Born in Aix-les-Bains, Savoie, France, he is the son of the late Jean-François Revel (born Jean-François Ricard), a renowned French philosopher, and grew up among the personalities and ideas of French intellectual circles. He first travelled to India in 1967.
His mother is the lyrical abstractionist painter Yahne Le Toumelin, who has been a Buddhist nun since 1968.
He worked for a Ph.D. degree in molecular genetics at the Institut Pasteur. After completing his doctoral thesis in 1972, Ricard decided to forsake his scientific career and concentrate on the practice of Tibetan Buddhism. He lived in the Himalayas studying with the Kangyur Rinpoche and some other great masters of that tradition and became the close student and attendant of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche until his death in 1991. Since then, Dr. Ricard has dedicated his activities to fulfilling Khyentse Rinpoche’s vision. What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these quest...
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
What is altruism? Put simply, it's the wish that other people may be happy. And, says Matthieu Ricard, a happiness researcher and a Buddhist monk, altruism is also a great lens for making decisions, both for the short and long term, in work and in life.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard shares the insights from his new book "Altruism" and explains how living more compassionately brings amazing benefits for ourselves, the people around us and the wider world. This talk was recorded at an Action for Happiness event at the Camden Centre in London on 29 May 2015
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Dans le cadre de sa nouvelle campagne, Colibris a proposé à plusieurs personnalités de raconter leur "(R)évolution intérieure" : Pierre Rabhi, Zaz, Matthieu Ricard, Françoise Vernet, Frédéric Lopez, Thomas d'Ansembourg, Marc de La Ménardière...
Matthieu Ricard est moine bouddhiste, auteur de livres, traducteur et photographe. Après un premier voyage en Inde en 1967 où il rencontre de grands maîtres spirituels tibétains, il termine son doctorat en génétique cellulaire en 1972, et puis part s'installer définitivement dans la région de l'Himalaya où il vit maintenant depuis plus de 40 ans.
Interprète du Dalai Lama
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 1
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 1
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 1
Part 1 of Matthieu Ricard's talk on Happiness at the Action for Happiness event at Conway Hall in London on 28 Sept 2011.
NOMS DE DIEUX avec Matthieu Ricard
NOMS DE DIEUX avec Matthieu Ricard
NOMS DE DIEUX avec Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation
Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation
Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation
The worlds happiest man" philosopher Matthieu Ricard explains how we can train our minds in habits of well-being. Follow the RSA on Twitter: http://www.twitt...
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer at Live Talks Los Angeles discussing his book, "Altruisim: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World." Took place June 9, 2015 at the Annea and Jerry Moss Theatre. For more information on Live Talks Los Angeles -- upcoming events, videos and podcasts -- visit
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas nearly 40 years ago. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos and at TED where h
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Google Tech Talks March 15, 2007 ABSTRACT If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on them, how can we achieve it?...
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? avec Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André et Antoine Guggenheim
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? avec Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André et Antoine Guggenheim
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? avec Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André et Antoine Guggenheim
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? du 28 avril 2014 au Collège des Bernardins INTERVENANTS Matthieu Ricard, moine bouddhiste dans la tradition Tibétaine, auteur de Plaid...
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes most of his time to 140 humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.
In Meng’s words, Matthieu is a true gem in this world. He may be the world's best bridge between modern science and ancient wisdom.
Matthieu introduces the concept of meditation and leads a practice that includes mindful breathing, altruistic love, compassion
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
A l'occasion de la 3e édition du Forum international de l'évolution de la conscience, Matthieu Ricard explique comment nous pouvons transformer notre conscience grâce à la méditation.
Produit par l'INREES
Retrouvez les évènements de l’extraordinaire sur
Forum organisé par EnlightenNext France - et Agence Integral Vision -
Chaque année, le Forum international de l’évolution de la conscience réunit des visionnaires du monde entier pour partager des paradigmes émergents et des nouvelles perspectives susceptibles de catalyser une évolution fondamentale de la conscience.
Cette année,
Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme: Matthieu at TEDxParis
Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme: Matthieu at TEDxParis
Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme: Matthieu at TEDxParis
Filmé à TEDxParis le 28 novembre 2013 à la Gaîté Lyrique. Plus d'interventions sur Matthieu Ricard, est un moine bouddhiste, interprète...
Matthieu Ricard: Hombre Más Feliz del Mundo
Matthieu Ricard: Hombre Más Feliz del Mundo
Matthieu Ricard: Hombre Más Feliz del Mundo
Es posible "enseñar" la Felicidad y hacer feliz a un país desde la escuela. Ciencias Cognitivas y Meditación 26 hombres para salvar al Mundo - El hombre más ... What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these quest...
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
What is altruism? Put simply, it's the wish that other people may be happy. And, says Matthieu Ricard, a happiness researcher and a Buddhist monk, altruism is also a great lens for making decisions, both for the short and long term, in work and in life.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard shares the insights from his new book "Altruism" and explains how living more compassionately brings amazing benefits for ourselves, the people around us and the wider world. This talk was recorded at an Action for Happiness event at the Camden Centre in London on 29 May 2015
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Dans le cadre de sa nouvelle campagne, Colibris a proposé à plusieurs personnalités de raconter leur "(R)évolution intérieure" : Pierre Rabhi, Zaz, Matthieu Ricard, Françoise Vernet, Frédéric Lopez, Thomas d'Ansembourg, Marc de La Ménardière...
Matthieu Ricard est moine bouddhiste, auteur de livres, traducteur et photographe. Après un premier voyage en Inde en 1967 où il rencontre de grands maîtres spirituels tibétains, il termine son doctorat en génétique cellulaire en 1972, et puis part s'installer définitivement dans la région de l'Himalaya où il vit maintenant depuis plus de 40 ans.
Interprète du Dalai Lama
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 1
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 1
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 1
Part 1 of Matthieu Ricard's talk on Happiness at the Action for Happiness event at Conway Hall in London on 28 Sept 2011.
NOMS DE DIEUX avec Matthieu Ricard
NOMS DE DIEUX avec Matthieu Ricard
NOMS DE DIEUX avec Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation
Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation
Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation
The worlds happiest man" philosopher Matthieu Ricard explains how we can train our minds in habits of well-being. Follow the RSA on Twitter: http://www.twitt...
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer at Live Talks Los Angeles discussing his book, "Altruisim: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World." Took place June 9, 2015 at the Annea and Jerry Moss Theatre. For more information on Live Talks Los Angeles -- upcoming events, videos and podcasts -- visit
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas nearly 40 years ago. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos and at TED where h
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Google Tech Talks March 15, 2007 ABSTRACT If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on them, how can we achieve it?...
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? avec Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André et Antoine Guggenheim
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? avec Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André et Antoine Guggenheim
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? avec Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André et Antoine Guggenheim
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? du 28 avril 2014 au Collège des Bernardins INTERVENANTS Matthieu Ricard, moine bouddhiste dans la tradition Tibétaine, auteur de Plaid...
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes most of his time to 140 humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.
In Meng’s words, Matthieu is a true gem in this world. He may be the world's best bridge between modern science and ancient wisdom.
Matthieu introduces the concept of meditation and leads a practice that includes mindful breathing, altruistic love, compassion
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
A l'occasion de la 3e édition du Forum international de l'évolution de la conscience, Matthieu Ricard explique comment nous pouvons transformer notre conscience grâce à la méditation.
Produit par l'INREES
Retrouvez les évènements de l’extraordinaire sur
Forum organisé par EnlightenNext France - et Agence Integral Vision -
Chaque année, le Forum international de l’évolution de la conscience réunit des visionnaires du monde entier pour partager des paradigmes émergents et des nouvelles perspectives susceptibles de catalyser une évolution fondamentale de la conscience.
Cette année,
Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme: Matthieu at TEDxParis
Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme: Matthieu at TEDxParis
Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme: Matthieu at TEDxParis
Filmé à TEDxParis le 28 novembre 2013 à la Gaîté Lyrique. Plus d'interventions sur Matthieu Ricard, est un moine bouddhiste, interprète...
Matthieu Ricard: Hombre Más Feliz del Mundo
Matthieu Ricard: Hombre Más Feliz del Mundo
Matthieu Ricard: Hombre Más Feliz del Mundo
Es posible "enseñar" la Felicidad y hacer feliz a un país desde la escuela. Ciencias Cognitivas y Meditación 26 hombres para salvar al Mundo - El hombre más ...
Matthieu Ricard - vom Wissenschaftler zum buddhistischen Mönch (Sternstunde Philosophie, 5.7.2015)
Matthieu Ricard - vom Wissenschaftler zum buddhistischen Mönch (Sternstunde Philosophie, 5.7.2015)
Matthieu Ricard - vom Wissenschaftler zum buddhistischen Mönch (Sternstunde Philosophie, 5.7.2015)
Er stand vor einer glänzenden Karriere als Wissenschaftler, doch er zog das spartanische Mönchsleben im Himalaja vor. Seine Wahl gab ihm Recht: Neuropsychologen sagen, keiner habe ein so heiteres Gemüt wie er. Barbara Bleisch fragt den berühmten buddhistischen Mönch nach seinem Rezept.
Homepage Sternstunde Philosophie:
Mehr Kultur:
Matthieu Ricard - Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, la force de la bienveillance
Matthieu Ricard - Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, la force de la bienveillance
Matthieu Ricard - Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, la force de la bienveillance
Matthieu Ricard vous présente son ouvrage "Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, la force de la bienveillance" aux éditions NIL.
LinkedIn Speaker Series: Matthieu Ricard
LinkedIn Speaker Series: Matthieu Ricard
LinkedIn Speaker Series: Matthieu Ricard
Buddhist monk, humanitarian activist, scientist, and author Matthieu Ricard (The Monk and the Philosopher, Happiness) turns his lens from the personal to the global with a rousing argument that altruism, genuine concern for the well-being of others, could be the saving grace of the 21st century. Altruism is, he believes, the vital force that can solve the greatest challenges of our time - from a troubled economy, to decreased life satisfaction, to environmental problems. Ricard's message has been taken up by respected economists and thinkers, including Joseph Stiglitz and George Soros.
Our CEO Jeff Weiner hosted the event and they discussed
Matthieu Ricard à propos de son livre "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur" - Archive INA
Matthieu Ricard à propos de son livre "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur" - Archive INA
Matthieu Ricard à propos de son livre "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur" - Archive INA
Matthieu RICARD présente son nouveau livre "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur". Il parle aussi de son parcours depuis sa vie d'étudiant et s'exprime sur sa conceptio...
Matthieu Ricard - le bouddhisme et l'occident
Matthieu Ricard - le bouddhisme et l'occident
Matthieu Ricard - le bouddhisme et l'occident
Entretiens de Matthieu Ricard sur le bouddhisme et sa pratique au quotidien, ainsi que ses relations avec notre monde occidental et la science.
Pardonnez-moi - L'interview de Matthieu Ricard
Pardonnez-moi - L'interview de Matthieu Ricard
Pardonnez-moi - L'interview de Matthieu Ricard
Pardonnez-moi : Darius Rochebin reçoit Matthieu Ricard. Docteur en génétique cellulaire, il devient moine bouddhiste tibétain en 1979. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages, il offre l'intégralité de ses droits d'auteurs à des projets humanitaires menés au Tibet, en Inde et au Népal.
Retrouvez toutes les vidéos de Pardonnez-moi sur :
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Matthieu Ricard - Creativity and the Power of Kindness
Matthieu Ricard - Creativity and the Power of Kindness
Matthieu Ricard - Creativity and the Power of Kindness
Bioethics Forum 2013
BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute (BTC Institute) is a not-for-profit organization operated exclusively for educational, scientific and cultural purposes.
Matthieu Ricard: "Altruism"
Matthieu Ricard: "Altruism"
Matthieu Ricard: "Altruism"
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes most of his time to 140 humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.
In Meng’s words, Matthieu is a true gem in this world. He may be the world's best bridge between modern science and ancient wisdom.
In this talk, Matthieu presents his new book: "Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World”. He argues t
Matthieu Ricard | On Keeping a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet
Matthieu Ricard | On Keeping a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet
Matthieu Ricard | On Keeping a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet
Matthieu Ricard on keeping a vegan or vegetarian diet. By André Kalden, Shabkar.Org. What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these quest... What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these quest...
What is altruism? Put simply, it's the wish that other people may be happy. And, says Matthieu Ricard, a happiness researcher and a Buddhist monk, altruism is also a great lens for making decisions, both for the short and long term, in work and in life.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at
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What is altruism? Put simply, it's the wish that other people may be happy. And, says Matthieu Ricard, a happiness researcher and a Buddhist monk, altruism is also a great lens for making decisions, both for the short and long term, in work and in life.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at
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Matthieu Ricard shares the insights from his new book "Altruism" and explains how living more compassionately brings amazing benefits for ourselves, the people around us and the wider world. This talk was recorded at an Action for Happiness event at the Camden Centre in London on 29 May 2015
Matthieu Ricard shares the insights from his new book "Altruism" and explains how living more compassionately brings amazing benefits for ourselves, the people around us and the wider world. This talk was recorded at an Action for Happiness event at the Camden Centre in London on 29 May 2015
Dans le cadre de sa nouvelle campagne, Colibris a proposé à plusieurs personnalités de raconter leur "(R)évolution intérieure" : Pierre Rabhi, Zaz, Matthieu Ricard, Françoise Vernet, Frédéric Lopez, Thomas d'Ansembourg, Marc de La Ménardière...
Matthieu Ricard est moine bouddhiste, auteur de livres, traducteur et photographe. Après un premier voyage en Inde en 1967 où il rencontre de grands maîtres spirituels tibétains, il termine son doctorat en génétique cellulaire en 1972, et puis part s'installer définitivement dans la région de l'Himalaya où il vit maintenant depuis plus de 40 ans.
Interprète du Dalai Lama depuis 1989, il est aussi l'auteur de plusieurs livres dont "Le moine et le philosophe", un dialogue avec son père Jean-François Revel, "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur", "L’infini dans la paume de la main" (un dialogue avec l'astrophysicien Trinh Xuan Thuan), et "Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme".
Il est également un membre actif de l'Institut Mind and Life, une association qui cherche à approfondir la compréhension scientifique du fonctionnement de l'esprit dans le but de réduire la souffrance intérieure. Matthieu contribue à l'étude des bienfaits que l'entraînement de l'esprit et la méditation sur la compassion peuvent avoir sur le cerveau et est le cosignataire de plusieurs publications scientifiques.
L'intégralité des droits d'auteurs de ses livres sont dédiés à l'association humanitaire qu'il a créée, Karuna-Shechen, qui a développé plus de 130 projets éducatifs, médicaux, et sociaux dans la région himalayenne au bénéfice des populations les plus déshéritées.
Conception : Céline Morel / Colibris
Réalisation : FTSProd (contact :
Dans le cadre de sa nouvelle campagne, Colibris a proposé à plusieurs personnalités de raconter leur "(R)évolution intérieure" : Pierre Rabhi, Zaz, Matthieu Ricard, Françoise Vernet, Frédéric Lopez, Thomas d'Ansembourg, Marc de La Ménardière...
Matthieu Ricard est moine bouddhiste, auteur de livres, traducteur et photographe. Après un premier voyage en Inde en 1967 où il rencontre de grands maîtres spirituels tibétains, il termine son doctorat en génétique cellulaire en 1972, et puis part s'installer définitivement dans la région de l'Himalaya où il vit maintenant depuis plus de 40 ans.
Interprète du Dalai Lama depuis 1989, il est aussi l'auteur de plusieurs livres dont "Le moine et le philosophe", un dialogue avec son père Jean-François Revel, "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur", "L’infini dans la paume de la main" (un dialogue avec l'astrophysicien Trinh Xuan Thuan), et "Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme".
Il est également un membre actif de l'Institut Mind and Life, une association qui cherche à approfondir la compréhension scientifique du fonctionnement de l'esprit dans le but de réduire la souffrance intérieure. Matthieu contribue à l'étude des bienfaits que l'entraînement de l'esprit et la méditation sur la compassion peuvent avoir sur le cerveau et est le cosignataire de plusieurs publications scientifiques.
L'intégralité des droits d'auteurs de ses livres sont dédiés à l'association humanitaire qu'il a créée, Karuna-Shechen, qui a développé plus de 130 projets éducatifs, médicaux, et sociaux dans la région himalayenne au bénéfice des populations les plus déshéritées.
Conception : Céline Morel / Colibris
Réalisation : FTSProd (contact :
The worlds happiest man" philosopher Matthieu Ricard explains how we can train our minds in habits of well-being. Follow the RSA on Twitter: http://www.twitt...
The worlds happiest man" philosopher Matthieu Ricard explains how we can train our minds in habits of well-being. Follow the RSA on Twitter: http://www.twitt...
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer at Live Talks Los Angeles discussing his book, "Altruisim: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World." Took place June 9, 2015 at the Annea and Jerry Moss Theatre. For more information on Live Talks Los Angeles -- upcoming events, videos and podcasts -- visit
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas nearly 40 years ago. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos and at TED where his first talk on happiness has been viewed by over four million people.
His new book is Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World. His previous books have been translated into over twenty languages and include The Monk and the Philosopher; The Quantum and the Lotus; Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill; and Why Meditate?, as well as five photography books.
As a trained scientist and Buddhist monk, he is uniquely positioned in the dialogue between East and West. He is an active participant in the current scientific research on the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes much of his time to the preservation of Tibetan literature and to humanitarian projects in Tibet, India, and Nepal.
Pico Iyer is the author of twelve books, on subjects as varied as Cuba, globalism, Graham Greene and the XIVth Dalai Lama, and writes up to 100 articles a year for magazines from The New York Review of Books to Harper’s, and Vanity Fair to Wired. He delivered popular TED talks in both 2013 and 2014—his most recent book is a small TED Original on the theme of stillness, and his talk on the nature of home attracted millions of viewers—and he has written a film script for Miramax, done many liner notes for Leonard Cohen and written introductions to more than 50 other books. Born in Oxford, England, and educated at Eton, Oxford and Harvard, he has been based, since 1987, in Western Japan, while traveling widely, everywhere from North Korea to Ethiopia and Yemen to Easter Island.
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer at Live Talks Los Angeles discussing his book, "Altruisim: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World." Took place June 9, 2015 at the Annea and Jerry Moss Theatre. For more information on Live Talks Los Angeles -- upcoming events, videos and podcasts -- visit
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas nearly 40 years ago. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos and at TED where his first talk on happiness has been viewed by over four million people.
His new book is Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World. His previous books have been translated into over twenty languages and include The Monk and the Philosopher; The Quantum and the Lotus; Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill; and Why Meditate?, as well as five photography books.
As a trained scientist and Buddhist monk, he is uniquely positioned in the dialogue between East and West. He is an active participant in the current scientific research on the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes much of his time to the preservation of Tibetan literature and to humanitarian projects in Tibet, India, and Nepal.
Pico Iyer is the author of twelve books, on subjects as varied as Cuba, globalism, Graham Greene and the XIVth Dalai Lama, and writes up to 100 articles a year for magazines from The New York Review of Books to Harper’s, and Vanity Fair to Wired. He delivered popular TED talks in both 2013 and 2014—his most recent book is a small TED Original on the theme of stillness, and his talk on the nature of home attracted millions of viewers—and he has written a film script for Miramax, done many liner notes for Leonard Cohen and written introductions to more than 50 other books. Born in Oxford, England, and educated at Eton, Oxford and Harvard, he has been based, since 1987, in Western Japan, while traveling widely, everywhere from North Korea to Ethiopia and Yemen to Easter Island.
published:12 Jun 2015
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Google Tech Talks March 15, 2007 ABSTRACT If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on them, how can we achieve it?...
Google Tech Talks March 15, 2007 ABSTRACT If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on them, how can we achieve it?...
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? du 28 avril 2014 au Collège des Bernardins INTERVENANTS Matthieu Ricard, moine bouddhiste dans la tradition Tibétaine, auteur de Plaid...
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? du 28 avril 2014 au Collège des Bernardins INTERVENANTS Matthieu Ricard, moine bouddhiste dans la tradition Tibétaine, auteur de Plaid...
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes most of his time to 140 humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.
In Meng’s words, Matthieu is a true gem in this world. He may be the world's best bridge between modern science and ancient wisdom.
Matthieu introduces the concept of meditation and leads a practice that includes mindful breathing, altruistic love, compassion, rejoicing and impartiality. He concludes emphasizing the value of caring mindfulness.
A session of questions and answers followed the meditation.
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes most of his time to 140 humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.
In Meng’s words, Matthieu is a true gem in this world. He may be the world's best bridge between modern science and ancient wisdom.
Matthieu introduces the concept of meditation and leads a practice that includes mindful breathing, altruistic love, compassion, rejoicing and impartiality. He concludes emphasizing the value of caring mindfulness.
A session of questions and answers followed the meditation.
A l'occasion de la 3e édition du Forum international de l'évolution de la conscience, Matthieu Ricard explique comment nous pouvons transformer notre conscience grâce à la méditation.
Produit par l'INREES
Retrouvez les évènements de l’extraordinaire sur
Forum organisé par EnlightenNext France - et Agence Integral Vision -
Chaque année, le Forum international de l’évolution de la conscience réunit des visionnaires du monde entier pour partager des paradigmes émergents et des nouvelles perspectives susceptibles de catalyser une évolution fondamentale de la conscience.
Cette année, la 3e édition du Forum a eu pour thème : « Comprendre pour évoluer : la science de l’évolution de la conscience ». Car une fois que nous comprenons le besoin pressant de faire évoluer notre vision du monde, la question suivante se pose : comment mettre en place une telle démarche au quotidien ? Comment la faire grandir en nous, individuellement et collectivement ?
A l'occasion de la 3e édition du Forum international de l'évolution de la conscience, Matthieu Ricard explique comment nous pouvons transformer notre conscience grâce à la méditation.
Produit par l'INREES
Retrouvez les évènements de l’extraordinaire sur
Forum organisé par EnlightenNext France - et Agence Integral Vision -
Chaque année, le Forum international de l’évolution de la conscience réunit des visionnaires du monde entier pour partager des paradigmes émergents et des nouvelles perspectives susceptibles de catalyser une évolution fondamentale de la conscience.
Cette année, la 3e édition du Forum a eu pour thème : « Comprendre pour évoluer : la science de l’évolution de la conscience ». Car une fois que nous comprenons le besoin pressant de faire évoluer notre vision du monde, la question suivante se pose : comment mettre en place une telle démarche au quotidien ? Comment la faire grandir en nous, individuellement et collectivement ?
Filmé à TEDxParis le 28 novembre 2013 à la Gaîté Lyrique. Plus d'interventions sur Matthieu Ricard, est un moine bouddhiste, interprète...
Filmé à TEDxParis le 28 novembre 2013 à la Gaîté Lyrique. Plus d'interventions sur Matthieu Ricard, est un moine bouddhiste, interprète...
Es posible "enseñar" la Felicidad y hacer feliz a un país desde la escuela. Ciencias Cognitivas y Meditación 26 hombres para salvar al Mundo - El hombre más ...
Es posible "enseñar" la Felicidad y hacer feliz a un país desde la escuela. Ciencias Cognitivas y Meditación 26 hombres para salvar al Mundo - El hombre más ...
Er stand vor einer glänzenden Karriere als Wissenschaftler, doch er zog das spartanische Mönchsleben im Himalaja vor. Seine Wahl gab ihm Recht: Neuropsychologen sagen, keiner habe ein so heiteres Gemüt wie er. Barbara Bleisch fragt den berühmten buddhistischen Mönch nach seinem Rezept.
Homepage Sternstunde Philosophie:
Mehr Kultur:
Er stand vor einer glänzenden Karriere als Wissenschaftler, doch er zog das spartanische Mönchsleben im Himalaja vor. Seine Wahl gab ihm Recht: Neuropsychologen sagen, keiner habe ein so heiteres Gemüt wie er. Barbara Bleisch fragt den berühmten buddhistischen Mönch nach seinem Rezept.
Homepage Sternstunde Philosophie:
Mehr Kultur:
published:06 Jul 2015
Matthieu Ricard - Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, la force de la bienveillance
Matthieu Ricard vous présente son ouvrage "Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, la force de la bienveillance" aux éditions NIL.
Matthieu Ricard vous présente son ouvrage "Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, la force de la bienveillance" aux éditions NIL.
Buddhist monk, humanitarian activist, scientist, and author Matthieu Ricard (The Monk and the Philosopher, Happiness) turns his lens from the personal to the global with a rousing argument that altruism, genuine concern for the well-being of others, could be the saving grace of the 21st century. Altruism is, he believes, the vital force that can solve the greatest challenges of our time - from a troubled economy, to decreased life satisfaction, to environmental problems. Ricard's message has been taken up by respected economists and thinkers, including Joseph Stiglitz and George Soros.
Our CEO Jeff Weiner hosted the event and they discussed insights from Ricard's newly released book, Altruisum: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World.
Buddhist monk, humanitarian activist, scientist, and author Matthieu Ricard (The Monk and the Philosopher, Happiness) turns his lens from the personal to the global with a rousing argument that altruism, genuine concern for the well-being of others, could be the saving grace of the 21st century. Altruism is, he believes, the vital force that can solve the greatest challenges of our time - from a troubled economy, to decreased life satisfaction, to environmental problems. Ricard's message has been taken up by respected economists and thinkers, including Joseph Stiglitz and George Soros.
Our CEO Jeff Weiner hosted the event and they discussed insights from Ricard's newly released book, Altruisum: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World.
published:09 Jun 2015
Matthieu Ricard à propos de son livre "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur" - Archive INA
Matthieu RICARD présente son nouveau livre "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur". Il parle aussi de son parcours depuis sa vie d'étudiant et s'exprime sur sa conceptio...
Matthieu RICARD présente son nouveau livre "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur". Il parle aussi de son parcours depuis sa vie d'étudiant et s'exprime sur sa conceptio...
Pardonnez-moi : Darius Rochebin reçoit Matthieu Ricard. Docteur en génétique cellulaire, il devient moine bouddhiste tibétain en 1979. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages, il offre l'intégralité de ses droits d'auteurs à des projets humanitaires menés au Tibet, en Inde et au Népal.
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Pardonnez-moi : Darius Rochebin reçoit Matthieu Ricard. Docteur en génétique cellulaire, il devient moine bouddhiste tibétain en 1979. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages, il offre l'intégralité de ses droits d'auteurs à des projets humanitaires menés au Tibet, en Inde et au Népal.
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published:25 Aug 2014
Matthieu Ricard - Creativity and the Power of Kindness
Bioethics Forum 2013
BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute (BTC Institute) is a not-for-profit organization operated exclusively for educational, scientific and cultural purposes.
Bioethics Forum 2013
BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute (BTC Institute) is a not-for-profit organization operated exclusively for educational, scientific and cultural purposes.
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes most of his time to 140 humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.
In Meng’s words, Matthieu is a true gem in this world. He may be the world's best bridge between modern science and ancient wisdom.
In this talk, Matthieu presents his new book: "Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World”. He argues that altruism--genuine concern for the well-being of others--could be the saving grace of the 21st century. Altruism is the vital thread that can answer the main challenges of our time: the economy in the short term, life satisfaction in the mid-term, and environment in the long term. His message has been taken up by major economists and thinkers, including Dennis Snower, Joseph Stiglitz, and George Soros. Altruism is Matthieu’s masterwork - the fruit of years of research, experience, observations, and reflections.
Matthieu led a meditation on compassion after his talk. Check out the video here: .
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes most of his time to 140 humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.
In Meng’s words, Matthieu is a true gem in this world. He may be the world's best bridge between modern science and ancient wisdom.
In this talk, Matthieu presents his new book: "Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World”. He argues that altruism--genuine concern for the well-being of others--could be the saving grace of the 21st century. Altruism is the vital thread that can answer the main challenges of our time: the economy in the short term, life satisfaction in the mid-term, and environment in the long term. His message has been taken up by major economists and thinkers, including Dennis Snower, Joseph Stiglitz, and George Soros. Altruism is Matthieu’s masterwork - the fruit of years of research, experience, observations, and reflections.
Matthieu led a meditation on compassion after his talk. Check out the video here: .
published:11 Jun 2015
Matthieu Ricard | On Keeping a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet
Entendiendo la felicidad o el bienestar por Matthieu Ricard
Entendiendo la felicidad o el bienestar por Matthieu Ricard
Entendiendo la felicidad o el bienestar por Matthieu Ricard
Si deseas ver la plática completa de Mathieu Ricard sobre los hábitos de la felicidad sigue el siguiente vínculo:
Sketchnotes -TED Talk - Matthieu Ricard - How To Let Altruism Be Your Guide
Sketchnotes -TED Talk - Matthieu Ricard - How To Let Altruism Be Your Guide
Sketchnotes -TED Talk - Matthieu Ricard - How To Let Altruism Be Your Guide
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness and Meditation
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness and Meditation
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness and Meditation
The Happiest Man Alive? ABC News talks with Matthieu Ricard about Happiness and Meditation.
Six years ago he gave us Happiness, a bestseller that has helped millions lead more satisfied lives.
Now Matthieu Ricard, the French molecular biologist turned Buddhist monk, returns with the groundbreaking Altruism, which shows that altruism is more than a lofty ideal—it’s a quality that resides within us all. And if we tap into it, we can change our world today. Draw fresh wisdom from the guru whose TED talk has been viewed nearly five million times when he joins Richard Gere—actor, activist and Buddhist—in conversation.
Subscribe for more videos like this:
Twitter: https://
Cultivating Altruism - Matthieu Ricard
Cultivating Altruism - Matthieu Ricard
Cultivating Altruism - Matthieu Ricard
This is a shortened version of Matthieu's 2014 talk (, published by Happy & Well), and is included in the Graduate Readings of the freely-offered online mindfulness course (MBSR) found at It also includes a short segment from Matthieu's 2015 TED talk on Altruism (
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 1/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 1/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 1/3)
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 2/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 2/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 2/3)
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 3/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 3/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 3/3)
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
Chade-Meng Tan et Mathieu Ricard : conférence "Connectez-vous à vous-même"
Chade-Meng Tan et Mathieu Ricard : conférence "Connectez-vous à vous-même"
Chade-Meng Tan et Mathieu Ricard : conférence "Connectez-vous à vous-même"
Conférence sur l'Intelligence Émotionnelle en entreprise A l'occasion de la publication de son livre en français, +Chade-Meng Tan, ingénieur chez #Google et créateur du programme d'...
Conversations on Compassion with Matthieu Ricard
Conversations on Compassion with Matthieu Ricard
Conversations on Compassion with Matthieu Ricard
In this dialogue CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, asks scientist and Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard, about his life’s work and what role compassion may have played. This event is an hour-long dialogue followed by questions from the audience.
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over 45 years ago. As a trained scientist and Buddhist monk, he is uniquely positioned in the dialogue between East and West. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davo
Matthieu Ricard : Vers une revolution altruiste. Conférence sur l'altruisme. La Maison 24 Périgueux
Matthieu Ricard : Vers une revolution altruiste. Conférence sur l'altruisme. La Maison 24 Périgueux
Matthieu Ricard : Vers une revolution altruiste. Conférence sur l'altruisme. La Maison 24 Périgueux
Vendredi 31 octobre 2014, la révolution altruiste s’est mise en marche à Périgueux. 830 personnes sont venues assister à la conférence de Matthieu Ricard, dont l’intégralité des recettes fut versée à La Maison 24, association d'aide alimentaire et humanitaire domiciliée en Dordogne.
Vidéo de la conférence : discours de la Présidente de La Maison 24, conférence de Matthieu Ricard. En fin de soirée, le Docteur Xavier Emmanuelli (co-fondateur du SAMU et de Médecins sans Frontière) le rejoint pour un échange sur l'urgence d'une révolution altruiste.
Mude sua Mente. Mude o Mundo. Matthieu Ricard
Mude sua Mente. Mude o Mundo. Matthieu Ricard
Mude sua Mente. Mude o Mundo. Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard é autor de diversos best sellers, tradutor, fotógrafo e monge budista, autor de "Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill...
Entendiendo la felicidad o el bienestar por Matthieu Ricard
Si deseas ver la plática completa de Mathieu Ricard sobre los hábitos de la felicidad sigue el siguiente vínculo:
Si deseas ver la plática completa de Mathieu Ricard sobre los hábitos de la felicidad sigue el siguiente vínculo:
Six years ago he gave us Happiness, a bestseller that has helped millions lead more satisfied lives.
Now Matthieu Ricard, the French molecular biologist turned Buddhist monk, returns with the groundbreaking Altruism, which shows that altruism is more than a lofty ideal—it’s a quality that resides within us all. And if we tap into it, we can change our world today. Draw fresh wisdom from the guru whose TED talk has been viewed nearly five million times when he joins Richard Gere—actor, activist and Buddhist—in conversation.
Subscribe for more videos like this:
On Demand:
Six years ago he gave us Happiness, a bestseller that has helped millions lead more satisfied lives.
Now Matthieu Ricard, the French molecular biologist turned Buddhist monk, returns with the groundbreaking Altruism, which shows that altruism is more than a lofty ideal—it’s a quality that resides within us all. And if we tap into it, we can change our world today. Draw fresh wisdom from the guru whose TED talk has been viewed nearly five million times when he joins Richard Gere—actor, activist and Buddhist—in conversation.
Subscribe for more videos like this:
On Demand:
This is a shortened version of Matthieu's 2014 talk (, published by Happy & Well), and is included in the Graduate Readings of the freely-offered online mindfulness course (MBSR) found at It also includes a short segment from Matthieu's 2015 TED talk on Altruism (
This is a shortened version of Matthieu's 2014 talk (, published by Happy & Well), and is included in the Graduate Readings of the freely-offered online mindfulness course (MBSR) found at It also includes a short segment from Matthieu's 2015 TED talk on Altruism (
published:14 Jul 2015
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 1/3)
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
Conférence sur l'Intelligence Émotionnelle en entreprise A l'occasion de la publication de son livre en français, +Chade-Meng Tan, ingénieur chez #Google et créateur du programme d'...
Conférence sur l'Intelligence Émotionnelle en entreprise A l'occasion de la publication de son livre en français, +Chade-Meng Tan, ingénieur chez #Google et créateur du programme d'...
In this dialogue CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, asks scientist and Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard, about his life’s work and what role compassion may have played. This event is an hour-long dialogue followed by questions from the audience.
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over 45 years ago. As a trained scientist and Buddhist monk, he is uniquely positioned in the dialogue between East and West. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos and at TED where over four million people have viewed his talk on happiness. He also founded Karuna-Shechen, which provides health care, education, and social services for the under-served people of India, Nepal, and Tibet.
To learn more about CCARE, visit
In this dialogue CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, asks scientist and Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard, about his life’s work and what role compassion may have played. This event is an hour-long dialogue followed by questions from the audience.
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over 45 years ago. As a trained scientist and Buddhist monk, he is uniquely positioned in the dialogue between East and West. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos and at TED where over four million people have viewed his talk on happiness. He also founded Karuna-Shechen, which provides health care, education, and social services for the under-served people of India, Nepal, and Tibet.
To learn more about CCARE, visit
published:06 Jul 2015
Matthieu Ricard : Vers une revolution altruiste. Conférence sur l'altruisme. La Maison 24 Périgueux
Vendredi 31 octobre 2014, la révolution altruiste s’est mise en marche à Périgueux. 830 personnes sont venues assister à la conférence de Matthieu Ricard, dont l’intégralité des recettes fut versée à La Maison 24, association d'aide alimentaire et humanitaire domiciliée en Dordogne.
Vidéo de la conférence : discours de la Présidente de La Maison 24, conférence de Matthieu Ricard. En fin de soirée, le Docteur Xavier Emmanuelli (co-fondateur du SAMU et de Médecins sans Frontière) le rejoint pour un échange sur l'urgence d'une révolution altruiste.
Vendredi 31 octobre 2014, la révolution altruiste s’est mise en marche à Périgueux. 830 personnes sont venues assister à la conférence de Matthieu Ricard, dont l’intégralité des recettes fut versée à La Maison 24, association d'aide alimentaire et humanitaire domiciliée en Dordogne.
Vidéo de la conférence : discours de la Présidente de La Maison 24, conférence de Matthieu Ricard. En fin de soirée, le Docteur Xavier Emmanuelli (co-fondateur du SAMU et de Médecins sans Frontière) le rejoint pour un échange sur l'urgence d'une révolution altruiste.
Matthieu Ricard é autor de diversos best sellers, tradutor, fotógrafo e monge budista, autor de "Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill...
Matthieu Ricard é autor de diversos best sellers, tradutor, fotógrafo e monge budista, autor de "Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill...
Matthieu Ricard 1 of 5 Why Are You Called the Happiest Man in the World?
Matthieu Ricard 1 of 5 Why Are You Called the Happiest Man in the World?
Matthieu Ricard 1 of 5 Why Are You Called the Happiest Man in the World?
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interview Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in the ...
Matthieu Ricard 3 of 5 How Do You Cultivate Happiness?
Matthieu Ricard 3 of 5 How Do You Cultivate Happiness?
Matthieu Ricard 3 of 5 How Do You Cultivate Happiness?
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Matthieu Ricard 5 of 5 What Are These Techniques to Train the Mind?
Matthieu Ricard 5 of 5 What Are These Techniques to Train the Mind?
Matthieu Ricard 5 of 5 What Are These Techniques to Train the Mind?
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Matthieu Ricard Interview
Matthieu Ricard Interview
Matthieu Ricard Interview
Interview with Matthieu Ricard for Spanish Television during the Mind and Life Conference "Educating World Citizens for the 21st Century." Washington. DC. Oc...
Matthieu Ricard interview
Matthieu Ricard interview
Matthieu Ricard interview
Interview Matthieu Ricard 1
Interview Matthieu Ricard 1
Interview Matthieu Ricard 1
En exclusivité pour Sérénitae, la première partie de l'interview de Matthieu Ricard, Moine Bouddhiste, traducteur et conseillé de sa sainteté le Dalaï Lama
Interview de Matthieu Ricard par Guillaume Decitre
Interview de Matthieu Ricard par Guillaume Decitre
Interview de Matthieu Ricard par Guillaume Decitre
A l'occasion de la parution de son ouvrage Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme aux éditions du Nil et de sa venue sur Lyon , Matthieu Ricard s'est entretenu avec guil...
Why Meditate? (Interview with French Buddist Matthieu Ricard)
Why Meditate? (Interview with French Buddist Matthieu Ricard)
Why Meditate? (Interview with French Buddist Matthieu Ricard)
Aired on CUNY TV.
Bourdin direct: Matthieu Ricard
Bourdin direct: Matthieu Ricard
Bourdin direct: Matthieu Ricard
Jean-Jacques Bourdin reçoit Matthieu Ricard, moine bouddhiste, philosophe et auteur du livre "Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme".
Interview with Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and Venerable Matthieu Ricard
Interview with Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and Venerable Matthieu Ricard
Interview with Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and Venerable Matthieu Ricard
Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche is the abbot of Shechen Monastery and grandson of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Venerable Matthieu Ricard is a French Buddhist monk, write...
Das Glück als Lebenskunst 1/2
Das Glück als Lebenskunst 1/2
Das Glück als Lebenskunst 1/2
Gert Scobel im Interview mit Matthieu Ricard über das Glück.
Das Glück als Lebenskunst 2/2
Das Glück als Lebenskunst 2/2
Das Glück als Lebenskunst 2/2
Gert Scobel im Interview mit Matthieu Ricard über das Glück.
Matthieu Ricard - Université de la Terre 2013
Matthieu Ricard - Université de la Terre 2013
Matthieu Ricard - Université de la Terre 2013
Interview de Matthieu Ricard, écrivain et moine boudhiste, pendant la Web TV de l'Université de la Terre 2013 qui s'est déroulé les 27 avril 2013 au Palais d...
LGQ (Pierre Rahbi, S. Le Foll, M. Ricard) - 16/10/2014
LGQ (Pierre Rahbi, S. Le Foll, M. Ricard) - 16/10/2014
LGQ (Pierre Rahbi, S. Le Foll, M. Ricard) - 16/10/2014
Pour ce numéro, intitulé «Le bonheur est-il dans le pré ?», FOG reçoit notamment Stéphane Le Foll, ministre de l'Agriculture, Pierre Rabhi, philosophe et agriculteur biologiste, et Matthieu Ricard, docteur en génétique cellulaire et auteur.
Franz-Olivier Giesbert / Présentateur
Mazarine Pingeot / Présentateur
Géraldine Muhlmann / Présentateur
Eliette Abécassis / Présentateur
Stéphane Le Foll / ministre de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt
Pierre Rabhi / philosophe et agriculteur biologiste
Matthieu Ricard / docteur en génétique cellulaire et auteur
Plaidoyer pour les animaux : Matthieu Ricard répond aux questions de la Fondation Brigitte Bardot
Plaidoyer pour les animaux : Matthieu Ricard répond aux questions de la Fondation Brigitte Bardot
Plaidoyer pour les animaux : Matthieu Ricard répond aux questions de la Fondation Brigitte Bardot
Interview réalisée à Paris par la Fondation Brigitte Bardot le 4 novembre 2014
Interview met Matthieu Ricard, the happiest man on earth
Interview met Matthieu Ricard, the happiest man on earth
Interview met Matthieu Ricard, the happiest man on earth
Bekijk ook de docu De Drie Vergiften, met o.a. Matthieu Ricard:
Geertje was bij de boekpresentatie van 'Altruïsme', het nieuwste boek van Matthieu Ricard, ook wel bekend als 'the happiest man on earth'. Wat vindt hij eigenlijk van dat label? En hoe kijkt hij aan tegen de drie vergiften woede, hebzucht en onwetendheid? En last but not least: wordt meneer zelf nog weleens boos?
Interview de Matthieu Ricard
Interview de Matthieu Ricard
Interview de Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard sur le plateau de la MEDEF TV lors de l' Université d'été du MEDEF.
Matthieu Ricard - What is Happiness? 2 of 5
Matthieu Ricard - What is Happiness? 2 of 5
Matthieu Ricard - What is Happiness? 2 of 5
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Interview de Matthieu RICARD pour libre échange prdouduite et animé par Sylvain BLONDIN
Interview de Matthieu RICARD pour libre échange prdouduite et animé par Sylvain BLONDIN
Interview de Matthieu RICARD pour libre échange prdouduite et animé par Sylvain BLONDIN
Matthieu RICARD, traducteur officiel en Français du Dalaï-Lama qui vient nous parler de son dernier livre "plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, mais aussi de l'import...
Matthieu Ricard 1 of 5 Why Are You Called the Happiest Man in the World?
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interview Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in the ...
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interview Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in the ...
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Interview with Matthieu Ricard for Spanish Television during the Mind and Life Conference "Educating World Citizens for the 21st Century." Washington. DC. Oc...
Interview with Matthieu Ricard for Spanish Television during the Mind and Life Conference "Educating World Citizens for the 21st Century." Washington. DC. Oc...
En exclusivité pour Sérénitae, la première partie de l'interview de Matthieu Ricard, Moine Bouddhiste, traducteur et conseillé de sa sainteté le Dalaï Lama
En exclusivité pour Sérénitae, la première partie de l'interview de Matthieu Ricard, Moine Bouddhiste, traducteur et conseillé de sa sainteté le Dalaï Lama
published:24 Sep 2013
Interview de Matthieu Ricard par Guillaume Decitre
A l'occasion de la parution de son ouvrage Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme aux éditions du Nil et de sa venue sur Lyon , Matthieu Ricard s'est entretenu avec guil...
A l'occasion de la parution de son ouvrage Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme aux éditions du Nil et de sa venue sur Lyon , Matthieu Ricard s'est entretenu avec guil...
Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche is the abbot of Shechen Monastery and grandson of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Venerable Matthieu Ricard is a French Buddhist monk, write...
Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche is the abbot of Shechen Monastery and grandson of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Venerable Matthieu Ricard is a French Buddhist monk, write...
Interview de Matthieu Ricard, écrivain et moine boudhiste, pendant la Web TV de l'Université de la Terre 2013 qui s'est déroulé les 27 avril 2013 au Palais d...
Interview de Matthieu Ricard, écrivain et moine boudhiste, pendant la Web TV de l'Université de la Terre 2013 qui s'est déroulé les 27 avril 2013 au Palais d...
Pour ce numéro, intitulé «Le bonheur est-il dans le pré ?», FOG reçoit notamment Stéphane Le Foll, ministre de l'Agriculture, Pierre Rabhi, philosophe et agriculteur biologiste, et Matthieu Ricard, docteur en génétique cellulaire et auteur.
Franz-Olivier Giesbert / Présentateur
Mazarine Pingeot / Présentateur
Géraldine Muhlmann / Présentateur
Eliette Abécassis / Présentateur
Stéphane Le Foll / ministre de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt
Pierre Rabhi / philosophe et agriculteur biologiste
Matthieu Ricard / docteur en génétique cellulaire et auteur
Pour ce numéro, intitulé «Le bonheur est-il dans le pré ?», FOG reçoit notamment Stéphane Le Foll, ministre de l'Agriculture, Pierre Rabhi, philosophe et agriculteur biologiste, et Matthieu Ricard, docteur en génétique cellulaire et auteur.
Franz-Olivier Giesbert / Présentateur
Mazarine Pingeot / Présentateur
Géraldine Muhlmann / Présentateur
Eliette Abécassis / Présentateur
Stéphane Le Foll / ministre de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt
Pierre Rabhi / philosophe et agriculteur biologiste
Matthieu Ricard / docteur en génétique cellulaire et auteur
published:21 Oct 2014
Plaidoyer pour les animaux : Matthieu Ricard répond aux questions de la Fondation Brigitte Bardot
Bekijk ook de docu De Drie Vergiften, met o.a. Matthieu Ricard:
Geertje was bij de boekpresentatie van 'Altruïsme', het nieuwste boek van Matthieu Ricard, ook wel bekend als 'the happiest man on earth'. Wat vindt hij eigenlijk van dat label? En hoe kijkt hij aan tegen de drie vergiften woede, hebzucht en onwetendheid? En last but not least: wordt meneer zelf nog weleens boos?
Bekijk ook de docu De Drie Vergiften, met o.a. Matthieu Ricard:
Geertje was bij de boekpresentatie van 'Altruïsme', het nieuwste boek van Matthieu Ricard, ook wel bekend als 'the happiest man on earth'. Wat vindt hij eigenlijk van dat label? En hoe kijkt hij aan tegen de drie vergiften woede, hebzucht en onwetendheid? En last but not least: wordt meneer zelf nog weleens boos?
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Matthieu RICARD, traducteur officiel en Français du Dalaï-Lama qui vient nous parler de son dernier livre "plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, mais aussi de l'import...
Matthieu RICARD, traducteur officiel en Français du Dalaï-Lama qui vient nous parler de son dernier livre "plaidoyer pour l'altruisme, mais aussi de l'import... What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these quest...
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
What is altruism? Put simply, it's the wish that other people may be happy. And, says Matt...
published:20 Jan 2015
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
What is altruism? Put simply, it's the wish that other people may be happy. And, says Matthieu Ricard, a happiness researcher and a Buddhist monk, altruism is also a great lens for making decisions, both for the short and long term, in work and in life.
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published:20 Jan 2015
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard shares the insights from his new book "Altruism" and explains how living m...
published:03 Jun 2015
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Altruism with Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard shares the insights from his new book "Altruism" and explains how living more compassionately brings amazing benefits for ourselves, the people around us and the wider world. This talk was recorded at an Action for Happiness event at the Camden Centre in London on 29 May 2015
published:03 Jun 2015
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Dans le cadre de sa nouvelle campagne, Colibris a proposé à plusieurs personnalités de rac...
published:03 Jun 2015
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Matthieu Ricard : ma (R)évolution intérieure
Dans le cadre de sa nouvelle campagne, Colibris a proposé à plusieurs personnalités de raconter leur "(R)évolution intérieure" : Pierre Rabhi, Zaz, Matthieu Ricard, Françoise Vernet, Frédéric Lopez, Thomas d'Ansembourg, Marc de La Ménardière...
Matthieu Ricard est moine bouddhiste, auteur de livres, traducteur et photographe. Après un premier voyage en Inde en 1967 où il rencontre de grands maîtres spirituels tibétains, il termine son doctorat en génétique cellulaire en 1972, et puis part s'installer définitivement dans la région de l'Himalaya où il vit maintenant depuis plus de 40 ans.
Interprète du Dalai Lama depuis 1989, il est aussi l'auteur de plusieurs livres dont "Le moine et le philosophe", un dialogue avec son père Jean-François Revel, "Plaidoyer pour le bonheur", "L’infini dans la paume de la main" (un dialogue avec l'astrophysicien Trinh Xuan Thuan), et "Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme".
Il est également un membre actif de l'Institut Mind and Life, une association qui cherche à approfondir la compréhension scientifique du fonctionnement de l'esprit dans le but de réduire la souffrance intérieure. Matthieu contribue à l'étude des bienfaits que l'entraînement de l'esprit et la méditation sur la compassion peuvent avoir sur le cerveau et est le cosignataire de plusieurs publications scientifiques.
L'intégralité des droits d'auteurs de ses livres sont dédiés à l'association humanitaire qu'il a créée, Karuna-Shechen, qui a développé plus de 130 projets éducatifs, médicaux, et sociaux dans la région himalayenne au bénéfice des populations les plus déshéritées.
Conception : Céline Morel / Colibris
Réalisation : FTSProd (contact :
published:03 Jun 2015
Matthieu Ricard on Happiness - part 1
Part 1 of Matthieu Ricard's talk on Happiness at the Action for Happiness event at Conway ...
The worlds happiest man" philosopher Matthieu Ricard explains how we can train our minds in habits of well-being. Follow the RSA on Twitter: http://www.twitt...
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer at Live Talks Los Angeles discussing his bo...
published:12 Jun 2015
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer
Matthieu Ricard in conversation with Pico Iyer at Live Talks Los Angeles discussing his book, "Altruisim: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World." Took place June 9, 2015 at the Annea and Jerry Moss Theatre. For more information on Live Talks Los Angeles -- upcoming events, videos and podcasts -- visit
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas nearly 40 years ago. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos and at TED where his first talk on happiness has been viewed by over four million people.
His new book is Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World. His previous books have been translated into over twenty languages and include The Monk and the Philosopher; The Quantum and the Lotus; Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill; and Why Meditate?, as well as five photography books.
As a trained scientist and Buddhist monk, he is uniquely positioned in the dialogue between East and West. He is an active participant in the current scientific research on the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes much of his time to the preservation of Tibetan literature and to humanitarian projects in Tibet, India, and Nepal.
Pico Iyer is the author of twelve books, on subjects as varied as Cuba, globalism, Graham Greene and the XIVth Dalai Lama, and writes up to 100 articles a year for magazines from The New York Review of Books to Harper’s, and Vanity Fair to Wired. He delivered popular TED talks in both 2013 and 2014—his most recent book is a small TED Original on the theme of stillness, and his talk on the nature of home attracted millions of viewers—and he has written a film script for Miramax, done many liner notes for Leonard Cohen and written introductions to more than 50 other books. Born in Oxford, England, and educated at Eton, Oxford and Harvard, he has been based, since 1987, in Western Japan, while traveling widely, everywhere from North Korea to Ethiopia and Yemen to Easter Island.
published:12 Jun 2015
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Google Tech Talks March 15, 2007 ABSTRACT If happiness is an inner state, influenced by ex...
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
Google Tech Talks March 15, 2007 ABSTRACT If happiness is an inner state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on them, how can we achieve it?...
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? avec Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André et Antoine Guggenheim
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? avec Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André et Antoine Guggenheim
Et Dieu dans tout ça ? du 28 avril 2014 au Collège des Bernardins INTERVENANTS Matthieu Ricard, moine bouddhiste dans la tradition Tibétaine, auteur de Plaid...
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhis...
published:11 Jun 2015
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion at Google
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over forty-five years ago. He is an internationally bestselling author and an active participant in the current scientific research of the effects of meditation on the brain. He lives in Nepal and devotes most of his time to 140 humanitarian projects in Tibet, Nepal and India.
In Meng’s words, Matthieu is a true gem in this world. He may be the world's best bridge between modern science and ancient wisdom.
Matthieu introduces the concept of meditation and leads a practice that includes mindful breathing, altruistic love, compassion, rejoicing and impartiality. He concludes emphasizing the value of caring mindfulness.
A session of questions and answers followed the meditation.
published:11 Jun 2015
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
A l'occasion de la 3e édition du Forum international de l'évolution de la conscience, Matt...
published:03 Nov 2014
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
Matthieu Ricard : Conscience et méditation
A l'occasion de la 3e édition du Forum international de l'évolution de la conscience, Matthieu Ricard explique comment nous pouvons transformer notre conscience grâce à la méditation.
Produit par l'INREES
Retrouvez les évènements de l’extraordinaire sur
Forum organisé par EnlightenNext France - et Agence Integral Vision -
Chaque année, le Forum international de l’évolution de la conscience réunit des visionnaires du monde entier pour partager des paradigmes émergents et des nouvelles perspectives susceptibles de catalyser une évolution fondamentale de la conscience.
Cette année, la 3e édition du Forum a eu pour thème : « Comprendre pour évoluer : la science de l’évolution de la conscience ». Car une fois que nous comprenons le besoin pressant de faire évoluer notre vision du monde, la question suivante se pose : comment mettre en place une telle démarche au quotidien ? Comment la faire grandir en nous, individuellement et collectivement ?
published:03 Nov 2014
Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme: Matthieu at TEDxParis
Filmé à TEDxParis le 28 novembre 2013 à la Gaîté Lyrique. Plus d'interventions sur http://...
Filmé à TEDxParis le 28 novembre 2013 à la Gaîté Lyrique. Plus d'interventions sur Matthieu Ricard, est un moine bouddhiste, interprète...
Es posible "enseñar" la Felicidad y hacer feliz a un país desde la escuela. Ciencias Cognitivas y Meditación 26 hombres para salvar al Mundo - El hombre más ...
Entendiendo la felicidad o el bienestar por Matthieu Ricard
Entendiendo la felicidad o el bienestar por Matthieu Ricard
Si deseas ver la plática completa de Mathieu Ricard sobre los hábitos de la felicidad sigue el siguiente vínculo:
Six years ago he gave us Happiness, a bestseller that has helped millions lead more satisf...
published:02 Jul 2015
Altruism: Matthieu Ricard with Richard Gere
Altruism: Matthieu Ricard with Richard Gere
Six years ago he gave us Happiness, a bestseller that has helped millions lead more satisfied lives.
Now Matthieu Ricard, the French molecular biologist turned Buddhist monk, returns with the groundbreaking Altruism, which shows that altruism is more than a lofty ideal—it’s a quality that resides within us all. And if we tap into it, we can change our world today. Draw fresh wisdom from the guru whose TED talk has been viewed nearly five million times when he joins Richard Gere—actor, activist and Buddhist—in conversation.
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published:02 Jul 2015
Cultivating Altruism - Matthieu Ricard
This is a shortened version of Matthieu's 2014 talk (
published:14 Jul 2015
Cultivating Altruism - Matthieu Ricard
Cultivating Altruism - Matthieu Ricard
This is a shortened version of Matthieu's 2014 talk (, published by Happy & Well), and is included in the Graduate Readings of the freely-offered online mindfulness course (MBSR) found at It also includes a short segment from Matthieu's 2015 TED talk on Altruism (
published:14 Jul 2015
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 1/3)
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3:
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 1/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 1/3)
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 2/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 2/3)
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 3/3)
[TED pt_BR] Matthieu Ricard: Habitos da Felicidade (parte 3/3)
A receita de felicidade de um monge. *** Parte 1/3: Parte 2/3: Parte 3/3:...
Chade-Meng Tan et Mathieu Ricard : conférence "Connectez-vous à vous-même"
Chade-Meng Tan et Mathieu Ricard : conférence "Connectez-vous à vous-même"
Conférence sur l'Intelligence Émotionnelle en entreprise A l'occasion de la publication de son livre en français, +Chade-Meng Tan, ingénieur chez #Google et créateur du programme d'...
In this dialogue CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, asks scientist and Buddhist...
published:06 Jul 2015
Conversations on Compassion with Matthieu Ricard
Conversations on Compassion with Matthieu Ricard
In this dialogue CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, asks scientist and Buddhist monk, Matthieu Ricard, about his life’s work and what role compassion may have played. This event is an hour-long dialogue followed by questions from the audience.
Born in France in 1946, Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who left a career in cellular genetics to study Buddhism in the Himalayas over 45 years ago. As a trained scientist and Buddhist monk, he is uniquely positioned in the dialogue between East and West. He is an international best-selling author and a prominent speaker on the world stage, celebrated at the World Economic Forum at Davos and at TED where over four million people have viewed his talk on happiness. He also founded Karuna-Shechen, which provides health care, education, and social services for the under-served people of India, Nepal, and Tibet.
To learn more about CCARE, visit
published:06 Jul 2015
Matthieu Ricard : Vers une revolution altruiste. Conférence sur l'altruisme. La Maison 24 Périgueux
Vendredi 31 octobre 2014, la révolution altruiste s’est mise en marche à Périgueux. 830 pe...
published:08 Nov 2014
Matthieu Ricard : Vers une revolution altruiste. Conférence sur l'altruisme. La Maison 24 Périgueux
Matthieu Ricard : Vers une revolution altruiste. Conférence sur l'altruisme. La Maison 24 Périgueux
Vendredi 31 octobre 2014, la révolution altruiste s’est mise en marche à Périgueux. 830 personnes sont venues assister à la conférence de Matthieu Ricard, dont l’intégralité des recettes fut versée à La Maison 24, association d'aide alimentaire et humanitaire domiciliée en Dordogne.
Vidéo de la conférence : discours de la Présidente de La Maison 24, conférence de Matthieu Ricard. En fin de soirée, le Docteur Xavier Emmanuelli (co-fondateur du SAMU et de Médecins sans Frontière) le rejoint pour un échange sur l'urgence d'une révolution altruiste.
published:08 Nov 2014
Mude sua Mente. Mude o Mundo. Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard é autor de diversos best sellers, tradutor, fotógrafo e monge budista, aut...
Matthieu Ricard é autor de diversos best sellers, tradutor, fotógrafo e monge budista, autor de "Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill...
Matthieu Ricard 1 of 5 Why Are You Called the Happiest Man in the World?
Matthieu Ricard 1 of 5 Why Are You Called the Happiest Man in the World?
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interview Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in the ...
Matthieu Ricard 3 of 5 How Do You Cultivate Happiness?
Matthieu Ricard 3 of 5 How Do You Cultivate Happiness?
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Matthieu Ricard 5 of 5 What Are These Techniques to Train the Mind?
Matthieu Ricard 5 of 5 What Are These Techniques to Train the Mind?
Young Londoners from Bethnal Green Academy and Hampton School interviewed Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk that popular media called the happiest man in th...
Interview with Matthieu Ricard for Spanish Television during the Mind and Life Conference "Educating World Citizens for the 21st Century." Washington. DC. Oc...
En exclusivité pour Sérénitae, la première partie de l'interview de Matthieu Ricard, Moine...
published:24 Sep 2013
Interview Matthieu Ricard 1
Interview Matthieu Ricard 1
En exclusivité pour Sérénitae, la première partie de l'interview de Matthieu Ricard, Moine Bouddhiste, traducteur et conseillé de sa sainteté le Dalaï Lama
published:24 Sep 2013
Interview de Matthieu Ricard par Guillaume Decitre
A l'occasion de la parution de son ouvrage Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme aux éditions du Nil ...
Interview de Matthieu Ricard par Guillaume Decitre
Interview de Matthieu Ricard par Guillaume Decitre
A l'occasion de la parution de son ouvrage Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme aux éditions du Nil et de sa venue sur Lyon , Matthieu Ricard s'est entretenu avec guil...
Interview with Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and Venerable Matthieu Ricard
Interview with Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and Venerable Matthieu Ricard
Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche is the abbot of Shechen Monastery and grandson of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Venerable Matthieu Ricard is a French Buddhist monk, write...
Interview de Matthieu Ricard, écrivain et moine boudhiste, pendant la Web TV de l'Université de la Terre 2013 qui s'est déroulé les 27 avril 2013 au Palais d...
LGQ (Pierre Rahbi, S. Le Foll, M. Ricard) - 16/10/2014
Pour ce numéro, intitulé «Le bonheur est-il dans le pré ?», FOG reçoit notamment Stéphane ...
published:21 Oct 2014
LGQ (Pierre Rahbi, S. Le Foll, M. Ricard) - 16/10/2014
LGQ (Pierre Rahbi, S. Le Foll, M. Ricard) - 16/10/2014
Pour ce numéro, intitulé «Le bonheur est-il dans le pré ?», FOG reçoit notamment Stéphane Le Foll, ministre de l'Agriculture, Pierre Rabhi, philosophe et agriculteur biologiste, et Matthieu Ricard, docteur en génétique cellulaire et auteur.
Franz-Olivier Giesbert / Présentateur
Mazarine Pingeot / Présentateur
Géraldine Muhlmann / Présentateur
Eliette Abécassis / Présentateur
Stéphane Le Foll / ministre de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt
Pierre Rabhi / philosophe et agriculteur biologiste
Matthieu Ricard / docteur en génétique cellulaire et auteur
Little girl discovered head down in the pipe of a public toilet in western Beijing. A newborn baby girl is recovering in hospital after being found dumped inside a toilet in western Beijing. Residents discovered the baby – one of an estimated 10,000 children abandoned each year in China – trapped in a pipe under a lavatory after hearing her crying ... ....
HARTFORD, Conn. -- Rapper 50 Cent says in a Connecticut bankruptcy court filing he spends $108,000 a month on his expenses, including $5,000 for gardening ... ....
MANSFIELD, Ohio — A drone dropped a package of drugs into a prison yard while inmates were outside, sparking a fight, prison officials said. The package was dropped July 29 at the MansfieldCorrectional Institution, about 65 miles southwest of Cleveland... They used pepper spray to control the fight ... ....
There’s lots of talk about what’s wrong with IBM, lots of opinions about how the strategies of the old CEOs undermined today’s IBM, and just as many about the company’s lack of vision. Unless you’re in the technology trenches, you probably don’t know how emotional these discussions can get. there [...] ... ....
He is the Buddhist monk, photographer and author MatthieuRicard, the 69-year-old Frenchman, an erstwhile molecular biologist at Institute Pasteur, who abandoned a distinguished career and opted to don the saffron robe ... But Ricard’s abilities were head and shoulders above the others involved in the trials.”. Today, Ricard is a close associate and French interpreter of the Dalai Lama....
Renowned Buddhist monkMatthieuRicard believes we similarly should cultivate our ability to care and show compassion - not only in our personal lives, but professionally, too ...Ricard ... Ricard ... Ricard ... Ricard ... Ricard ... MatthieuRicard, who lives in the Himalays, says care and compassion are important for protecting nature for future generations ... MatthieuRicard at ShechenMobileClinic at JP Nagar village in December 2010. � MatthieuRicard....
MatthieuRicard has lived many lives ... After his initial departure to India in 1972, Ricard spent many years living in silent contemplation in the Himalayas ... Those father-son conversations were to become the first of many dialogues between East and West that have defined Ricard’s illustrious career ... For Ricard, exploring altruism -- the selfless concern for the well-being of others -- was a natural next step after last book on happiness....
By. Stacy Kim. David Brooks has written several op-ed pieces for The New York Times, coinciding with the launch of his new book The Road to Character. (You can find one here and another here.) Of the three I have read thus far, I found myself thinking about The Moral Bucket List the most ... "We live in the culture of the Big Me ... ... MatthieuRicard, a scientist-turned-Buddhist monk and author of Happiness ... About humility, he writes. ... "... 1 ... 2....
The Dalai Lama's 80th Birthday Wish Is That We All Live #WithCompassion. While I love his wish, I say let's take it a step further ... We must grow compassion education." ... Photo credit ... Dr ... MatthieuRicard, a FrenchBuddhist monk, will discuss how compassion can change not only us, but also the world -- if we are willing to make a paradigm shift from a consumptive, self-centered way of thinking to a more selfless, altruistic way of behaving....
Below is my open letter to LinkedIn CEO, Jeff Weiner. Originally published on LinkedIn on June 22. Dear Jeff.. There's no doubt that LinkedIn has become the world's best place to connect professionally and build your network ... And that can make all the difference ... Just as you heard from your fireside chat with MatthieuRicard about his new book Altruism, I got the same message while interviewing the Dalai Lama for A Force for Good ... ....
Type “Happiest Person in the World” into your search engine, and there’s MatthieuRicard, the French-born biologist turned Tibetan monk and close associate of the Dalai Lama. That’s a lot to live up to, especially as Ricard earned the title when a scan of his brain showed the highest-yet recorded activity in areas associated with positive emotions ...Ricard responded with several points ... And this is one of Ricard’s central points....
Why do we do good and is there a way we can do more of it? In his important new book, Altruism, MatthieuRicard lays out the scientific and ethical framework for how we can change ourselves and the world with intentional compassion....
MatthieuRicard, PhD, is often referred to as the "happiest man in the world," after he participated in a series of research studies several years ago on the effects of meditation on the brain....
MatthieuRicard is officially the Happiest Man in the World. This French-born Buddhist monk and confidant of the Dalai Lama was found by US neuroscientists to be, of all the people whose brain patterns were monitored, the one in the greatest and most consistent state of bliss. Recently Mr Ricard gave an interview in which he suggested he is not alone in his happiness ...Independent on Sunday's Happy List2015 in full ... Happy List 2015 ... --> ... ....