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Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / Ιστορία (γενική) / Κριτική / Παρουσίαση Friday March 11, 2016 16:51 by Ελευθεριακές Εκδόσεις Κουρσάλ   image 1 image
Κυκλοφόρησε από τις Ελευθεριακές Εκδόσεις Κουρσάλ η «Μάχη της Cable Street 1936». Πρόκειται για συλλογικό έργο του Cable Street Group, μιας ομάδας στο ανατολικό Λονδίνο που έχει συσταθεί για να διατηρήσει ζωντανή τη μνήμη της μάχης-ορόσημο του βρετανικού αντιφασισμού. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday February 23, 2016 16:50 by Tom Murray   image 1 image
To all of Ireland’s regime media - just what exactly is your problem with striking Luas workers?

The media demonising striking Luas workers suits their boss, Transdev, just fine. However, demonising striking workers suits your boss just fine too. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / press release Sunday February 14, 2016 06:31 by WSM   image 1 image
Our solidarity today (11/02) to the LUAS workers striking for decent pay rates. The crisis was used by the government and capitalist class to drive down wages and ensure that a bigger share of profits went to shareholders. The LUAS fight is a fight for all of us as a victory should be a green light to all workers to demand pay rises, including the recovery of the money lost in the cuts imposed under the crisis. Across the world the share of income that goes to the richest 1% has soared while that going tooth rest of us has been slashed, we need to fight to reverse this. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anti-fascism / feature Saturday February 13, 2016 19:14 by Fionnghuala Nic Roibeaird   image 1 image
The Neo-Nazi group Pegida is attempting to establish a branch in Ireland this Saturday in Dublin. Pegida, the "anti-Islamifacation" group that is attempting to hijack anti-establishment politics by placing the blame of the current global capitalist crisis on the shoulders of refugees and migrants: those with no systemic or economic power in our society. read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretaña / antifascismo / opinión / análisis Monday February 08, 2016 05:30 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
El día 6 de Febrero la organización fascista PEGIDA, grupo anti-musulmán que ha venido creciendo en toda Europa, organizó manifestaciones continentales para agitar sentimientos racistas, xenófobos y anti-humanitarios. Marcharon en otras partes de Europa. Pero en Dublín se les envió un mensaje claro. Acá no hay espacio político para el fascismo. Este mensaje se dijo con pedagogía y con fuerza, con argumentos y con determinación. read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretaña / historia / opinión / análisis Friday January 22, 2016 16:34 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
Porque la esclavitud se acabó ¡oh gloriosos muertos! Cuando ustedes cayeron en la mojada niebla”.
(The Foggy Dew, Canon Charles O’Neill, 1919) read full story / add a comment
Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / Περιβάλλον / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday January 07, 2016 04:04 by Andrew Flood   image 1 image
Τότε ήταν η κρίση του Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου που εξάντλησε τα όρια της κοινοβουλευτικής δημοκρατίας και, τελικά, οδήγησε σε μαζική εξέγερση. Σήμερα οι κρίσεις που αντιμετωπίζουμε είναι αρκετά διαφορετικές, αλλά είναι όλο και πιο σαφές ότι δεν είναι λιγότερο καταστροφικές και όλο και περισσότερο δεν μπορούν να γίνουν αντικείμενο τροποποιήσεων. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / environment / opinion / analysis Saturday January 02, 2016 21:59 by Andrew Flood   image 1 image
We awake to news that more towns in Ireland are under water due to storm flooding. And that perhaps the sea ice at the north pole might melt due to temperatures rising above zero. The first story is given a lot more prominence in Irish media than the second but strangely at the same time another story is being celebrated. The start of yet more greenhouse gases being pumped out of their safe place far below the sea off the Irish shore to be processed and then released into the atmosphere via the Corrib refinery (The refinery was sold off by the Irish Government to the Shell company for a fraction of what it is worth). read full story / add a comment
Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Συνέντευξη Saturday December 26, 2015 18:05 by Mitsubishi & Sοugko   image 3 images
Μιλήσαμε με τον Ιρλανδό συγγραφέα και φωτορεπόρτερ Andrew Flood, για το αναρχικό κίνημα, τις καταλήψεις, τους αγώνες και την αστυνομική καταστολή στην Ιρλανδία. Ο Andrew Flood δημοσιεύει άρθρα στο blog Anarchist Writers και έχει γράψει αρκετά άρθρα για το θέμα της Ελλάδας. Η συζήτησή μας κλείνει με μερικές ερωτήσεις για τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ και για τα σύγχρονα αστικά εξεγερσιακού χαρακτήρα κινήματα. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / crime prison and punishment / news report Tuesday December 22, 2015 05:23 by Joe C   image 1 image
On Saturday members of the Dublin anarchist Black Cross attended a vigil held outside the GPO (General Post Office) in Dublin to highlight the continued use of interment by remand against Republicans prisoners throughout Ireland. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / opinion / analysis Thursday December 10, 2015 23:17 by Fionnghuala Nic Rioberaid   image 1 image
Next week will see the promotion of Fermanagh & South Tyrone MLA (Member of Northern Ireland Assembly), Arlene Foster to the position of DUP leader and the North of Ireland’s First Minister. Foster is a woman who was once described to have “learned a lot from the likes of Thatcher when it comes to dealing with men in politics." read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / news report Wednesday December 02, 2015 19:07 by Fionnghuala Nic Roibearid   image 1 image
Somewhere in the region of 70 people attended an emergency protest yesterday outside Belfast City Hall. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Tuesday December 01, 2015 00:28 by Sean Dubh   image 1 image
November 19th marks the 100th anniversary of the execution of activist and labour organiser Joe Hill by the hands of the state. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / opinion / analysis Friday November 13, 2015 20:20 by Joe Conlon   image 1 image
“The law is essentially the weapon of the privileged, it is made by them for the purpose of enshrining their power and the people need to dismantle it entirely if they want to be genuinely free” – Errico Malatesta read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Thursday November 12, 2015 22:49 by Fionnghuala Nic Roibeaird   image 1 image
Today the story broke that an ex-soldier has been arrested in connection with Bloody Sunday in which 13 people (and another who later died from his injuries) were murdered at a protest against internment in Derry's Bogside on 30 January 1972. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Wednesday November 04, 2015 18:41 by Fionnghuala Nic Roibeaird   image 1 image
The issue of Marriage Equality is to be debated for the fifth time in Stormont today (Nov 2nd). Yet again, however, the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) has launched a Petition of Concern to ensure that should the motion be successful its legal passing will be blocked. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Wednesday November 04, 2015 18:38 by Fionnghuala Nic Roibeaird   image 1 image
For the first time in the history of the Northern Irish state a majority of MLAs (members of the Parliament in the North of Ireland) have voted in favour of Marriage Equality. The motion, however, has fallen due to the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) launching a Petition of Concern which blocks any passing of the motion to law. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / migration / racism / opinion / analysis Wednesday November 04, 2015 18:32 by Dermot Freeman   image 1 image
2016 is fast approaching and we will be subjected to endless documentaries about that start of our bloody history as a nation. It will also be a time for analysis of how far we’ve come since the proclamation of this Republic.

In the proclamation there are lines which are aspirational, but grounded in the reality of experience of the rebels.
“The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.” read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / press release Thursday October 29, 2015 00:07 by Barricade Inn   image 1 image
On Wednesday The Barricade Inn Collective received court summons papers informing us that the following day (Thursday 22nd October) the estate holders of the building would be seeking an injunction against us. Court was adjourned and the case will be back in court next Wednesday (28th October). read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Friday October 23, 2015 17:15 by Andrew Flood   text 1 comment (last - thursday october 29, 2015 07:06)   image 1 image
One of the key foundation documents for the Workers Solidarity Movement is the ‘Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft)’ This text was written in Paris in 1926 by a group that included exiled Russian and Ukrainian anarchists and was very influenced by the lessons they drew from the Russian Revolution. Three of the authors -- Nestor Makhno, Ida Mett, Piotr Archinov -- were then and now very well known anarchists, the remaining two -- Valevsky and Linsky -- I know relatively little about. read full story / add a comment
Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available

Ireland / Britain

Wed 06 Apr, 13:45

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panews_pf27d4e748b5f426bbe89eb5f13388319_i1.jpg imageSolidarity to LUAS workers fighting to restore their share of the wealth - we need strong public tra... 06:31 Sun 14 Feb by WSM 0 comments

Our solidarity today (11/02) to the LUAS workers striking for decent pay rates. The crisis was used by the government and capitalist class to drive down wages and ensure that a bigger share of profits went to shareholders. The LUAS fight is a fight for all of us as a victory should be a green light to all workers to demand pay rises, including the recovery of the money lost in the cuts imposed under the crisis. Across the world the share of income that goes to the richest 1% has soared while that going tooth rest of us has been slashed, we need to fight to reverse this.

12399315_1705148479728561_835950851_n.jpg imageAnti interment vigil in Dublin 05:23 Tue 22 Dec by Joe C 0 comments

On Saturday members of the Dublin anarchist Black Cross attended a vigil held outside the GPO (General Post Office) in Dublin to highlight the continued use of interment by remand against Republicans prisoners throughout Ireland.

12308349_430562260466549_6836821034651144205_n.jpg imageEmergency protest for abortion demand held in Belfast 19:07 Wed 02 Dec by Fionnghuala Nic Roibearid 0 comments

Somewhere in the region of 70 people attended an emergency protest yesterday outside Belfast City Hall.

12191964_764045583722229_7664759228698311548_n.jpg imageStatement from the Barricade inn squatted anarchist social centre 00:07 Thu 29 Oct by Barricade Inn 0 comments

On Wednesday The Barricade Inn Collective received court summons papers informing us that the following day (Thursday 22nd October) the estate holders of the building would be seeking an injunction against us. Court was adjourned and the case will be back in court next Wednesday (28th October).

10982782_400702316785877_3447241981251257262_n.jpg imageAmnesty International is holding its International Council Meeting in Dublin 17:07 Mon 10 Aug by Andrew Flood 0 comments

Amnesty International is holding its International Council Meeting in Dublin this week and earlier today many of the delegate attending staged a protest at the Dail (Irish Parliament) against the criminalisation of women under Ireland's anti-choice laws.

dublinsolidarityphotoshoot.jpg imageDublin protests in solidarity with the Belfast mother charged with supplying the abortion pill to he... 19:35 Thu 23 Jul by Andrew 0 comments

A couple of hundred people came to the pro choice solidarity rally in Dublin, Ireland last nigh organised by the WSMt. It was called to protest against the prosecution of a women in Belfast for supplying her daughter with the abortion pill.

belfastwomentrial.jpg imageBelfast woman charged for helping daughter procure an abortion 17:44 Mon 20 Jul by Fionnghuala 0 comments

News broke on the 19th June that a Belfast woman is to stand trial for helping her daughter procure an abortion. In response on 24th June a letter was handed in signed by 215 abortion activists admitting that they are guilty of breaking the law by either taking or helping someone procure the Early Medical Abortion (EMA) pill.

clerysbossesrules.jpg imageVulture capitalist games lose 460 jobs at Clerys store in Dublin 17:51 Tue 07 Jul by andrew 0 comments

Friday June 12ths shock closure of the iconic Clery’s department store in Dublin shows how the law is set up to favour capital and screw workers. Workers are being told there may be no additional redundancy or owed holiday payments as the company is in debt. But this is only the case because right before the closure the largest asset, the building itself, was separated off from the accumulated debts. This was almost certainly legal under our system but of such obvious dubious morality that the workers could expect massive popular support if they occupied the building on a permanent ongoing basis.

Poster for the 10th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair image10th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair - April 25th #DABF 19:48 Fri 17 Apr by Andrew 0 comments

The 10th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair which will take place Saturday 25th of April around Smithfield square. If you live in Ireland come along and meet anarchists and hundreds of people curious about anarchism in what is the biggest annual gathering of any radical left event.

lcg.jpg imageNasce in Galles un'organizzazione especifista 14:03 Mon 17 Nov by Libertarian Communist Group 0 comments

Il Libertarian Communist Group si è formalmente costituito durante l'assemblea tenutasi nel Galles del Nord, sabato 8 novembre 2014, nel giorno dell'anniversario della nascita di Nestor Makhno, il famoso anarchico ucraino. [English]

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imageLuas Strikes: Rage Against the Regime Media Feb 23 by Tom Murray 0 comments

To all of Ireland’s regime media - just what exactly is your problem with striking Luas workers?

The media demonising striking Luas workers suits their boss, Transdev, just fine. However, demonising striking workers suits your boss just fine too.

imageY no pasaron: masivo repudio a PEGIDA en las calles de Dublín Feb 08 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

El día 6 de Febrero la organización fascista PEGIDA, grupo anti-musulmán que ha venido creciendo en toda Europa, organizó manifestaciones continentales para agitar sentimientos racistas, xenófobos y anti-humanitarios. Marcharon en otras partes de Europa. Pero en Dublín se les envió un mensaje claro. Acá no hay espacio político para el fascismo. Este mensaje se dijo con pedagogía y con fuerza, con argumentos y con determinación.

image¿Quién le teme a 1916? El revisionismo histórico de la tecnocracia neoliberal/neocolonial irlandesa Jan 22 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

Porque la esclavitud se acabó ¡oh gloriosos muertos! Cuando ustedes cayeron en la mojada niebla”.
(The Foggy Dew, Canon Charles O’Neill, 1919)

imageΈνας κόσμος να αλλά&... Jan 07 by Andrew Flood 0 comments

Τότε ήταν η κρίση του Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου που εξάντλησε τα όρια της κοινοβουλευτικής δημοκρατίας και, τελικά, οδήγησε σε μαζική εξέγερση. Σήμερα οι κρίσεις που αντιμετωπίζουμε είναι αρκετά διαφορετικές, αλλά είναι όλο και πιο σαφές ότι δεν είναι λιγότερο καταστροφικές και όλο και περισσότερο δεν μπορούν να γίνουν αντικείμενο τροποποιήσεων.

imageA World To Change In 2016 Jan 02 by Andrew Flood 0 comments

We awake to news that more towns in Ireland are under water due to storm flooding. And that perhaps the sea ice at the north pole might melt due to temperatures rising above zero. The first story is given a lot more prominence in Irish media than the second but strangely at the same time another story is being celebrated. The start of yet more greenhouse gases being pumped out of their safe place far below the sea off the Irish shore to be processed and then released into the atmosphere via the Corrib refinery (The refinery was sold off by the Irish Government to the Shell company for a fraction of what it is worth).

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imageSolidarity to LUAS workers fighting to restore their share of the wealth - we need strong public tra... Feb 14 0 comments

Our solidarity today (11/02) to the LUAS workers striking for decent pay rates. The crisis was used by the government and capitalist class to drive down wages and ensure that a bigger share of profits went to shareholders. The LUAS fight is a fight for all of us as a victory should be a green light to all workers to demand pay rises, including the recovery of the money lost in the cuts imposed under the crisis. Across the world the share of income that goes to the richest 1% has soared while that going tooth rest of us has been slashed, we need to fight to reverse this.

imageStatement from the Barricade inn squatted anarchist social centre Oct 29 0 comments

On Wednesday The Barricade Inn Collective received court summons papers informing us that the following day (Thursday 22nd October) the estate holders of the building would be seeking an injunction against us. Court was adjourned and the case will be back in court next Wednesday (28th October).

imageNasce in Galles un'organizzazione especifista Nov 17 LCG 0 comments

Il Libertarian Communist Group si è formalmente costituito durante l'assemblea tenutasi nel Galles del Nord, sabato 8 novembre 2014, nel giorno dell'anniversario della nascita di Nestor Makhno, il famoso anarchico ucraino. [English]

imageOrganização especifista fundada no País de Gales Nov 11 0 comments

O Libertarian Communist Group [Grupo Comunista Libertário] foi lançado formalmente em um encontro em Gales do Norte no sábado, 8 de novembro de 2014, aniversário de nascimento de Nestor Makhno, o famoso anarquista ucraniano. [English]

imageEspecifist organisation founded in Wales Nov 11 LCG 0 comments

The Libertarian Communist Group was formally launched at a meeting in North Wales on Saturday, November 8, 2014, the anniversary of the birth of Nestor Makhno, the famous Ukrainian anarchist. [Português] [Italiano]

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