David Bottrill; Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO, Australia)
The former
National Treasurer, now confessed '
Life Member", of the
Satanic group,
Ordo Templi Orientis (
OTO) -
Grand Lodge of
Australia, Mr
David Bottrill, has taken legal action against 6 of us, in the
ACT Civil & Administrative
Michael Borisiewicz
Teresa van
Amber Pryor
Arthur &
Fiona Cristian
I was one of 11 administrators in the facebook group, Lukes
Army, and Mr Bottrill picked my name out of the list, along with 3 other admins, based on posts made by Mr Borisiewicz.
Bottrill sued a woman doctor,
Raina Michaelson (correction;
PHD, not a medical doctor), and CSAAP, in
2005, the case was reported by the
Herald Sun. Bottrill works for the federal department of immigration.
Public analysis and critique has alleged the OTO Australia is a Satanic pedophile group, involving political and govt men, and the cover up of pedophilia in Australia, by govt men.
Freemasons, also receive similar public critique.
Under freedom of speech and political communication, public discussion and critique
of individuals and groups, in the public domain, is normal and an important aspect of democracy.
Athol Morris,
Registrar, of the Civil & Administrative Tribunal, ACT, posted me Mr Bottrill's original proceeding documents, with the tribunal's envelope and franked address on it, constituting an abuse of process by the tribunal. Also, Mr Morris sent me a 2 page letter, dated 27th June 2014, advancing Mr Bottrill's legal and material argument (see video part 2).
Mr Bottrill, you harassed me, wasted my time, and caused stress to me, with your foolish action; this will be resolved in the public domain, and I personally now demand you publish a list of names of your membership group, to ascertain the political and govt men involved in the OTO
I guarantee, I won't be paying a cent, or subjecting myself to any court or tribunal 'orders' regarding this issue, or any others;
Australian courts require significant reform on account of political & govt men and women serving the govt, and the corporate sector, with violence and corruption, destroying our rights, interests, and freedoms.
Also, the public deserves to know the membership list and names of Freemasons in Australia, also believed in the public domain to be Satanic men working in the govt, and associated with child sexual violence.
Other than Michael, we won based on my 58 page
Final Submission filed in the ACT is available for public reading at link below;
Voter Rights
Party (Australia); join us on fb at link below