Death Facts

Death Facts

Mass murder suicide: A Japanese farmer committed suicide by drinking the pesticide chloropicrin. Doctors tried to save his life by inducing vomiting. Unfortunately, toxic fumes killed 54 other people, 31 of whom were hospital staff and the rest were innocent bystanders and patients. In 2005, in Britiba Mirim, Brazil, the cemetery was full, laws forbid … ...
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Death Row Trivia

There are essentially two major kinds of execution; legal and illegal. Throughout history, corporal punishment, particularly execution, has played a major role in the development of modern society. Many would agree, that a fair way to judge any country, or region, is by observing the punishment it deals out to criminals. Murder wasn’t always the … ...
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The process of identifying and explaining the reasons behind a death occurring in a suspicious manner is called autopsy or post-mortem. The oldest case of autopsy is recorded before 2000 years in China. Poor health conditions and injury reports about the deceased may be uncovered through autopsy performed by expert doctors. The post-mortem is often … ...
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Human Decomposition

After death, the human body undergoes decomposition in five stages. A variety of insects may be present for each stage. The fresh stage represents the first few days after death, during which no physical appearance of decomposition is present. The body, however, is actively changing, life functions have ceased and cells and tissues begin to … ...
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Methods of Execution

Since ancient times, many civilizations have used execution as a means of punishment and control. Often justified, but just as often not so, the methods have ranged from cruel and bizarre, to painless and dignified. One of the earliest and most widely used the world over was the simple beheading. Using an blade, club, the … ...
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