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ireland / britain / anarchist movement / news report Thursday April 14, 2016 17:52 by Andrew   image 1 image
Every year hundreds of people attend the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair for a day of inspiring discussions and the opportunity of meeting lots of other radicals, browsing books and meeting campaigns.

The 11th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair will take place Saturday 16th of April around Smithfield square, there will also be a major event on the Friday night in the Teachers Club, 35 Parnell Square.

On the Saturday the book & campaign stalls will be in The Generator on the east side of Smithfield square, doors open at 9.30 for setup, 10.00 for early browsing. The meetings will also be in two pubs, the Cobblestone at the top (north) of the square and Frank Ryans which is just off the South West corner on Queen st. read full story / add a comment
western asia / indigenous struggles / news report Saturday April 02, 2016 17:13 by Ilan S.
Last Friday (1.4) lot of anarchist flags again in Bil'in challenging the new efforts to put end to the Friday demos in the village. The long range tear gas cannisters prevent any interaction with the Israeli soldiers and stoped the demonstrators from exiting the village - like in the demonstrations in Bil'in eleven years ago before the intense efforts to put end to the demonstrations was replace with the contention of them; and like in the other locations - Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, and Qaddum where the efforts to put end to the demonstrations intensify. (So are with out the success the intense efforts to strangle the south of Hebron hills activities with other means.) People with keen ears can already hear the beginning of the countdown towards the end of the imperial settler colonial project in the East of the Mediterranean sea. May be the acceleration of the process is the result of the accumulation of the fiascos of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya... read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Νέα Thursday March 31, 2016 14:47 by Ελευθεριακές Εκδόσεις Κουρσάλ   image 1 image
Κυκλοφόρησε από τις Ελευθεριακές Εκδόσεις Κουρσάλ το 3ο τεύχος του περιοδικού φιλοσοφικής και πολιτικής κριτικής Σκαντζόχοιρος. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Thursday March 17, 2016 03:28 by Ilan S.   text 1 comment (last - wednesday march 30, 2016 17:02)
On the twelfth year of joined struggle in Bil'in it lost its glamour. Many of the activists lost the excitement of the direct action confrontation which is not a new thing any more. The expansion of the joint struggle to other locations and the expanding of the non armed struggle in the west bank contributed to it too. Many of the activists just "moved on" to a less intensive ways of life. But, some old time activists can not "let go". The other day, I searched the for the old site of: "This appeal, the first to call on-line for a boycott against Israel, was posted in April of 2001".( and read again our 35 original signatories of this pre-BDS. The majority are still in the struggle. Looking back on my 65 years of struggle I regard, this petition, the joint struggle in Bil'in and my stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution* as the most significant ones.
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bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género / news report Thursday March 10, 2016 16:57 by Solidaridad   image 1 image
Con un aire enrarecido comenzaba la marcha de este 8 de marzo. El lunes 7 de marzo, Magaly Carriel, se convertía en la séptima víctima de la expresión más brutal de la discriminación hacia las mujeres. Nuevamente, una mujer moría en manos de un hombre. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turchia / cipro / movimento anarchico / cronaca Friday February 26, 2016 03:43 by Now(A)k
"Alcuni possono pensare che Exarchia sia solo un utopico esperimento nel complesso contesto greco. Altri che si tratti di un insignificante caso isolato tendente all’implosione e al fallimento. A me piace pensare che Exarchia possa rappresentare una solida realtà e una alternativa percorribile anche al di fuori della Grecia, per contrastare l’immobilità generale, la rassegnazione completa e l’afasia mista ad apatia che caratterizzano gran parte della popolazione europea colpita dalla crisi. E per dimostrare ancora una volta che la lotta e il cambiamento iniziano nelle strade, nelle piazze, nelle fabbriche, nelle Università, e non delegando a qualcuno il proprio dissenso, illudendosi per l’ennesima volta che le cose possano cambiare e cambieranno in meglio a favore del popolo oppresso attraverso l’elezione del politico di turno." read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / represión / presos / news report Tuesday February 23, 2016 16:59 by Nahuel Valenzuela   image 2 images
Desde las 19:00 horas de hoy en la intersección de Isabel Riquelme con calle Carmen, comuna de San Joaquín, en las afueras de la empresa Azeta, cerca de 300 personas realizaron un acto de homenaje a Juan Pablo Jiménez, un activo dirigente sindical asesinado por una supuesta “bala loca” hace 3 años en su lugar de trabajo. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Νέα Monday February 22, 2016 17:25 by Dmitri (αναδημοσίευση)   image 2 images
*Πιοτρ Κροπότκιν, Το πνεύμα της επαναστάσεως, Μετάφραση Ιωάννη Μαγκανάρα, Επιμέλεια, εισαγωγή Νίκου Παπαχριστόπουλου
*Αντρέ Ζιράρ, Αναρχικοί και ληστές, Μετάφραση, επιμέλεια, εισαγωγή Νίκου Παπαχριστόπουλου, Επίμετρο Ελιζέ Ρεκλύ, Πιοτρ Κροπότκιν read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday February 21, 2016 16:36 by Ilan S.   text 1 comment (last - thursday february 25, 2016 23:27)
At the beginning, the joint struggle in Bil'in of the Israeli Anarchists Against The Wall with the local activists differed only with a consisted Fridays direct actions against the construction of the separation fence. The Israeli state response was a prolonged effort to block the participation of the Israeli activists that failed due to geographic conditions, persistence of the Israeli activists, and our ingenuity. One of the restricting factors on the suppression efforts of the state forces was wide spread sympathy for these demos in the Israeli media, and public. In a desperate efforts the army sent covert agents to initiate stone throwing from the demo on the state force. After a long while they succeeded. Youngsters of the village got into the stone throwing habit. For years it was all over the media and contributed to the stone throwing culture of the Palestinian youth. This was a significant contributor factor to the already 4 months old "Children Intifada". read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / community struggles / news report Thursday February 18, 2016 16:07 by Solidaridad   image 1 image
El pasado jueves 4 de febrero en Nueva Zelanda, se firmó el Tratado Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica (o TPP por sus siglas en inglés), instrumento internacional que propende al fortalecimiento de las Corporaciones extranjeras y transnacionales, y al incremento de sus ganancias económicas; en desmedro de diversos Derechos Humanos y libertades personales tales como, el acceso a la información, la libertad de expresión, la privacidad, la salud, derechos laborales, sociales y medioambientales, significando para este último la afectación grave a la biodiversidad local y a la vida social y comunitaria de los pueblos originarios de los países que suscriben dicho Tratado. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday February 17, 2016 15:47 by Alfonso Echeverría   image 1 image
Este lunes 15 de febrero la empresa metro de Santiago subió los pasajes en $20 pesos en el horario punta llegando a $740 pesos, esto lo justifica con extensión de tarifa reducida para tercera edad en todo horario. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday February 14, 2016 15:09 by Ilan S.   text 1 comment (last - wednesday february 17, 2016 05:15)
The mounting international pressure on Israel with the B.D.S. as catalyst, initiated a rightist onslaught on the activists of the joint struggle. With cooperation of the main TV channel, two activists were arrested - even blamed to be involved in murder of a Palestinian collaborator of settlements... only to be released unconditionally weeks later. As part of the onslaught I got few seconds in the rightist item in the main TV news program summing our position that no state is a solution - not two states and even one democratic state is impossible to achieve before the Zionist settler colonialist project will be defeated by social revolution in the whole region. In another wide distribution of the rightist video item I was presented as claiming that the chant in the joint demos for freedom to Palestine from the river to the see is not a call for a state for the Palestinians, but for a joint secular democratic state for all the inhabitants - Palestinians, Jews, and others... It seems we owe them rightists for the wide publicity.
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greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war / news report Tuesday February 09, 2016 21:34 by Mesopotamian Ecology Movement   image 1 image
Today (8.2.2016) a group has gathered in the Sümerpark area in the city of Diyarbakir in order to protest the German chancellor Mrs. Angela Merkel who is visiting Turkey. The protestors criticized Merkel for her double faced policy on the refugee crisis and particularly the deal of the EU with Turkey. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / imperialismo / guerra / news report Tuesday February 09, 2016 03:55 by Solidaridad   image 1 image
El genocidio al pueblo kurdo se presenta impune ante los ojos del mundo. El Congreso Nacional de Kurdistan realiza un llamado a la Unión Europea y a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para declarar urgente sanciones militares y económicas contra Turquía. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / economy / news report Thursday February 04, 2016 17:13 by Solidaridad   image 1 image
El próximo jueves Michelle Bachelet firmará dicho tratado en Nueva Zelanda. ¿Por qué decir no al acuerdo de libre comercio? read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Νέα Wednesday February 03, 2016 17:52 by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία   image 1 image
Η Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία καλεί τις εκμεταλλευόμενες και τους εκμεταλλευόμενους να πλαισιώσουν δυναμικά τις κινητοποιήσεις στις 4 Φλεβάρη ενάντια στο ασφαλιστικό νομοσχέδιο.  read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / imperialismo / guerra / news report Tuesday February 02, 2016 04:12 by Nahuel Valenzuela   image 1 image
Recep Erdogan realizará una gira por Latinoamérica entre el 31 de enero y el 4 de febrero, en la cual tiene contempladas reuniones oficiales en Chile, Perú y Ecuador, con la intención de “profundizar relaciones bilaterales”, según han informado diversos medios. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Thursday January 28, 2016 16:55 by Ilan S.
It is hard to assess what is the part of the joint struggle and the B.D.S. in the serious crack in the Israeli elite. It was expressed by the leader of biggest opposition party - The Zionist List which suggested a partial agreement of withdrawal (even from part of the expanded Jerusalem). Since 1967 war, all the years the official position was that Israel will retreat from most of the occupied territories of the 1967 war if the Palestinian will agree to a peace pact that will include among other conditions the non return of the 1948 refugees. As it was clear that no Palestinian leadership will be able to do that it was clear to all that the monolithic consensus of the Zionist parties is to continue the occupation for ever. It is not surprising that even the leader of the radical leftist Zionist party Merets oppose this radical suggestion for withdrawal with out the (non achievable) final peace pact.
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venezuela / colombia / luchas indígenas / news report Wednesday January 27, 2016 09:07 by Lucha Libertaria-Rebeldía Contrainformativa   image 1 image   video 1 video file
Liberar la madre tierra significa mandatar sobre nuestro territorio, proteger nuestros bienes comunes del capital transnacional, con-vivir en equilibrio y armonía con el otro, construir autonomía desde abajo y combatir al opresor con rabia, memoria y alegre rebeldía. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Wednesday January 27, 2016 08:57 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Dopo quasi 3 mesi di occupazione di un vecchio stabile Itea a Trento promossa dai compagni di Trento e Rovereto per riportare all'attenzione pubblica il tema della casa e del diritto all'abitare e per organizzare serate e dibattiti"alternativi" il 19 gennaio è avvenuto lo sgombero da parte della polizia.
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Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available

News Report

Sat 16 Apr, 11:48

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dabf2016poster1000.jpg image2016 Dublin Anarchist Bookfair this weekend 17:52 Thu 14 Apr by Andrew 0 comments

Every year hundreds of people attend the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair for a day of inspiring discussions and the opportunity of meeting lots of other radicals, browsing books and meeting campaigns.

The 11th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair will take place Saturday 16th of April around Smithfield square, there will also be a major event on the Friday night in the Teachers Club, 35 Parnell Square.

On the Saturday the book & campaign stalls will be in The Generator on the east side of Smithfield square, doors open at 9.30 for setup, 10.00 for early browsing. The meetings will also be in two pubs, the Cobblestone at the top (north) of the square and Frank Ryans which is just off the South West corner on Queen st.

textPalestine-Israel, New people join, some veterans left, pressures intensify... but the joint struggle... 17:13 Sat 02 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

Last Friday (1.4) lot of anarchist flags again in Bil'in challenging the new efforts to put end to the Friday demos in the village. The long range tear gas cannisters prevent any interaction with the Israeli soldiers and stoped the demonstrators from exiting the village - like in the demonstrations in Bil'in eleven years ago before the intense efforts to put end to the demonstrations was replace with the contention of them; and like in the other locations - Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, and Qaddum where the efforts to put end to the demonstrations intensify. (So are with out the success the intense efforts to strangle the south of Hebron hills activities with other means.) People with keen ears can already hear the beginning of the countdown towards the end of the imperial settler colonial project in the East of the Mediterranean sea. May be the acceleration of the process is the result of the accumulation of the fiascos of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya...

969785_1121020631261919_6605322529219808422_n.jpg imageΣκαντζόχοιρος #3 – ση_... 14:47 Thu 31 Mar by Ελευθεριακές Εκδόσεις Κουρσάλ 0 comments

Κυκλοφόρησε από τις Ελευθεριακές Εκδόσεις Κουρσάλ το 3ο τεύχος του περιοδικού φιλοσοφικής και πολιτικής κριτικής Σκαντζόχοιρος.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the huge changes in the region* 03:28 Thu 17 Mar by Ilan S. 1 comments

On the twelfth year of joined struggle in Bil'in it lost its glamour. Many of the activists lost the excitement of the direct action confrontation which is not a new thing any more. The expansion of the joint struggle to other locations and the expanding of the non armed struggle in the west bank contributed to it too. Many of the activists just "moved on" to a less intensive ways of life. But, some old time activists can not "let go". The other day, I searched the for the old site of: "This appeal, the first to call on-line for a boycott against Israel, was posted in April of 2001".( and read again our 35 original signatories of this pre-BDS. The majority are still in the struggle. Looking back on my 65 years of struggle I regard, this petition, the joint struggle in Bil'in and my stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution* as the most significant ones.

12795497_1008916959176189_8442070164943234361_n.jpg imageUn nuevo 8 de marzo: Miles de personas marcharon en Chile por libertad y el derecho a decidir de las... 16:57 Thu 10 Mar by Solidaridad 0 comments

Con un aire enrarecido comenzaba la marcha de este 8 de marzo. El lunes 7 de marzo, Magaly Carriel, se convertía en la séptima víctima de la expresión más brutal de la discriminación hacia las mujeres. Nuevamente, una mujer moría en manos de un hombre.

textExarchia: Il Quartiere Anarchico di Atene 03:43 Fri 26 Feb by Now(A)k 0 comments

"Alcuni possono pensare che Exarchia sia solo un utopico esperimento nel complesso contesto greco. Altri che si tratti di un insignificante caso isolato tendente all’implosione e al fallimento. A me piace pensare che Exarchia possa rappresentare una solida realtà e una alternativa percorribile anche al di fuori della Grecia, per contrastare l’immobilità generale, la rassegnazione completa e l’afasia mista ad apatia che caratterizzano gran parte della popolazione europea colpita dalla crisi. E per dimostrare ancora una volta che la lotta e il cambiamento iniziano nelle strade, nelle piazze, nelle fabbriche, nelle Università, e non delegando a qualcuno il proprio dissenso, illudendosi per l’ennesima volta che le cose possano cambiare e cambieranno in meglio a favore del popolo oppresso attraverso l’elezione del politico di turno."

jpj16.jpg image[Chile] Realizan acto a 3 años del asesinato del dirigente sindical Juan Pablo Jiménez 16:59 Tue 23 Feb by Nahuel Valenzuela 0 comments

Desde las 19:00 horas de hoy en la intersección de Isabel Riquelme con calle Carmen, comuna de San Joaquín, en las afueras de la empresa Azeta, cerca de 300 personas realizaron un acto de homenaje a Juan Pablo Jiménez, un activo dirigente sindical asesinado por una supuesta “bala loca” hace 3 años en su lugar de trabajo.

kropotkin2015.jpg imageΔύο νέα βιβλία 17:25 Mon 22 Feb by Dmitri (αναδημοσίευση) 0 comments

*Πιοτρ Κροπότκιν, Το πνεύμα της επαναστάσεως, Μετάφραση Ιωάννη Μαγκανάρα, Επιμέλεια, εισαγωγή Νίκου Παπαχριστόπουλου
*Αντρέ Ζιράρ, Αναρχικοί και ληστές, Μετάφραση, επιμέλεια, εισαγωγή Νίκου Παπαχριστόπουλου, Επίμετρο Ελιζέ Ρεκλύ, Πιοτρ Κροπότκιν

textPalestine-Israel, The eleven years joint struggle in Bil'in as a seed for the third youth intifada.* 16:36 Sun 21 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

At the beginning, the joint struggle in Bil'in of the Israeli Anarchists Against The Wall with the local activists differed only with a consisted Fridays direct actions against the construction of the separation fence. The Israeli state response was a prolonged effort to block the participation of the Israeli activists that failed due to geographic conditions, persistence of the Israeli activists, and our ingenuity. One of the restricting factors on the suppression efforts of the state forces was wide spread sympathy for these demos in the Israeli media, and public. In a desperate efforts the army sent covert agents to initiate stone throwing from the demo on the state force. After a long while they succeeded. Youngsters of the village got into the stone throwing habit. For years it was all over the media and contributed to the stone throwing culture of the Palestinian youth. This was a significant contributor factor to the already 4 months old "Children Intifada".

12746111_10205811904636292_1474863875_n.jpg imageEn Talca decimos fuerte: No al TPP 16:07 Thu 18 Feb by Solidaridad 0 comments

El pasado jueves 4 de febrero en Nueva Zelanda, se firmó el Tratado Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica (o TPP por sus siglas en inglés), instrumento internacional que propende al fortalecimiento de las Corporaciones extranjeras y transnacionales, y al incremento de sus ganancias económicas; en desmedro de diversos Derechos Humanos y libertades personales tales como, el acceso a la información, la libertad de expresión, la privacidad, la salud, derechos laborales, sociales y medioambientales, significando para este último la afectación grave a la biodiversidad local y a la vida social y comunitaria de los pueblos originarios de los países que suscriben dicho Tratado.

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imageO golpe em andamento no Brasil e a incapacidade do poder de veto popular Apr 16 by BrunoL 0 comments

15 de abril de 2016, Bruno Lima Rocha

Este texto é mais uma reflexão em conjunto do que necessariamente numa análise de conjuntura. Trago a proposta de que deixemos de lado os cânones da democracia liberal e de procedimentos e tampouco venhamos a cair na cegueira política de que o econômico determina ou qualquer outra forma de pensar a disputa de poder, recursos e legitimidade no Brasil que não seja de uma forma complexa. Ou seja, fazer política na sociedade brasileira ganhou maturidade no mecanismo democrático formal, mas em sendo no Brasil e na América Latina, e em sendo a limitada disputa de poder dentro de um marco de capitalismo liberal-periférico, como sociedade, temos limitações quanto a profundidade desta disputa.

imageO golpe em andamento no Brasil e a incapacidade do poder de veto popular Apr 16 by BrunoL 0 comments

15 de abril de 2016, Bruno Lima Rocha

Este texto é mais uma reflexão em conjunto do que necessariamente numa análise de conjuntura. Trago a proposta de que deixemos de lado os cânones da democracia liberal e de procedimentos e tampouco venhamos a cair na cegueira política de que o econômico determina ou qualquer outra forma de pensar a disputa de poder, recursos e legitimidade no Brasil que não seja de uma forma complexa. Ou seja, fazer política na sociedade brasileira ganhou maturidade no mecanismo democrático formal, mas em sendo no Brasil e na América Latina, e em sendo a limitada disputa de poder dentro de um marco de capitalismo liberal-periférico, como sociedade, temos limitações quanto a profundidade desta disputa.

imageEl feminismo como apuesta de liberación Apr 14 by La Alzada 0 comments

El feminismo busca transformar y liberar nuestra vida en la medida en que tiene como punto de partida el reconocimiento y el respeto de las diferencias de manera horizontal. Es una propuesta teórico-práctica que interviene y afecta la vida de todos y todas, afecta a quienes sin declararse abiertamente feministas luchan contra la opresión patriarcal, afecta a quienes son discriminades, explotades y violentades día a día, y sobre todo afecta a quienes adoptamos un punto de vista particular, que nos desafía a actuar siempre desde una perspectiva emancipatoria.

imageEl "golpe " en Brasil y su dimensión estratégica internacional Apr 12 by BrunoL 0 comments

11 de abril de 2016, Bruno Lima Rocha

Al contrario de los argumentos basados en el sentido común, el proceso brasileño de destitución de la presidente Dilma Rousseff, y su caracterización como un golpe institucional, no forman un fenómeno político esencialmente nacional o doméstico. Como todos los cambios de régimen o desestabilizaciones regiones en América Latina, hay una presencia constante, directa o indirecta, de las fuerzas oficiales o no oficiales de los Estados Unidos de América.

image[Colombia] Documento de Formación: Recuento de Experiencias Estudiantiles Libertarias Activas a Nive... Apr 12 by Acción Libertaria Estudiantil (ALE) 0 comments

En el presente texto se realiza un recuento provisional y pormenorizado de las organizaciones e iniciativas estudiantiles libertarias que hemos conocido y sabemos que existen en la actualidad o han existido hasta hace poco tiempo a nivel mundial, como fruto de nuestro relacionamiento internacional y seguimiento virtual que desarrollamos sobre este tipo de iniciativas.

De entrada, anotamos que sabemos mejor que nadie que por factores como nuestro propio desconocimiento, la falta de articulación internacional de las libertarias, las barreras idiomáticas, las limitaciones de nuestra exploración virtual y los escasos recursos de consulta, el panorama que presentamos es incompleto y puede presentar ausencias significativas. Sin embargo y pese a sus múltiples limitaciones, creemos importante realizar una tarea de estas magnitudes, útil para lograr una lectura más rica y compleja de la realidad planetaria del movimiento estudiantil libertario de inspiración anarquista. Aclaramos que enfatizamos, por razones de nuestro conocimiento directo y la proximidad geográfica y cultural, las experiencias del continente americano y de la Europa hispano parlante.

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imageΌποιος/α δεν πνίγετ&... Apr 14 0 comments

Οι φυλακές μεταναστών αντικατοπτρίζουν το αληθινό πρόσωπο της ευρωπαϊκής δημοκρατίας: κρατούμενοι για άγνωστο διάστημα χωρίς καμία κατηγορία, χωρίς ουσιαστική πρόσβαση στην περίφημη διαδικασία πολιτικού ασύλου, χωρίς νομική βοήθεια, αποκλεισμένοι από το κίνημα αλληλεγγύης που και αυτό σιγά σιγά ποινικοποιείται. Αλλά και η σύγχρονη «ευρωπαϊκή δημοκρατία» αντικατοπτρίζει το αληθινό πρόσωπο των κοινωνιών της Ευρώπης. Ο φασισμός είναι ήδη (για ακόμα μια φορά) εδώ.

imageΕνάντια στο νέο ασφ&... Apr 14 0 comments

Ο αγώνα αυτός δεν μπορεί παρά να γίνεται σε πολλά μέτωπα: ενάντια στην αύξηση των ορίων ηλικίας συνταξιοδότησης, στη μείωση των συντάξεων, στην ανισότητα στους όρους εργασίας βάσει του φύλλου, φυλής, ηλικείας κα. Ενάντια σε κάθε τι μας διαχωρίζει και κατακερματίζει τους εκμεταλλευόμενους σήμερα, ενάντια σε ότι δημιουργεί δυσχερέστερες συνθήκες ζωής για όλους μας αύριο. Υπέρ των ίσων δικαιωμάτων για όλους τους/ις εργάτες/ιες, υπέρ της νομιμοποίηση όλων των μεταναστών/τριών.

imageΧαμογέλα ρε! τι σου ζ... Apr 12 0 comments

Παρέμβαση στο κατάστημα Πλαίσιο (στη οδό Βενιζέλου) με μοίρασμα κειμένου και ανάρτηση πανό για την απόλυση εργαζόμενης της ομόνυμης αλυσίδας στη Λάρισα. Οι αλληλέγγυοι αποτελούνταν από μέλη της ΕΣΕ Θεσσαλονίκης και του ΣΣΜ Θεσσαλονίκης.

imageΗ αλληλεγγύη είναι &... Apr 11 0 comments

Η βιομηχανία μηνύσεων των ναζιστών απέναντι σε κοινωνικούς αγωνιστές είναι κοινή τους πρακτική, στήνουν μηνύσεις σε όλη την Ελλάδα προκειμένου να στοχοποιούν ,να απειλούν με νόμιμα πια μέσα και να συμπληρώνουν την κρατική καταστολή, ούτως ή άλλως για παρακρατικά υποκείμενα πρόκειται .

imageΔε θα ζήσουμε σαν δο... Apr 11 0 comments

Είμαστε σε πόλεμο με τα αφεντικά μας, έναν πόλεμο που μέχρι στιγμής κερδίζουν σταθερά
μειώσεις μισθών και συντάξεων | μαύρη και ελαστική εργασία | κόψιμο επιδομάτων | διάλυση της δημόσιας περίθαλψης | αυξήσεις τιμών σε βασικά αγαθά, εισιτήρια ΜΜΜ κ.α. | πλειστηριασμοί πρώτης κατοικίας | κοψίματα ρεύματος και νερού | αποφάσεις του Αρείου Πάγου που υποχρεώνουν εργάτες σε αποζημίωση των αφεντικών για εργατικά ατυχήματα

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