- published: 05 Apr 2016
- views: 998
Lilli Palmer (24 May 1914 – 27 January 1986), born Lilli Marie Peiser, was a German actress. She won the Volpi Cup, the Deutscher Filmpreis three times, and was nominated twice for a Golden Globe Award.
Palmer, who took her surname from an English actress she admired, was one of three daughters born to Dr. Alfred Peiser, a German Jewish surgeon, and Rose Lissman, an Austrian Jewish stage actress in Posen, Prussia, Germany (now Poznań, Poland). When Lilli was four her family moved to Berlin-Charlottenburg. She was a junior table tennis champion as a young girl.
She studied drama in Berlin before fleeing to Paris in 1933 following the Nazi takeover. While performing in cabarets, she attracted the attention of British talent scouts and was offered a contract by the Gaumont Film Company. She made her screen debut in Crime Unlimited (1935) and appeared in British films for the next decade. She married actor Rex Harrison 25 January 1943, and followed him to Hollywood in 1945.
Lilli Palmer, John Davidson, 1982 TV Interview
The Long Dark Hall 1951 Crime, Drama, Rex Harrison, Lilli Palmer, Tania Heald
Lilli Palmer - Interview 1979 Teil I
Lilli Palmer - Oh, mein Papa
Lilli Palmer in Good Morning, Boys (1937)
Romy Schneider & Lilli Palmer - in memorium
Anneliese Rothenberger gibt sich die Ehre - Lilli Palmer
Lilli Palmer (Mein einzigartiges Dankeschön)
Actors: Marie Laforêt (actress), Joseph Cotten (actor), Maurice Evans (actor), George Hamilton (actor), Alexander Hegarth (actor), Don Taylor (director), Peter Thomas (composer), Karl Lieffen (actor), Eduard Linkers (actor), Robert Naegele (actor), Wolfgang Preiss (actor), Lilli Palmer (actress), Carroll Baker (actress), Zsa Zsa Gabor (actress), Sandy Howard (producer),
Plot: The protege of a famous cat burglar reluctantly agrees to join forces with a lesser criminal in the daring heist of several famous jewels from a seemingly impenetrable vault.
Keywords: bank, break-in, burglar, burglar-alarm, caper, celebrity, competition, crime-wave, diamond-theft, glamourLilli Palmer chats about her life and career with John Davidson in this rare TV appearance from 1982.
_____________________________________________________ EINE KOMPLETTE FOLGE HEUT' ABEND ZU GAST: LILLI PALMER (U. A. SCHAUSPIELERIN) MODERATION: JOACHIM FUCHSBERGER LAUFZEIT: 28.04.1980 - 16.01.1991 ____________________________________________________
The Long Dark Hall 1951 Crime, Drama, Rex Harrison, Lilli Palmer, Tania Heald In a London still rebuilding after World War II, suburban businessman Arthur Groome (Rex Harrison) carries on an extramarital affair with Rose (Patricia Wayne), a chorus girl. One night, Arthur lets himself into Rose's small apartment and discovers that she has been brutally stabbed to death. Fleeing in a panic, Arthur incriminates himself in her death and is charged with her murder. As the case goes to trial, the real killer becomes friendly with Arthur's steadfast wife, Mary (Lilli Palmer). Release date: May 9, 1951 (New York City) Directors: Anthony Bushell, Reginald Beck Music composed by: Benjamin Frankel Story by: Edgar Lustgarten Screenplay: Nunnally Johnson, W.E. Fairchild
In einem Interview bei einer Talkshow des NDR (3nach9)wird Lilli Palmer zu ihren Büchern ("Dicke Lilli- Gutes Kind" und "Umarmen hat seine Zeit"), ihren Bildern und ihrem Leben in der Schweiz befragt. Dies ist der erste Teil des dreiteiligen Interviews, welches ich bei der Bearbeitung mit zusätzlichen Bilder von Lilli umrahmt habe.
Ausschnitt aus dem Film "Feuerwerk" (1954). Lilli Palmer singt hier das so unvergessene Lied "Oh, mein Papa". An ihrer Seite spielt die noch sehr junge Romy Schneider, welche wenige Jahre später wieder zusammen mit Lilli Palmer in dem Skandalfilm der 50er Jahre "Mädchen in Uniform" zu sehen ist.
Lilli Palmer steams things up as a sexy Parisian nightclub singer, singing in both French and English in the 1937 Will Hay vehicle Good Morning, Boys.
zur Erinnerung an die zwei großen Schauspielerinnen in memory of the two great actresses Romy Schneider *23.09.1938 †29.05.1982 Lilli Palmer *24.05.1914 †27.01.1986 eine kleine Montage mit Szenen und Bildern aus dem Film a little montage with scenes and pictures from the movie "Mädchen in Uniform" "Jeunes filles en uniforme" Deutschland (BRD)/Frankreich 1958 Musik: "Big my secret" von Michael Nyman aus dem Film "The Piano"
Documental sobre el matrimonio de Rex Harrison y Lilli Palmer.
Mein einzigartiges Dankeschön ... (2016) Musik: Zate - Ich bin immer noch da [Traurige Musik zum Abschied] Free download Neue Rap Musik 2016. Dieser Song darf für Videos verwendet werden, (hat Zate selbst dazu freigegeben) siehe hier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL8Iqws37qU (Copyright dieses Songs liegt bei ihm)
Lilli Palmer Ich betrachte es als meine Aufgabe und Bestimmung, den Menschen Flügel zu verleihen und sie in die Lage zu versetzen, aus eigener Kraft und wie auf eigenen Schwingen in eine blockadefreie Zukunft zu fliegen. Ohne Probleme, Krankheiten und Angst. In eine Zukunft, in der sie die magische Schönheit jeden Augenblicks uneingeschränkt genießen können, damit sie ihren eigenen Weg finden. Russische Heilweisen | Matrix | Aufstellungsarbeiten Clearing | Hypnose | Reiki II Vorträge und Seminare Hochsensibilität in unserer Neuen Zeit, Feinstoffliche Wahrnehmung, Russische Heilweisen. Mehr Infos zu Lilli Palmer: http://www.lillidot.de Musik: Feels Good 2 B von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) lizen...
Music: "Rue des Cascades" by Yann Tiersen. Watch my another video about this movie... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwknSFHshZ4
Fernsehinterview mit der Künstlerin Jenny Prestel aus Falkensee über ihre Ausstellung "Zwei Diven der Filmgeschichte - Romy Schneider und Lilli Palmer"
Open her eyes
Cause her to fall in love with me
Help me to speak
Bless me with words she will feel
Oh let it rain
Droplets of sunshine in her life
Give her the world
But let it be me she longs to hold
I can't wait
I won't wait
'Cause tomorrow's too late
And I need her right now in my life
All that I'm praying for
Is my voice finds her like a lullaby
Sings her to sleep
She'll wake with me
Rewind the days
To when she first laid eyes on
Ignite the fire
Let it burn uncontrollably
Oh I'm in love
I've never felt this way before
Make her feel the same
And I will ask of you no more
I can't wait
I won't wait
'Cause tomorrow's too late
And I need her right now in my life
All that I'm praying for
Is my love finds her like a lullaby
Finds her in the night
Sings her to sleep
All that I'm hoping for
Is my voice finds her like a lullaby
Sings her to sleep
She'll wake with me
This is my prayer
I've no shame to declare that I'm praying for her
(Please wake with me)
I laid down a love song
Made up this melody
Oh let this lullaby
Cry out and catch her
She's all I want