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Two peas in a pod of discontent


Sydney Morning Herald political and international editor

View more articles from Peter Hartcher

The overwhelming view among voters is that Labor has blown it.

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One for the true disbelievers

Rudd vs. Abbott: not a trace of doubt in my mind. Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan look at the endless promises.

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The opinion polls tell us who's winning the election and who's losing. Focus groups tell us why. The political parties rely on them heavily to guide strategy. This week, Ipsos Research convened groups in western Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.

If Labor still likes to think of western Sydney as its heart, then it needs to get itself into the intensive care unit because it's in the process of cardiac arrest. 

They invited me to sit and listen to a mixture of Labor, Liberal and uncommitted voters. They all earn low to middle incomes or, in the case of some of the Melbourne voters, they have retired.

<i>Illustration: Rocco Fazzari</i>

Illustration: Rocco Fazzari

Unlike most focus groups, these are largely undirected - participants are invited broadly to discuss the election and the economy so any of the specifics that emerge do so spontaneously.

The starting point is that neither Kevin Rudd nor Tony Abbott is liked or appreciated.

''I think Tony Abbott is a giant wanker,'' says Rose, a Brisbane woman in her 30s.

''I think Kevin Rudd is a bigger wanker,'' rejoins the woman sitting next to her, Nikki, around the same age. ''His own party doesn't want to work with him.''

With the exception of one Melbourne woman in her 60s, a devoted Liberal named Dorothy, no one had a kind word for Abbott except to compliment him on his physical fitness.

And even that is questioned as an unalloyed virtue. One woman points out the amount of time it takes to maintain high levels of fitness and Nikki wonders: ''Is he going to continue doing all that exercise if he's elected?''

And the kindest thing anyone has to say about Rudd is that ''I like him better than I liked Gillard'' and this is greeted with nodding all round.

At one point, an older Melbourne woman, Kathy, expresses her general frustration at the political situation by forcefully proposing: ''Let's get rid of all the men and put a woman in charge!''

''What, like Julia Gillard?'' counters Dorothy, to a chorus of ''I don't think so'' from the other women in the group, including the Labor sympathisers.

''The thing is,'' says Peter, a Brisbane man in his 40s, ''neither Rudd nor Abbott is actually dumb. They are both quite intelligent.''

''They are not likeable fellows,'' John chimes in, emphasising ''likeable''.

''I think you've hit it,'' says a third man.

It's ''who you hate least'', rejoins John, who identifies as a Labor supporter.

It is only the Queensland blokes who mention the Greens at all. And while they have kind words for Bob Brown, they can't remember the name of his successor: ''It's some lady.''

The next common theme that quickly emerges across all the groups in all cities is that voters have trouble finding compelling policy differences between the two main parties.

It's not so much that they don't know what the parties' policies are. The groups touch on quite a few. It's more a case that many of the parties' policies have converged to the point where they have become hard to tell apart.

Just as Labor toughened its policy on boat people to seem as muscular as the Liberals, so have the Liberals moved to seem as caring as Labor on school funding.

And where people in the focus groups bring up some of the specific policy ideas that the Coalition has pushed during the campaign, it turns out they don't much like them. The most vehement objections are the ones to Abbott's own signature policy, his paid parental leave scheme.

Sean, a 40-ish Sydneysider at a group gathered in the suburb of Smithfield, says: ''$75,000 for six months is a lot of dough to sit at home and have a kid. I never had that, my wife never had that.''

The women are harsher. ''I don't like Abbott's parental leave policy,'' says Divina in Brisbane.

''It's bullshit and it's unfair,'' Rose concurs with feeling, to agreement all round.

''They want to give people money to have babies,'' says Ruth, a Melbourne woman in her 60s, with some indignation.

''It's absolutely ridiculous,'' says Kathy.

Even the staunchest Liberal of the lot, Dorothy, won't defend this one: ''Tony will get my vote but he's made a blue on this one.''

And the Coalition policy to buy fishing boats at Java seaports, so they can't be used by people smugglers, is widely dismissed as silly.

''They're going to spend millions of dollars buying boats from Indonesians so they can buy more boats,'' says Will in western Sydney, although Dorothy insists that it's worth trying.

And in Brisbane and Melbourne, the groups express suspicion over the Liberals' decision to keep their budget costings a close secret to the final days of the campaign.

''They have the election in the bag so they don't have to bring out their costings,'' says Rose.

''They're keeping the smokescreen up. I'm scared it's going to be like Campbell Newman but on a bigger scale.''

The large-scale public service cuts imposed by Queensland's conservative Premier are not on the minds of the groups in Sydney and Melbourne. But they weigh heavily in Brisbane.

''Campbell Newman raped us [in Brisbane, where he was lord mayor] and now he's doing it to Queensland. He went to the election promising he wasn't going to cut,'' says John.

''How long do we have to accept this shit, as people? Why can't they be held accountable for what they say?''

Frank says: ''If we were Europeans, we'd be in the streets protesting. It's because we're Aussies that we just cop it.''

And there's deep concern and resentment across all the groups that both major parties carry on with an unaffordable and unfair system of government handouts.

The Coalition gets, if anything, even more criticism than Labor on this. Abbott's parental leave policy is part of it but it's much bigger than this.

After hearing of Abbott's policy to make payments to long-term unemployed people who take and hold a job for at least a year, Peter says: ''How come they give money to the unemployed - what about the people who've been working for 25 years?''

Barbara, in Melbourne, wants to know ''why are they giving money to a Cadbury factory in Hobart?'', a reference to Abbott's promise of a $16 million grant. ''Is it a government factory?''

In western Sydney, Josh, in his 40s, spoke for his group when he voiced resentment at their perceived position as the financiers of other people's handouts: ''We are all blue collar and all in the same class. We are in the class that gets bent over and screwed on tax.

''Everything we earn - wages, bank accounts - is out in the open,'' he says. ''We're not upper class that can hide stuff. We're not the class living off the government. We are the mainstream. We're the ones who pay for it all.''

And an exasperated Frank in Brisbane summed up the feeling of many: ''If the country's finances are so f---ed, why don't they stop giving away money?''

And yet, despite all of this, not one of the participants in any group suggested that Labor would be better to deal with any of the components of the problem.

No one defended Labor's handling of the budget, nor its performance on dealing with the handout mentality.

One of the self-described blue-collar workers of western Sydney is uncontradicted when he says: ''Labor is good if you wanna sit back and they'll look after you … The Libs are the ones who, if you wanna get up, work up a sweat, they'll look after you.''

Even the declared Labor sympathisers didn't try to defend its record or speak on its behalf. If Labor still likes to think of western Sydney as its heart, then it needs to get itself to an intensive care unit because it's in the process of cardiac arrest.

Labor has been largely written off. On its conduct, when discussion turned to Labor's leadership coups: ''We must look like a dickhead country when all that happens,'' says Ruth, who is otherwise restrained. Her comment meets general concurrence.

And, on its conduct of the national budget: ''When John Howard was in, the country was at its best, then Labor comes in and spends the lot,'' says Ian of western Sydney. An older friend had told him it was ever thus.

''It's been this way for 50 years. The Libs come in and build the bank account up, then Labor comes in and spends it all.''

And here is the reason that Rudd's scare campaign on Abbott's alleged secret plan for ''cuts, cuts, cuts'' isn't working. Even the Queenslanders who are angriest about the conservatives' cuts at the state level, even though they are apprehensive of Abbott, are resigned to an Abbott government.

They don't like or trust Abbott. Rather, they are putting trust in the Liberals' brand. It's product identification, a vote for the party of Howard and Peter Costello.

There is even an implicit assumption that it might be unpleasant but that it is necessary. The overwhelming sense, spoken and unspoken, is that Labor had its chance and has blown it.

''I do believe,'' says Bob in Brisbane, ''the Libs will slash and cut and the deficit will be reduced. We are in for that cyclic change now.''

John, a self-identified Labor man, reluctantly resigns himself: ''They will hurt lower and middle people as they do it, then we will change the government in six or eight years.''

Bob says: ''The Libs will get in. Does anyone here doubt that?'' Around the table in Brisbane, where the conservatives' cuts are still smarting, there is silence.


  • And there you have it folks, it's all about perceptions.
    It is not us posters on this forum that decide elections. It's looking like a blow out at present and I lay the blame at Rudd's feet.
    Apart from (quote from Latham) running a 3 year jihad of revenge, his ego is so immense he honestly believed he is just wonderful.
    As soon as he got the job back he needed to call the election that second before we all remembered why we used to hate him. Well we all remember now.

    Date and time
    August 31, 2013, 9:45AM
    • Agreed wennicks. A smarter bloke with a smaller ego would have gone to the polls when his advisers told him, probably in early August.

      Hartcher's right though - we don't know how successful an Abbott government would be, but the chances are that they couldn't be worse than the last six year's worth. Labor have lost the right to reelection.

      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 10:36AM
    • So true. But what I found telling is that they wanted someone "likeable". Not sure this is really important. And will Rudd PLEASE stop putting "in the future" at the end of every sentence. I think he's losing his grip on reality.

      luke r
      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 10:41AM
    • No, @wennicks you are missing the point. You only learnt to hate Rudd after Rudd's collegues turned on him. Why Labor is in this mess with Rudd coming back and being a disappointment, relates to the 'whatever it takes' mentality of the NSW Right which has traditionally controlled the Party. Its them, and this ethos, that has made Rudd and Labor unelectable, and put our democracy under threat.
      Rudd was a 'dictator' it was said. So? If he was good enough to win them an election, he was good enough to take them to one in 2010. The proposition originally put forward that Labor was 'a good government that had lost its way', which was Gillard's original mantra and justification, turned out to hollow. Because, in fact, she was just a backstabbing opportunist encouraged by people within and outside the Party to go for Rudd. Rudd may have been all the things they say about him. They were also calling Paul Keating 'Captain Wacky' near the end of his Prime-Ministership. But they did the right thing, and stood alongside him, and then took their beating in 1996 with honour. If Labor had done this in 2010, Abbott, the master of his own destruction, would be facing defeat at the upcoming election, not victory.

      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 10:45AM
    • Labor bad .... Abbott good.

      Labor give away .... Liberal work.

      Strange old world.

      Where the political party that is most likely to look after those with less than $2 million is looked upon as evil.

      And the political party that will look after (generously) those with more than $2 million are perceived as good.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 10:53AM
    • Abbott believes he is better.

      And Murdoch, Gina and Cardinal Pell have built him up in the hope that Australians will believe it.

      J. Fraser
      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 11:00AM
    • Your'e right. Unfortunately, It is about perceptions, BUT Australians clearly can't think for themselves, so instead of making up their own minds and reviewing policies, not people, they follow the polls, and then will vote according to what the polls are saying. It's called the sheep principle. Pathetic isn't it. So we end up with a self confessed 'head kicker' as Prime Minister of Australia. Someone that punches the wall on either side of a woman's face. Because people now fall for the Statesmen spin and 'doofy dad' he's going to become PM of this country... "''Is he going to continue doing all that exercise if he's elected?" Is this what it has come down to? The media also have been complicit in this rubbish, and have been derelict in not demanding policies and pushing the LNP on how they will actually run the country. Oh and by the way, the reason i have commented is because I work with brands on strategic level, and have worked on some of the leading brands in the world. I can see right through the LNP rubbish that is absolutely controlled by the minute to appeal to the foolish and encourage the sheep principle. Australian across the spectrum are going to lose big time come Sept 8. And it deserves too, when listening to the rubbish and reading what has been said and reported during the election campaign. Good luck.

      Well done Australia
      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 11:01AM
    • The popular street view us Labor takes care of boat people very generous compared to aussie battlers and pensioners, no wonder labor is losing badly at this election.

      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 11:02AM
    • @wennicks. Rudd may not have the charisma and appeal of Bob Hawke, but I would rather have a government which will, in twenty years time, enable me to catch a fast train from Melbourne to Sydney, or live two hours out of the city and work connected to the internet through fibre broadband or see my grandchildren get a first class education even though they attended a State school in the country.
      I would much prefer the above scenario to the LNP alternative which throws Australia unprotected onto the high seas of the Global economy, so that our economic figures receive approval from the currency and hedge fund traders in New York, London and Beijing. How quickly we forget that our current smart economy is due in large measure to the foresight of Gough Whitlam when he provided access to tertiary education for everyone including hundreds of thousands of women. Prosperity in the future demands intelligent long term foresight. How quickly we forget that the mess of the current Telstra monopoly was created by the Abbott, Howard, Costello government when they privatised Telstra for $96bn in three tranches to pay off government debt. They did not pay it off as they claim and how quickly we forget that mum and dad investors lost their money when the second and third tranches failed.
      No this election is not about personalities or policies it is about punishing Labor for the fatal mistake of the faceless men. Unfortunately in the long term it is Australia that is the loser.

      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 11:29AM
    • Go and have a good look at the actions of News Limited during this election and then tell me what you perceive to be a real threat to our fragile democracy?

      Date and time
      August 31, 2013, 11:32AM

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