Rest In Power Jean-Pierre Bony

  • Posted on: 9 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From MTL Counter-info

Last week, the police murdered Jean-Pierre Bony in Montreal-Nord, yet another black person assassinated by the agents of white supremacy. Wednesday night, the day of the birthday of Fredy Villanueva – assassinated by the police in 2008 and avenged by two nights of riots in Montreal-Nord – a demonstration in response to the murder of Jean-Pierre Bony turned into a riot against the police.

A Deconstruction of Power and Production

  • Posted on: 9 April 2016
  • By: emile
volcano "producing" magma

As Henri Laborit, who did his own research free from the constraints of Western academia has pointed out, science and technology amplify our reach, allowing us to seize and exploit what was previously inaccessible to us. Advancements in extraction technology allow us to drill and mine to ever greater depths. Advances in transportation technology allow us to gather materials from, and disseminate products to ever greater distances in ever shorter times.

Resignation is Death: responding to the negation of anarchy

  • Posted on: 9 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Under the present conditions in anglo North American capitalist society I feel surrounded by a pronounced sense of resignation. As has been said many times before, those of us who seek an end to the dominant social order have been passed on a long history of loss. The post WWII eras are heavily affected by anti-communist rhetoric, and a strong identification with our roles in the consumer/producer economy. This history has set the stage for a general lack of solidarity between people, a lack of any attempt at critical thought or any practice which might break the death grip of domination.

March 39 and counting… Nuit Debout and the new French uprising

  • Posted on: 8 April 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The spirit of resistance has captured the imagination of a new generation in France, as youth-led opposition to neoliberal labour “reforms” has spiralled into full-on rejection of the whole capitalist system on the street and squares.

The situation took on a new dimension after the general strike and day of action on Thursday March 31. There was a call for people not to go home afterwards but to stay on the streets, beginning a wave of overnight “Nuit Debout” occupations that has spread from Paris across France and into the Iberian peninsular, Belgium and Germany.

Destination Anarchy! Every Step Is an Obstacle

  • Posted on: 7 April 2016
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

I find myself in the courtyard of the School of Fine Arts in Athens, Greece. It’s May 25, 2011, a hot summer day. A five-day anarchist and anti-authoritarian festival starts in six hours and I am scrambling to prepare all the small details I have in mind. I’m working alone.

From 15M to Podemos

  • Posted on: 7 April 2016
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

I was shoulder to shoulder with a friend, pushing through the swarming crowds, the tens of thousands that had coalesced out of the democratic desolation to fill Plaça Catalunya, Barcelona’s central plaza. We were on our way back from a copy shop whose employees, also taken up in the fervor, let us print another five hundred copies of the latest open letter with a huge discount, easily paid for with all the change people were leaving in the donations jar at the info table we anarchists had set up.

Red and black on both sides: interview with radical hip-hop duo QELD

  • Posted on: 7 April 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Libcom

Bristolian hip-hop group, QELD, have been making music together since 2007 and threatening to drop their much-awaited album, Kush Zombies, for years. Finally finished and ready for release, we caught up with them to see what they've been up to and the future has in store for Bristol's radical rappers.
