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  • Communism and Capitalism are the Same Thing: A Story

    The Philosopher Between the Capitalist and the Communist

    Chapter 10 : The End is Near

    By Punkerslut

    Image by Guttorm Flatabø, CC BY 2.0 License
    Image: By Guttorm Flatabø, CC BY 2.0 License

    Start Date: February 18, 2014
    Finish Date: October 21, 2014

         Before getting the response from the citizens of Anarchia, the kingdoms of Hammurabi and Solon were both preparing for war, for a new flock of slaves, and another around of promotions in the military. Never trust the words of a king, no matter the color of his couriers' sashes. The clouds, in all of their dark and unseeable nature, will give better clues of what they want than any king.

         The Philosopher left Anarchia, and before it was out of distance, he could already see the townsfolk making preparations for defense against the Greek and Babylonian Armies. "It is just their luck," the Philosopher thought to himself alone on his trail, "Those who live their own way must somehow irritate anyone who wants to command others."

    Image by Jay Tamboli, CC BY-NC 2.0 License
    Image: By Jay Tamboli, CC BY-NC 2.0 License

         After just briefly establishing themselves, the Anarchists were already the enemies of the two, most powerful kings. "It wasn't too long ahead when the city of Anarchia was just a dirthill," the Philosopher thought, "How did things happen so fast? Almost nobody could've known. Those two meeting each other was like a spark in a powder keg. And I'm the one who lit the fuse. Now there's this damned war."

         "I don't know if I act too much or if I think too much, if I'm here to change things or here just to think about things," the Philosopher pondered, eyeing the stones on his path and glancing at the greenery, "Or, if I'm even here to make my own way, against anything I've been made for." A bird flew across his vision, leaving a moss-covered branch wagging back and forth from the force of its departure. "To think, or to act," the Philosopher said, "I suppose it's something for me to think about as I walk."

    Image by lucasdelaqua, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 License
    Image: By lucasdelaqua, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 License

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