Good political moments are those when the fog suddenly clears and a shift in the balance of forces is revealed.

End of an era: The ALP

Friday, 21 December 2007   State of the parties  Comments Off on End of an era: The ALP 

There used to be a time when a political party would not only want to get into government, but would also want Senate control so it could implement its program unhindered by other parties. Well not anymore it seems.

End of an era: The Liberals

Thursday, 20 December 2007   State of the parties  Comments Off on End of an era: The Liberals 

If the Liberals’ problems are only about Howard being in charge, now that he has gone, their problems should be over, right?

End of an era: Indigenous affairs

Wednesday, 19 December 2007   The Australian state  Comments Off on End of an era: Indigenous affairs 

The trouble with indigenous affairs is that they are never really about what they are supposed to be.

End of an era: Industrial relations

Tuesday, 18 December 2007   State of the parties  Comments Off on End of an era: Industrial relations 

This year’s pantomime of union thugs in braces and hard-nosed employers conducted on our TVs has disguised some profound changes in the industrial relations landscape, which again have been missed with yesterday’s launch of Labor’s IR agenda.

The end of an era

Monday, 17 December 2007   Key posts, State of the parties  Comments Off on The end of an era 

In review, 2007 marks the end of an era in Australian politics.

Yes, the Mandarin is serious

Friday, 14 December 2007   International relations  Comments Off on Yes, the Mandarin is serious 

Something happened this week that doesn’t happen very often in Australian politics: domestic politics was opened up to the international scene.

Here we go again

Thursday, 13 December 2007   The Australian state  Comments Off on Here we go again 

Once again, a case of child abuse becomes not about the perpetrators but indigenous parents.

What a political crisis looks like – an update

Wednesday, 12 December 2007   State of the parties  Comments Off on What a political crisis looks like – an update 

The Liberal party resembles a car that has gone over a cliff but is suspended on a ledge above the abyss. It sits precariously in an unstable stability because the next move will be even worse.

Anti-politics clampdown

Monday, 10 December 2007   Tactics  Comments Off on Anti-politics clampdown 

Two weeks after taking power the initial restrictions on political activity in the Rudd government are in place.

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