May Day Message of Solidarity with Imprisoned Iranian Workers

To imprisoned workers of Iran:

Dear friends,

This yearʼs International Workersʼ Day is approaching at a time when you are in prison. We know that among you there are many like Farzad Kamangar who sacrificed his life to defend the human dignity of the humble masses that are forced to sell their labour for meagre wages. And there are many more of you who like Mansour Osanloo, Ebrahim Madadi, Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, Reza Shahabi and others, have languished in prison with many dark years still ahead simply for defending workersʼ basic human rights.

Others who have gone to prison for organizing workers have continued to be punished by the ruling legal and political regime after their release, being forced out of work and thus deprived of their only source of income, creating unbearable conditions for them and their families. The government, judiciary and intelligence machinery in Iran have proven that any attempt by workers to establish independent labour organizations and defend their livelihood will be met with swift vengeance, a fact that violates both international agreements Iran is a party to and tramples on the governmentʼs own laws.

Panels on Anarchism at the Left Forum

The Left Forum (formerly the Socialist Scholars Conference) will be held on March 18, 19, & 20. It will be at Pace University, 1 Pace Plaza, Manhattan, opposite City Hall Park. It costs to enter, but they have a sliding scale and they say that no one is turned away for being unemployed, etc.


  • The Crisis, the Fightback, and Solidarity, from Anarchist and Marxist Perspectives
  • What's unique about anarchist solidarity?
  • Anarchism and Its Aspirations: Discussing Social Anarchism in the Current Moment

Freedom #8

Download it.

Previous issues: #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, #1

The Revolution in North Africa is Shaking the World!

The revolutionary change sweeping North Africa and the Arab world offers great hope for the workers and oppressed people of the Earth. The demands for democracy and a decent life are shared by millions, if not billions, of people. At the same time the world’s capitalists stand exposed, out of touch and terrified by the movement they are witnessing.

American Renaissance conference smashed- Again!

The weekend of February 4th-6th 2011, the white nationalists of American Renaissance tried to resurrect their destroyed conference of 2010, this time trying Charlotte NC instead of their usual metro DC conference. NEFAC joined on to a coalition spearheaded by One People's Project and the Southern Anti-Racism Network to make sure that the AmRen conference didn't happen smoothly. And it didn't. AmRen 2011 was cancelled. And in its place, Charlotte had a forum on combatting white supremacy.

Interview with a Tahrir Square Revolutionary

NEFAC's International Secretary briefly interviewed Asser, a participant in the Egyptian uprising and witness to the Baltagayyah attacks on the Tahrir Square demonstrations.

Pittsburgh rallies to support locked-out Steel Workers

Pittsburgh rallies to support locked-out Steel Workers of Local 1005 of Hamilton, Ontario.

On Jan. 29th, 2011, at 1pm, two cities showed that workers' solidarity
cannot be confined by national borders. While the steel workers of
Ontario's Local 1005 and thousands of their supporters held a march and
rally to protest US Steel for locking them out of their jobs, their fellow
workers and allies held a protest at the US Steel Headquarters in
Pittsburgh, PA.

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