Sunday, 10 April 2016 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG
  • What Will "Lesser Evilism" Look Like in 2016?

    What Will "Lesser Evilism" Look Like in 2016?

    By Lance Selfa, Socialist Worker | Op-Ed

    We face the challenge of building grassroots organizations to fight effectively for working people's demands in many arenas of potential struggle. But we also face the challenge of building a mass political alternative to the Democrats. Postponing that task with attempts to "transform" the Democrats will only delay the day when working people can vote for something they actually want, rather than choose between "terrible" and "not as bad."

  • Lessons on Self-Serving Politics From Hillary Clinton and Nancy Reagan

    Lessons on Self-Serving Politics From Hillary Clinton and Nancy Reagan

    By Kevin Cashman, Truthout | Op-Ed

    Praise for Nancy Reagan's advocacy for Alzheimer's disease research misses the point, and lets public figures reap rewards for easy decisions that require little political or social risk. Real leaders care about issues that don't affect them personally. Creating meaningful and radical change will always be difficult. The Reagans and Hillary Clinton are not people from whom we can learn.


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