - are hit hardest when individuals and companies don’t pay their fair share of taxes. The World Bank Group must stop turning a blind eye.     ... more

Oxfam is calling for the states attending the Geneva conference to collectively commit to offer a safe haven through resettlement or other forms of humanitarian admission to at least 10 percent of the refugee    ... more

Women are unpaid, undervalued and unequal, says a new report published today by Oxfam Canada and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).     ... more


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La Playita, in Baracoa, is one of the most vulnerable communities in the city
While President Obama's visit has put Havana in the spotlight, more remote communities are preparing for earthquakes and natural disasters.    ... more
Photo: Gathering wood – the missing link between eating or going hungry in South Sudan’s Bor refugee camp. Credit: Kieran Doherty/ Oxfam, May 2014
In South Sudan, domestic violence is widespread and largely tolerated. In the all-too-common words of two young women from Warrap State: "we are often beaten. When we make a mistake, we are beaten – and there are so many mistakes."     ... more
Oxfam is calling for the states attending the Geneva conference to collectively commit to offer a safe haven through resettlement or other forms of humanitarian admission to at least 10 percent of the refugee population – the equivalent of 481,220 people    ... more