
Wednesday, 23 December 2015   State of the parties   9 comments 

David Rowe, AFR LEIGH SALES: OK. Let’s whip through a few other things. Your minister, Mal Brough, … MALCOLM TURNBULL: You’ve lost interest in innovation, have you? LEIGH SALES: (Laughs) I haven’t lost interest, but there’s a lotta things to get through and there’s limited time. MALCOLM TURNBULL: Aunty ABC loses interest in innovation. LEIGH […]

In the spirit of inclusiveness Turnbull looks ready to accommodate all positions except his own.


Tuesday, 10 February 2015   State of the parties, Tactics   19 comments 

Turnbull’s waiting until he is drafted really comes from him having no other choice.


Monday, 21 January 2013   State of the parties   12 comments 

Wait till you see what is coming to Canberra this year.

If Turnbull had read what was happening to Abbott, he would have kept his head low.

Surely this isn’t the same Chris Uhlmann who a year ago was chastising Rudd for believing in the threat of climate change like it was an act of faith?

Turnbull’s problem, as far as the Liberals were concerned, is that he didn’t seem particularly interested in the question, but merely winning an election.

Barnaby’s game

Friday, 12 February 2010   Political figures, Tactics   7 comments 

Joyce’s act is to portray himself as a rube who, through some stroke of luck, has popped up in the sophisticated Finance portfolio, but being the honest and simple guy he is, still can’t help saying what he really thinks.

It is the potential detachment of Abbott’s Liberals from big business interests that allows Turnbull a possible way back in.

That’s it for 2009.

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