Featured News

  • What to do about the housing bubble?

    What to do about the housing bubble?

    By Kirk Leonard “Sex for rent” ads in Sydney and on the Gold Coast which target struggling women are becoming more prevalent. Social ulcers like this indict the chaos in the housing sector, which sees affordability at crisis levels and growing alarm amongst commentators about a huge price bubble. The […]

  • Panama Papers: Build a political alternative to stop the tax cheats

    Panama Papers: Build a political alternative to stop the tax cheats

    Editorial comment from the forthcoming edition of ‘The Socialist’ Early April saw the biggest data spill to date with more than 11 million documents leaked from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca. Dubbed the “Panama Papers” the leak, revealed by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), exposed some of […]

  • Capitalism and drug reform

    Capitalism and drug reform

    By Meredith Jacka The past 12 months have seen a growing and increasingly militant movement to change the way police and politicians view the issue of drug use. Physicians, lawyers, public health and social workers, and the families of people who use drugs, are publicly calling for a move away […]

  • Oppose Turnbull’s TAFE deregulation plan

    Oppose Turnbull’s TAFE deregulation plan

    By Conor Flynn The Turnbull government is set to overhaul the TAFE system. News of the move came from a leaked document, marked “in confidence”, circulated to state governments ahead of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting in March. Under the proposal, the federal government would take over TAFE […]

  • US election turmoil

    US election turmoil

    By Tony Saunois, CWI Secretary Bernie Sanders campaign – an opportunity to build a new party of the 99% The US Presidential election campaign represents a turning point in US society and the struggles of the working class, the middle class, young people and all those exploited by capitalism. US […]