Now having reached the ultimate ritual of the Budget, and economic management, through which the last thirty years political unravelling has been understood, the depth of the government’s problems are finally becoming apparent to all.

It is now becoming clear what caused the collapse of the NSW Labor government. There was no one running it.

Megalogenis may lament the passing of reform, and the privileged role the media had in it, even if he cannot quite put his finger on what it was.

So who won the ideological war exactly?

Gillard’s ‘inclusiveness’ comes from owing her backers a favour for their support.

Big time, small time

Wednesday, 4 February 2009   Tactics   5 comments 

We are not looking at the return of Whitlam, nor even as Rudd asserts, social democracy.

Culture wars bores

Friday, 9 January 2009   The Australian state   7 comments 

Greer seems to be demanding that a zany film director and a screen actress do what she can’t – make a coherent political point.

The tragic fate of a modern Conservative leader

Friday, 7 March 2008   Key posts, Political figures  Comments Off on The tragic fate of a modern Conservative leader 

Howard’s problem was that not only had the union movement clearly had its day but we also had here a Labor Prime Minister to tell everyone the fact.

Libs light a candle for Keating

Friday, 1 February 2008   State of the parties  Comments Off on Libs light a candle for Keating 

If there is anywhere where the Keating agenda is more alive it is in those blue ribbon Liberal seats that backed the republic in 1999 and stood so solidly behind the party last November.


Tuesday, 4 December 2007   Media analysis  Comments Off on Denial 

Those who spent most of the year denying that a change of government was coming are now starting to deny one has happened.

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