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Eternal Word Art Prints: decorate your walls with a message!
Like these Art Prints?
See them in Jack Chick's gospel film, "The Light of the World"


  • Eternal Word Art Print - 'Homegoing'
  • Eternal Word Art Print - 'Heavenly Home'
  • Eternal Word Art Print - 'Glorious Reunion'
  • Eternal Word Art Print - 'Ministering Angels'
  • Eternal Word Art Print - 'Well Done'
  • Eternal Word Art Print - 'Tormented Forever'
  • Eternal Word Art Print - 'Lost Without Christ'

We are always looking for ways to get people talking about Jesus Christ. The cartoons in Chick tracts often stop people in their tracks and focus their minds on spiritual things, but there must be more ways to promote a witness.

Eternal Word Art Prints are real attention-getters. Hang them on the wall at home, at church, or even in your business. Along with the Scripture reference at the bottom of each print, they will turn the attention to spiritual things. We hope this will give you a chance to witness. There is another benefit, too. When you hang them in your home, they will constantly remind you of the hope that we have in Jesus.

'And thou shalt write them [God's Word] upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.' Deut. 6:9

Ways to use Eternal Word Art Prints:

  • Frame and hang at home for friends and relatives to see and comment on
  • Discussion starter on youth room wall
  • Gifts to family or pastor
  • College dorm walls
  • "Homegoing" would be a great encouragement on the wall at a funeral home
  • Post in your small business as a witness. Have tracts in plastic display below it.
  • Tape to inside of a rear car window to give a message to people in parking lots
  • Gifts for prisoners to remind them of the Lord while incarcerated
  • Hang in church foyer
  • Hang in Sunday school classrooms and discuss the message
  • Put them on the walls in your Christian school. Students won't forget them!

Order Below:

Scripture text: "Absent from the body... present with the Lord. II Corinthians 5:8"

Size: 11" x 14"
Price: $11.99


Heavenly Home
Scripture text: "...and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I Thessalonians 4:17"

Size: 11" x 14"
Price: $11.99


Glorious Reunion
Scripture text: "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. I Corinthians 2:9"

Size: 11" x 14"
Price: $11.99


Ministering Angels
Scripture text: "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalms 91:11"

Size: 11" x 14"
Price: $11.99


Well Done
Scripture text: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant... Matthew 25:21"

Size: 11" x 14"
Price: $11.99


Tormented Forever
Scripture text: "And the smoke of their torment ascendenth up for ever and ever. Revelation 14:11"

Size: 11" x 14"
Price: $11.99


Lost Without Christ
(Over 2 feet long!)
Scripture text: "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15"

Click to view larger image
Size: 12.25" x 27.75"
Price: $14.99

We do not carry frames. However, all but the largest prints fit in standard frames available at your local discount or craft supply store. Put one on the wall and listen for comments from friends or relatives that can start a discussion about Jesus Christ. You may get a chance to share a tract, or even your testimony.

These prints cannot be shipped in the same box as your tract or book order. They will come by separate mail (at no extra shipping charge in the U.S.). Order today and get a discussion started with someone who needs Jesus!