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Ireland / Britain

nessun evento segnalato nell'ultima settimana

Anti interment vigil in Dublin

category ireland / britain | crime prison and punishment | news report author Tuesday December 22, 2015 05:23author by Joe C - WSM Segnalare questo messaggio alla redazione

On Saturday members of the Dublin anarchist Black Cross attended a vigil held outside the GPO (General Post Office) in Dublin to highlight the continued use of interment by remand against Republicans prisoners throughout Ireland.


The vigal was called by the Anti-Interment Committee. They called on all Republican groups, Prisoner support groups, community groups, trade unions, and civil rights groups to attend the vigil. The vigil was well attended by members of the Irish Republican Socialist Party, the 32 County Sovernthy Movement, 1916 Societies, Republican Network for Unity, Cogus, Dublin says No, and independent activists. All these groups came together to highlight the continued lack of human rights by the Irish sate and the British state against Republican activists. Many passer bys stopped to have a look at the vigal and some came over to ask questions about what was going on.

For further information on internment in Ireland see :

Or contact the Irish Anti-Internment Committee:

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