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Bound but not Gagged

Photo: flickr/ Savannah van der Niet
On gender discrimination, representation in #canlit and the CWILA effect | A Q&A with members of CWILA, an organization that does an annual count to find out about women's involvement in Canadian literary culture.
The Canada Council for the Arts strikes a new chord with funding model | The Canada Council for the Arts is introducing a new funding model, which will be put into effect in April 2017. The model is made up of six programs, one of which is specifically Indigenous-focused.
Literature through the eyes of Indigenous writers and readers | A list of books by Indigenous writers recommended by Indigenous writers and academics. Writers recommended include Richard Van Camp, Lee Maracle, and Leslie Marmon Silko.
Seven important parts of Nellie McClung's dynamic and complicated legacy | Nellie McClung is a complicated figure in Canada's history. Here are seven important points we should remember about her legacy today on the 100th anniversary of voting rights for (some) women.
'Animal Appetites' raises autism awareness with an unconventional alphabet | Clarissa Fortin talks with 'Animal Appetites' children's book author Andrea Bull to discuss autism awareness and the challenges writing for kids.

Top 5 Indie Bestsellers

September 19, 2013
The Paper Hound is the newest addition to Vancouver's Book Row on West Pender Street. An eclectic and well-appointed array of titles new and old for discerning readers and idle browsers alike!
1. Horse d'Oeuvres - The Four Horsemen
2. There's a Trick with a Knife I'm Learning to do: Poems 1963-78 - Michael Ondaatje
3. What's do big about green? - Earle Birney
4. Liquidities: Vancouver Poeams Then and Now - Daphne Marlatt
5. The Place of Scraps - Jordan Abel

Featured book review

Revolution or war? Syria's struggles from the ground up | Mar 17 2016 | Gerard Di Trolio
No recent conflict is as misunderstood as the Syrian Revolution assert authors Leila Al-Shami and Robin Yassin-Kassab. It should be seen as a revolution. Here's why.

Recently reviewed

'Dying from Improvement' exposes the politics of colonial inquests and inquiries | Mar 10 2016 | Jesse McLaren | Sherene Razack exposes the colonial violence that inquests and inquiries ignore and creates a text that is essential to understanding colonialism's tactical variations and ongoing resistance.
'The End of Protest' challenges activists to rethink their tactics | Mar 3 2016 | Dru Oja Jay | Occupy Wall Street co-initiator Micah White's new book "The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution" has a solid message for activists: Don't protest the same way twice.
'The Anatomy of Giving' tackles the celebrification of charitable aid | Feb 25 2016 | Augusta Dwyer | When is charitable giving actually harming the cause instead of supporting it? In her new book, Augusta Dwyer looks into international development and the "celebrification" of aid.
'Between the Cracks She Fell' explores urban landscapes and the ghosts that haunt us | Feb 18 2016 | Sarah Hipworth | Are you looking for an adventure story with a lively heroine and urban backdrop? 'Between the Cracks She Fell' blends mystery and exploration in this fascinating read.
Is Canada back? Not if austerity dominates and capitalism isn't confronted | Feb 11 2016 | Chris Walker | How can the left better challenge austerity measures and capitalism? "The Servant State" suggests we move beyond mere indignation and confront the horrifying reality in front of us.
'Mountain City Girls' honours the eccentric kin that shaped Canadian music | Feb 4 2016 | Jessica Rose | Step into the family history of Canadian music trio Kate, Anna and Jane McGarrigle and explore quirky family characters and the ever-present influence of music.
trade deals
Debunking FIPA: Canada's lopsided investment deal with China | Jan 28 2016 | Gus Van Harten | Canada's FIPA trade deal is lopsided in favour of China and foreign investors. Author Gus Van Harten debunks proponents of the deal and suggests ways the new government can limit FIPA's damage.
'Birdie' soars to new heights with 'bigelegance' and quiet strength | Jan 21 2016 | Clarissa Fortin | Tracey Lindberg's debut novel Birdie draws inspiration from the Cree author's personal life and addresses the complexities of mental illness, abuse and non-linear narratives. Read this author Q&A!
Being Muslim in Canada: Subverting stereotypes and challenging narratives | Jan 14 2016 | Azeezah Kanji | What does it mean to be Muslim and what does it mean to be Canadian? This new collection addresses this compex question with 11 thought-provoking essays.
It's not just in our heads: What 'Deep Diversity' gets wrong about racism | Jan 7 2016 | Daniel Tseghay | Are our interactions with people influenced by the inner workings of our mind? Are we biologically predisposed to discrimination? Daniel Tseghay disagrees with the new book Deep Diversity. Big time.

radio booklounge

radio book lounge
October 5, 2015
A vacation that led to four years of extensive international research into animal husbandry.

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